Where are propionic acid bacteria found?

Propionic acid bacteria, the properties of which will be discussed later, are combined by the genus Propionibacterium. He, in turn, is part of the Propionibacteriaceae family. Let us consider in more detail what characteristics propionic acid bacteria possess , where these microorganisms are contained and used.

propionic acid bacteria


Propionic acid bacteria are catalase-positive, gram-positive, motionless, non-spore-forming aerotolerate microorganisms or facultative anaerobes. The optimum temperature for their growth is 30-37 degrees. They form colonies of brown, red, orange, cream or yellow. Bacterial cells are club-shaped. One end is narrowed, the other is rounded. The shape of some cells may resemble a cocoon, be branched or forked. Elements are arranged individually, in pairs, as well as short chains. Propionic acid bacteria contain C15-saturated fatty acid of membrane lipids, menaquinones. When fermented, they form a specific substance. It is propionic acid. She, in fact, gave the name to these microorganisms. The genus Propionibacterium includes three groups of bacteria: Propionibacterium propionicus, cutaneous and classic.


The propionic acid bacteria of cheese and milk belong to the classical type. They include 4 species: P. Acidipropionici, P. Jensenii, P. Thoenii, and P. Freudenreichii. Cutaneous propionic acid bacteria live, respectively, on the skin of people in the rumen of various ruminants. They are considered as biological protection and beneficial microflora. Propionic acid bacteria of this type provide enhanced immunostimulating reactions, have a beneficial effect on farm birds and animals. In this regard, they are used as components of prophylactic and therapeutic agents. Skin bacteria do not only live on a healthy surface. They are found in acne, less often in the contents of the stomach, soft and purulent tissue abscesses, blood, wounds. However, their involvement in the occurrence of diseases has not been reliably established. The third group of bacteria includes only Propionibacterium propionicus. They live in the soil.

propionic acid bacteria bacteria

Synthetic ability

They are quite developed in propionic acid bacteria, but differ depending on the species and strain. It has now been established that some bacteria have the ability to fix molecular nitrogen, synthesize vitamins on their own (in particular, B12), and use hydrocarbons. During fermentation, they emit biomass, which is widely used in practice. In addition, the product of their activity is acetic and propionic acids.

Enzymatically Inactive Biomass: Application

The synthesis product is used:

  1. In animal husbandry. Inactive biomass acts as a protein of a unicellular organism. Of particular importance are sulfur-containing amino acids, in particular methionine, threonine and lysine, B-group vitamins, and trace elements. They are found in large quantities in biomass, which is secreted by propionic acid bacteria.
  2. Preparations created from skin-killed microorganisms killed by heat have an immunostimulating, antibacterial, antiviral effect. In addition, during the studies it was found that P. Acnes have the ability to slow down the growth of various kinds of tumors, including malignant ones.
  3. Killed P. Granulosum act as a source of porphyrins. They, along with metal complexes, are used as pigments and dyes, including in the food industry, as catalysts for redox reactions, oxidation of mercaptans in oil and oil products, hydrocarbons, etc. In addition, P. Granulosum can be used to create therapeutic and diagnostic drugs.

propionic acid bacteria properties

Active biomass

Currently, products that secrete propionic acid bacteria are used in a wide variety of fields . Ferment , in particular, is one of the most common ingredients in the food industry. For example, it is used in bakeries. Along with lactic acid bacteria and yeast, propionic acid microorganisms are included in some starter cultures. They provide an increase in the shelf life of bread. This is achieved due to the inhibitory effect of propionic to-you on the development of mold fungi. In addition, the product is enriched with vitamin B12. This fact is of particular importance for dieters and vegetarians. Sourdough is also used for silage feed. Active biomass is used in the production of B12. Creating a vitamin through chemical synthesis is not possible in practice. Propionic acid bacteria are used for this.

propionic acid bacteria preparations

Agricultural application

During storage of the crop, pests can destroy up to 15% of its total volume. When humidity exceeds 14%, the grain heats up and begins to mold. Storage methods involving drying, keeping at low temperatures or in sealed containers are difficult to implement in practice. To solve these problems, in some countries they spray grain with a weakly concentrated propionic acid solution. It reduces the active growth of seeds, neutralizes microorganisms, and primarily mold fungi.

Propionic Acid Bacteria: Evita

In the mid-90s of the last century, a group of Russian microbiologists created a unique product. It has an exceptionally high therapeutic and prophylactic effect and biological value. The product has been named Evita. In its manufacture, cow's milk is used. Production is based on the method of fermentation using a special yeast, presented in the form of a stable symbiosis of bacterial cultures, among which the main role is given to propionic acid bacteria.

propionic acid bacteria evita

Mechanism of action

Propionic acid bacteria are considered beneficial to the body. Being in the intestines, they restore proteins after stress, exposure to chemical compounds, ultraviolet radiation. Bacteria prevent the formation of substances that contribute to the development of oncology. With their presence, the intestinal environment is modified in the direction of decreasing pH. Bacteria exhibit an antagonistic effect on pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, stimulate the development of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. It was found that they are highly resistant to antibiotics, especially the penicillin group, as well as sulfonamides and increased acidity of the gastric environment. All these unique properties of strains of propionic acid bacteria formed the basis for the mechanism of action of the Evita product. Moreover, it is considered the only means in which B12 is present in a therapeutic dose. This vitamin is involved in blood formation, activation of blood coagulation. It is indicated for malignant anemia, atherosclerosis, alcoholism, dystrophy, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, anemia (iron deficiency), multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and gastric polyposis.

propionic acid bacteria

Effects on Casein (Milk Protein)

This element is poorly absorbed by the adult body due to the lack of compounds that break it down. When fermenting milk using the Evita product, the protein completely breaks down into amino acids. They create a breeding ground for beneficial intestinal microflora. In the process of fermentation, a lot of fatty volatile acids are also formed. Among them are vinegar, propionic, oily, folic, isovalerianic, formic and others. These acids act as the main food source for intestinal epithelium. They also contribute to the conversion of primary bile acids to secondary and their reverse absorption. This effect is used when treating diarrhea syndrome with Evita product in patients with pathologies of the small intestine and liver.

propionic acid bacteria which contain


It should be noted that the symbiosis of bacteria selected by scientists is highly resistant to the action of phenol. This, in turn, indicates the preservation of its medicinal qualities in the digestive tract. In the Scientific Research Institute of Hygienic Regulation and Toxicology of Serpukhov, the antimutagenic properties of the product were also proved. As a key feature of the tool is its ability to quickly restore microflora. She, in turn, provides mobilization of the body to combat a sufficiently large number of diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45543/

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