Internal functions of the state

The essence and functions of the state are the main directions of its activity in solving the problems facing it. They are implemented by intrinsic methods and in characteristic forms.

The internal functions of the state are the main directions of its activity in solving its internal problems. Thus, domestic policy is characterized.

The main internal functions of the state are divided into regulatory and protective.

The first ones are aimed at the formation of social production, worthy conditions for the formation of a fully developed individual and the whole society, as well as the organization of the economy in the country. The regulatory internal functions of the state include social, economic, financial control, ideological, cultural and educational.

Economic tasks include ensuring the normal development and functioning of the economic sector. The solution of these problems is reduced to the formation and execution of the budget, ensuring equal conditions for the work of different forms of ownership. In addition, the economic internal functions of the state also include the definition of a strategy for economic development in society, the establishment of a legal framework, the promotion of pricing policies, and entrepreneurial activity.

The solution of social problems is an activity in a complex aimed at providing assistance and services to members of society. At the same time, measures are being taken to meet the needs of the population of a social nature, the necessary standard of living is maintained, optimal working conditions are provided, and its payment is provided. In addition, the social functions include providing decent living conditions for categories of citizens who, for objective reasons, cannot work fully (pensioners, unemployed, disabled people).

The tasks of financial control are accounting and identifying household incomes, taxation. Population taxes are intended to cover the expenses necessary for maintaining the state apparatus, redistributing income among different categories of the population, and ensuring the prospective cultural, economic and other development of the country. Effective development of market relations is possible only on the basis of a stable tax system. Thus, the implementation of the above tasks is the implementation of the relevant powers of state power. Along with this, the market economy today necessitates considering these tasks as specific binding relations between taxpayers and the government.

The cultural and educational function is designed to provide the educational and cultural level of citizens, characteristic of a civilized society. At the same time, conditions are created for the participation of the population in cultural life, the use of achievements and cultural institutions.

The fulfillment of ideological tasks consists in supporting a certain ideology, maintaining a culture, and organizing education.

The state’s internal security functions are the protection of the freedoms and rights of citizens, the observance of the rule of law, legality and other relations regulated and established by law. These include:

  1. A law enforcement task aimed at strengthening the rule of law and the rule of law in the country. The observance of the freedoms and rights of a citizen and a person largely depends on the performance of this function.
  2. Ecological tasks are to ensure the legal regime of environmental management. This function in modern life is of great importance, especially in developed countries.
  3. Political tasks are implemented in the relevant institutions of power, through which the power of the people and the direct influence of state power are ensured.


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