Holiday for the New Year in Abkhazia: reviews of tourists

Many of our compatriots dream of going to celebrate the New Year in Europe or some warm exotic country. However, not everyone can afford such a pleasure. Traveling abroad requires advance planning, it is not out of place to not only evaluate and think through all the conditions, but also to get acquainted with the traditions of the country that you decide to visit. There is an alternative option - to celebrate the New Year in Abkhazia. What is it good for and what are the pros and cons of this option for celebrating the main holiday of the year?

Advantages of winter holidays in Abkhazia

New Year in Abkhazia
This country is associated among Russians with inexpensive summer vacations at sea. What to do in winter in the Abkhaz resorts, whose climate is slightly different from the coast of the Krasnodar Territory? The correct answer is to enjoy your winter break. Abkhazia attracts with low prices and transport accessibility. You can get here by train, plane or bus. What is especially nice - the residents of Russia will not need a passport or a special permission to enter. It is warm enough here in the winter months; New Year is celebrated in Abkhazia on a grand scale. At the same time, there are much fewer tourists than in the summer months, and many attractions are available for visiting.

Choose a tour

Holiday for the new year in Abkhazia
Recently, Abkhazia is increasingly positioned as a country for year-round recreation. Many large motels and small hotels don’t even think of closing for “off-season” and throughout the year please tourists with entertainment, treatment and rehabilitation. For the New Year and Christmas, as well as school winter holidays , ready-made tours are offered. You can find packages with or without food, with treatment. Buying a ready-made tour, you can be sure that the New Year in Abkhazia will be a real holiday, not overshadowed by domestic problems. Any hotel or medical and preventive complex pleases its guests with a festive banquet and show program on the night of December 31 to January 1. In the following evenings, discos and children's daytime parties await holidaymakers. However, not everyone likes the option of buying a finished tour; many vacationers like to plan their vacation on their own and personally choose every little thing.

Self-organization of winter holidays

New year in Abkhazia reviews of tourists
Holidays for the New Year in Abkhazia, if desired, can be organized on their own. The most important thing you should do is to choose a transport and book tickets, as well as to find accommodation in advance. In the winter months there are no problems with accommodation. There are places in sanatoriums, rest homes, hotels, do not forget about housing for rent from private owners. It will be possible to solve the issue of celebrating New Year's Eve, meals and excursions immediately after arriving on vacation. Many resorts sell tickets for banquets and New Year's shows to everyone, and not just their guests. Holiday programs and delicious dinners are also offered at local cafes and restaurants. The hospitable owners will surely call the tourists who rented rooms from local residents to the table. And you can celebrate the New Year in Abkhazia in a close circle of family or close friends, covering your own dinner in a hotel room or on the beach.

Private New Year Accommodation

New year in abkhazia reviews
A good option is to rent a room or a guest house from local residents for the winter holidays. In the tourist "off season", many private owners lose their main source of income, due to which there is a fierce struggle for vacationers choosing this accommodation option. And this means that every tourist will receive maximum attention and the best conditions. Why is it good to rent housing from local residents for the New Year in Abkhazia? The private sector is an accommodation option that will allow you to enjoy the coziness and informal atmosphere. For a small fee (and sometimes without it), you can enjoy national cuisine, fresh fruits and vegetables, natural wine and chacha. Abkhazians are very hospitable, during the holidays, homeowners will help solve all domestic problems, plan tourist excursions and will be happy to tell many interesting legends and introduce tourists to local traditions.

What to do in winter in Abkhazia?

Winter vacations spent in the sunniest country will allow you to truly relax. The local subtropical climate is characterized by warm winters with little rainfall. Abkhazia will be pleased with good environmental conditions. The combination of mountains, sea and virgin forests makes the air in any region of the country incredibly clean and fresh. New Year's Eve in Abkhazia will be what you are planning. Holidays can be spent sleeping off and trying daily new gastronomic delights or exploring local attractions and taking a course of rehabilitation.

New Year tours

Many sights of the country are available for visiting even after the end of the tourist season. In winter, it is interesting to visit Lake Ritsa, cafes and water transport rentals are closed here, so the great pond looks more natural and seems truly wild. In New Athos, you can visit the local monastery and caves. The streets of major tourist cities are also being transformed into holidays. Have you ever seen a palm tree decorated with a festive garland? Admire the greens and flowering plants will also succeed, the average air temperature of the winter months +16. The weather sometimes pleases with precipitation in the form of rain and snow, perhaps it is for you to be lucky enough to see snow-covered palm trees.

Treatment and Wellness

New Year's Eve in Abkhazia
Holidays for the New Year in Abkhazia can be not only interesting and enjoyable, but also beneficial to health. Most local resorts operate year-round, offering discounted treatment programs during the winter months. But still, the most popular seasonal procedure is bathing in thermal springs. It is believed that such natural baths help get rid of many diseases and have a positive effect on immunity. The maximum benefit can be derived precisely in the cool season, since the combination of warm water and cold air enhances the effect of such therapy.

New Year in Abkhazia: reviews of tourists who have tried winter travel

New year in Abkhazia private sector
During the winter holidays, an increasing number of our compatriots go to neighboring countries, and not to distant Thailand or Turkey. Most of those who have already tried this trip are satisfied. Low prices, sincere atmosphere, lack of language barrier - all this is New Year in Abkhazia. Reviews of tourists are mostly enthusiastic. In the summer months, this country is incredibly beautiful, but there are too many tourists. And in winter here, on the contrary, you can relax peacefully, with a soul, and see the real Abkhazia. The mere contemplation of deserted beaches and sea waves is worth a lot. However, some tourists manage to swim during the New Year holidays.

Unhappy, some vacationers remain specific hotels, restaurants and other public institutions. The nature and climate of Abkhazia in the winter are extremely pleasing; leisure options are also sufficient. If you want to celebrate the New Year in Abkhazia, negative reviews should not scare you. Feel free to go on vacation, and even if something goes wrong, do not focus on the festive banquet menu or the design of the hotel room, but try to get the most out of your winter vacation!


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