Rooster (origami) - a great addition to the home zoo!

If you look at photos of creations from paper modules, most likely you won’t believe that this is all created from the white sheets that everyone has at home. In general, the art of origami has a very long, thousand-year history, the origins of which go far to the East. It was there that the process of turning paper into complex figures of animals, plants and people began.

Entertaining paper

origami cock

If we talk about modular origami, it appeared relatively recently, but is firmly rooted in the fairs of needlework and various crafts. Particularly common are animals and birds from bright modules of colored paper, which simply amaze with their richness of colors.

Rooster (origami)

The most colorful of them is perhaps a rooster. It has always been a symbol of something bright and kind, so it can serve as a kind of amulet in the house, especially since it is so simple to make. This wonderful process is best carried over to a quiet family evening, when all the households gather together at the table, and in order not to interrupt this family reunion, you need to prepare materials in advance:

  • Paper. Origami rooster requires only bright and rich colors, without adding whiteness, so you should take colored paper in advance or paint it yourself with gouache or watercolor. The colors we will use are black, yellow, red, brown, and orange. You should also clarify about the density of the paper, as it should endure a lot of flexion and not tear in your hands.
  • A glue you are sure of quality. It is important that the glue is not too liquid so as not to soak the paper modules.

Composition for the rooster

It is clear that we will need a certain amount of detail for each part of the bird. So, for the whole rooster you need to prepare 861 paper modules. You can use your own design or follow our step by step instructions.

Origami rooster from modules. Master Class

origami cock from modules master class

To make this lesson understandable even for beginners, we describe the sequence of necessary actions:

  • Let's start by assembling the body of the bird. To do this, we connect in the ring 8 yellow and 12 black origami modules. Since the body has the shape of a cylinder, the following rows also consist of 20 parts that differ only in color.
  • The second row is composed of 7 yellow and 13 black blocks. Further, exactly to the eighth row, the number of yellow is reduced, in contrast to the number of black modules.
  • Now is the time for the cock (origami) to find a neck. To do this, in the eighth row, the number of blocks is reduced to 17 in this order: 10 black, 5 yellow and 1 brown on each side. As a result, we have 6 free corners left.
  • Next, we make the ninth row of 6 yellow, 2 brown and 5 black modules.
  • Now we add orange fragments to the body components, collecting 5 yellow, 2 orange, 2 brown and 8 black modules in the 10th row, in the eleventh row only the number of yellow ones increases to 6 blocks.
  • The twelfth row is composed of 5 yellow, 4 orange, 2 brown and 6 black, and in the next only one yellow origami module is added.
  • The fourteenth row does not differ from the previous one and is final in the design of the body of a rooster (origami).
  • Then, from the 15th to the 24th row, a bird’s tummy is formed. The number of blocks alternates and gradually decreases: 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

What they don’t fly without

origami cock from modules

    It's time for the rooster made in origami technique to gain wings. For this we need brown, black and orange blocks.

    • In the fifteenth row we combine 2 orange, 1 brown and 2 black modules. In the next row, the number of blacks decreases by 1 block.
    • The seventeenth row is identical to the previous one, in contrast to the eighteenth, in which black modules are already missing.
    • The nineteenth row is also no different from the previous one.
    • The twentieth and twenty-first row are made up of 2 orange blocks, and the twenty second and twenty third are all from one orange module. Now that the entire wing has been assembled, you need to do the second as well and carefully glue the end modules to avoid their flying off and further loss. In addition, you need to thoroughly smear with glue and the abdomen to give it the necessary shape.

    That without which a cock is not a cock

    origami cock from modules step by step

    Now we will form the neck of the cock from black and yellow paper modules, carefully gluing all the bends and giving the neck a regular curved shape. This whole structure is assembled separately from the body. It turns out that we are collecting, as it were, a wall, which we glue in the near future, forming a tube.

    After complete drying, the neck can be placed on the body of a rooster and shape the head. This can be done using larger origami modules. Then, from ordinary blocks of red color, glue the scallop and the beard. We make a beak of yellow color. As eyes, you can take beads or small buttons.

    For the legs you need to use the yellow modules and form stable stops for them from the bird. Adding red blocks to the hips, we firmly fix the legs on the base, thoroughly smearing all joints with glue. We collect the tail from multi-colored parts, carefully gluing them together.

    Though on the shelf now

    A few hours later, our origami-made technique is ready. It turned out bright, one might even say, fiery, like a dawn. It can be put on a shelf, a bedside table or a showcase: crafts everywhere will delight the eye of an admiring viewer. And if you say that this origami rooster from the modules was made step by step with your own hands, then you definitely won’t be beaten off by those who want to see its creation again!


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