What did the Romans call barbarians? Why did the Romans call the Germans barbarians?

Those whom the Romans called barbarians are known in history as one of the reasons for the fall of the greatest empire. Over time, this word acquired a figurative meaning and began to mean an ignorant and rude person.

whom the Romans called barbarians

Origin of the word

The etymology of the word "barbarian" has ancient Greek roots. Its literal translation is β€œforeigner”. So the Greeks called the inhabitants of other countries, which were significantly less developed. It is believed that the term originated as onomatopoeia. Aliens spoke strange languages. Their sound for the Greeks merged into an incomprehensible gibberish and the repetition of the same sound - "var."

The same word later appeared in Latin. That is why the Romans called the Germans barbarians. This is not surprising, because the inhabitants of the empire adopted many features of the culture of the conquered peoples. The ancient Greeks are the most striking example of such "inheritance." From them, the Romans got a somewhat distorted mythology, customs, urban traditions, as well as some new words in the language. The attitude towards strangers in the republic, and later in the empire, was contemptuous.

What did the Romans call barbarians? Celts, Germans, Thracians, Slavs, Scythians, Sarmatians, etc. Most of these tribes lived north of the empire.


They became the main problem for Roman civilization. In the 1st century AD e. these tribes inhabited the vast territory between the Rhine - in the west, and the Vistula - in the east. The Germans were never a single people - it was a huge ball of different unions. But in general, their way of life, language, and habits were similar.

The Germans were belligerent and stern inhabitants of the forests. Those whom the Romans called barbarians organized regular campaigns and attacks on the empire. Its northern boundary was the Danube River. Fortified fortresses were built on its shores, in which legions lodged. By inertia, the Romans first tried to conquer the Germans and annex their lands to the empire.

These attempts stopped after the battle in the Teutoburg Forest. The battle took place in the 9th year. The Germans defeated three legions, after which the Roman campaigns beyond their borders came to naught. From that moment on, the border between peoples became also a civilizational border.

social order of the tribes which the Romans called barbarians

Life of Germanic tribes

The ancient social order of the tribes, which the Romans called barbarians, was a classic example of a clan community. The Germans periodically fought with each other for resources. A turning point in their relationship with the Romans occurred after the emperors began to hire barbarians in their own army. Sometimes the rebel generals who owned enough gold did the same. The Germans were valued in any army. These were harsh and courageous warriors, physically stronger than the inhabitants of the southern provinces of the empire.

Some mercenaries remained living among the Romans, receiving a salary. They accepted a foreign culture. Their example has become contagious. The Germans who lived between the Rhine and the Vistula also wanted gold and other Roman goods. Over time, the influx of barbarians into the empire only increased, which exacerbated national conflicts and led to wars.

whom the Romans called barbarians tribes that do not know

Great Migration

Tensions between the Germans and the Romans became even more complicated when the Great Migration of Nations began at the end of the 4th century . Warlike Huns came from the east . These nomads ousted the Slavs from their former homelands. In addition, the invasion of the Huns frightened the Germans.

The Goths were one of the largest tribes of this group. In the year 376 they crossed the Danube, and after the permission of the emperor Valent, they tried to settle on Roman territory. However, in the new homeland, barbarians were treated with all inherent hatred. This led to an uprising. Thus began the Gothic War. Those whom the Romans called barbarians defeated the emperor's army. This has caused a long crisis in the state.

After the Gothic War, other barbarian tribes rushed into the empire. They either robbed or demanded regular tribute. Those whom the ancient Romans called barbarians organized pogroms and arsons of cities. The most famous in 410 was the fall of Rome. The capital of the empire was captured by the Visigoth tribe led by the leader Alarich.

whom the ancient Romans called barbarians

The fall of the Roman Empire

After this crushing blow, the remaining provinces of the state were defenseless against the barbarians. Sveva and Vandals came to Gaul (modern France). Many tribes were mixed together. In the end, other Germans entrenched in Gaul - the Franks and the Burgundians. They became the progenitors of the modern French nation. Vandals founded their own kingdom in North Africa. Italy captured the Lombards. In 476, German mercenaries overthrew the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus. Barbarians began to rule in the city. This was the end of the Roman Empire.

At the same time, Byzantium remained in the east of the former state. Its capital was Constantinople (modern Istanbul). The emperors of this state considered themselves the successors of the Roman rulers. The Byzantines even tried to return Italy, although unsuccessfully. They spoke Greek. The emperors bought off the barbarians with the help of gold. Some of them were taken to serve in the army. Using these methods, Byzantium managed to survive the Great Migration and other conflicts with the barbarians. The state lasted until 1453, when Constantinople was taken by the Turks.

why the Romans called the Germans barbarians


Not only Germans were foreigners. What peoples did the Romans call barbarians besides their northern neighbors? In addition to the Germans, there were also Slavs who lived east of them. In the Roman era, they became known after the Great Migration. Under the onslaught of the Huns, the Slavs moved west of their original native lands.

They occupied vast spaces from the Oder River to the upper Volga. Over time, according to linguistic characteristics, the Slavs divided into three large groups (western, southern and eastern). These were those whom the Romans called barbarians. Tribes who did not know the letters were also pagans. They had their own unique pantheon of gods. Over time, all Slavs adopted Christianity, but after the fall of the Roman Empire. Byzantium played a large role in this process.

what peoples the Romans called barbarians

Ancient Slavic customs

The ancient Slavic society was built on tribal traditions. Most decisions were made using veche. It was a popular meeting where everyone had the right to vote. Like the Germans, the Slavs were divided into a large number of tribal unions. Over time, during a long and complex ethnogenesis, they formed modern peoples.

All Slavs, except for Poles, Czechs and Croats, adopted Christianity according to the Constantinople model. Others joined the Catholic Church in Rome. Together with Christianity, the Slavs had their own alphabet. Tribal relations also receded into the past. In the early Middle Ages, the Slavs formed their own national states. Some rulers eventually adopted the royal title in the Western fashion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45545/

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