What is a rotunda? Rotunda in secular and sacred architecture

In literary works of a romantic nature, the rotunda is often a meeting place for lovers. What is this building? And is there any construction at all? In the works of the beginning and the middle of the 19th century, heroines are dressed in a rotunda. This word seems to have several meanings. Indeed, in the description of the architecture of churches we come across the term β€œrotunda”. What is it? We will try to find out in this article. Below we consider not only the etymology of the word, which was embodied in park arbors and women's mantles, but also provide interesting facts about the rotund located in St. Petersburg. What myths fills this type of building?

Rotunda is

What is a rotunda?

The origin of this word is Latin. Rotundus in translation simply means "round." And before the rotunda became an architectural term for Italian architects, it already existed in ancient buildings. Ancient Greek monopters and thalos are built in the shape of circles. Some pagan temples in the Roman Empire are also rotundas. An example is the Pantheon. Later, buildings based on a circle began to be used in Christian sacred architecture. These are mainly baptisteries, which used to be separate buildings from churches, and some churches. It turns out that the rotunda is a cylindrical building crowned with a round dome. But it is not so. We can meet rotundas without walls at all. Instead, they create a circle evenly spaced columns. And there are rotundas without a roof at all. So, in Greek constructions only a portico served as a roof.

Rotunda in St. Petersburg

Church Rotundas

When constructing temples, the Christian Church took as an example the ancient mausoleums, which were round in their layout. The first temples for believers were a place of remembrance and veneration of the holy martyrs. Perhaps that is why the form of pantheons was taken for the planning of churches. Italian architects actively used the rotunda in their work. This influenced the sacred architecture not only in southern Europe, but also in Kievan Rus. We find temples-rotundas of the XI-XII centuries in Galich, Lviv, Vladimir-Volynsky, Przemysl. The foundations of round churches in Uzhgorod, Nizhankovichi, Chernihivtsi, Stolpye date back to the 13th century. The earliest rotunda church in the northern part of Kievan Rus was discovered in Smolensk. This is the church of the German Virgin, which was built in the second half of the XII century by order of foreign merchants. But this architectural form quickly took root in Russian architecture. Even in the pre-Petrine era, when it was fashionable to invite the construction of churches of Italian masters, rotundas appeared in Moscow monasteries. Centuries later, they could be found everywhere.

Gazebo rotunda

Rotundas in secular architecture

Buildings in the form of an ideal circle in the Roman era were often erected as mausoleums, pantheons. Therefore, secular architecture of the times of classicism, wanting to inherit ancient samples, began to use rotundas. These were mausoleums glorifying the fallen heroes. As a rule, the walls of such buildings were decorated with columns, and a rounded dome served as a roof. With the advent of the romantic era, pantheons began to be built in parks. These small structures have become an integral part of landscape design. The rotunda in the park did not always inherit the pantheon. She could have no walls. Many parks are decorated with rotundas in the form of columns standing around a circle connected by a low dome. But there are also buildings reminiscent of romantic chapels.

Rotunda in the park

Rotunda in St. Petersburg

The house on the corner of the Fontanka embankment and Gorokhovaya street hides a rather mystical object. Looking at the gloomy building typical of St. Petersburg, it is impossible to guess that the rotunda is hidden in it. How did this rounded architectural element appear in a rectangular house? Nobody can accurately answer this question. The house was built in the XVIII century, but was subsequently rebuilt several times. The rotunda probably remained from the original design. Now it is, as it were, hidden in the β€œcase” of the new house: the dome rests in the attic, the windows face the courtyard. Due to its secrecy, the rotunda in St. Petersburg is covered with the darkest legends. It is believed that it is the center of the universe, a certain axis of being, and here at midnight you can meet Satan. In the 80-90s of the last century, the rotunda became a place of visiting not only all kinds of esotericists, but also informal youth. There were V. Tsoi and Kinchev. Recently, the beautiful rotunda has been so spoiled by Vandal graffiti that the inhabitants of the house introduced an entrance fee - as much as 70 rubles. For the money, they are restoring this landmark of St. Petersburg.

Other meanings of the word "rotunda"

In architecture, the term means the construction of a cylindrical shape, regardless of what function it performs: a church, pavilion or gazebo. The rotunda is also the name of the upper women's clothing in the form of a spacious cape. She was in fashion in the XVIII-XIX centuries. In the Middle Ages, a round dance was called a round dance. There is also the same name in typography. It means a type of gothic font.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45535/

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