Bakhchisaray, Khan's Palace: photos and reviews of tourists

If you want to visit a fairy tale, then you definitely need to make a trip to the Crimea. Such beauties, besides covered with romantic myths and legends, you can not see anywhere else. To begin, we recommend that you visit the city of Bakhchisaray (Republic of Crimea). It is located in the valley of the Churuk-Su River, at the foot of the beautiful Mount Chufut-Kale. This is a historical and cultural monument of world significance.

Bakhchisaray Khan's Palace


Every year, thousands of tourists come to these places to see Bakhchisaray. The Khan's Palace, which has another name - "Hansaray" - the main attraction of the city. It was built as a tribal residence of the almighty Giray. For many years it was the residence of the dynasty. Each new ruler made changes to the grandiose structure. Despite this, he was always mysterious and impregnable.

He founded the Khan's palace in the city of Bakhchisaray Sahib I Giray. It was built over 251 years (1532-1783) and played a large role in the spiritual, cultural and political life of Crimea. This is a magnificent example of the Crimean Tatar palace architecture, the only one in the world. Today it is located on an area of ​​4.3 hectares, and in its heyday it was 18 hectares. The complex consisted of the southern and northern gates, the palace square, the main, harem and postal buildings, kitchens, stables and libraries. In addition, it included a falcon tower, the Persian garden, mosques and a khan's cemetery.

In 1736, the palace was burned by Russian troops under the leadership of Christophe Minich. Later, the buildings were completely restored. At that time, the palace complex consisted of about 4,500 rooms. In terms of luxury and beauty, the Khan's palace was not equal in those days. Over 50 years, 19 rulers were replaced in it. The last khan belonging to the clan of Gireev was Shahin Giray.

travel across crimea

In 1796, the Khan's Palace was restored and rebuilt in anticipation of the arrival of Empress Catherine II. And in 1818, Emperor Alexander I visited Hansaray. After this visit, the structures underwent changes again. The Bathhouse and the Winter Palace were destroyed .

During the Crimean War (1853–1856), a hospital begins to operate on the territory of the Khan's Palace.

In 1908, a museum was opened in the city of Bakhchisaray (Russia). In 1917, it became known as the Museum of the History and Culture of Crimean Tatars. Unfortunately, during the Second World War, some of the extremely valuable museum exhibits were lost forever. The constant reconstruction of the palace led to its decline, in many respects the architectural features were lost. In 1960, its detailed reconstruction began, and 19 years later (1979) an architectural and historical museum was opened here.

Palace Bath

It is called Sary-Guzel ("Yellow Beauty"). Its construction dates back to 1532. The bathhouse is decorated with domes with stars and crescents located in them. The bathhouse not only performed its direct functions, but was also a place of rest and restoration of strength.

Hare complex

The Khan's palace attracts everyone who comes to Bakhchisarai with its amazing sights. Of great interest to tourists is the Harem complex. At the time of the heyday of the palace, it consisted of four houses, in which there were up to seventy rooms. Only three of them have survived to our days - Residential, Living Room and Buffet Room. Three buildings of the complex were destroyed.

bakhchisaray republic of crimea

By tradition, women and their sons lived up to seven years in the harem. The complex was surrounded by eight-meter walls. Next to it stood the Falcon Tower, from which the palace square was perfectly visible, and the Persian Garden, the favorite resting place of the inhabitants of the Khan's Palace.


Traveling around the Crimea will be incomplete if you do not see Bakhchisaray. The Khan's palace impresses even experienced tourists with its splendor.

The palace complex has long been famous for its fountains - it is white marble, which is often called Golden, and the most famous is the Fountain of Tears. They are located in the Fountain Courtyard.

The golden one was intended for washing, and the Fountain of Tears has an amazing history and, according to researchers, was transferred to its current location from the cemetery.

According to an ancient legend, the Fountain of Tears in 1764 was built by the architect Omer in memory of the beloved wife of the Crimean Khan Girey - Dilyara, who died at the hands of artful rivals.

The fountain consists of several bowls that are always filled with water. The first is the personification of the flower head. Drops of water falling from it, like crystal tears, fill another bowl that personifies the heart of the ruler. A few small bowls are a symbol of time, which can dull the pain of loss, but bitter memories of it remain forever.

Khan's mosque (small)

In the main building of the palace is the Khan's mosque. She is called Mala. It is painted with floral ornaments. But its main feature is the niche in the southern wall, which is called the "mihrab". An original stained glass window was created above it in the wall.

Bakhchisaray Cave Monastery

Big mosque

The beautiful Bakhchisaray, the Khan's Palace in particular, is able to make a huge impression on the guests.

The Great Khan's Mosque was erected in 1532 and is the most ancient construction of the complex. Outwardly, it consists of two tall towers, crowned with sharp spiers. Stairs were built inside the towers, along which a minister ascends to the balcony before the start of the service. A part of it is occupied by the Khan's box. Its walls are decorated with paintings and stained glass.


It was built in the Basin Yard as a resting place. In its center is a square pool with a fountain of carved white marble. Sofas are placed along all the walls. At first it was a one-story and open building. Massive columns were entwined with ivy. In 1831, plank ceilings were installed between them and glazed with the help of stained-glass windows.

In addition, a second floor was added. It housed the Golden Cabinet, the Ambassadorial Hall, the Coffee House and living rooms. The Divan Hall and the Ambassadorial Hall belonged to the administrative part, important state issues were resolved here. The golden cabinet is decorated with 24 stained glass windows, under which sofas are installed. The ceiling in the office is made of wood, and the walls are decorated with original stucco molding.

Cave Monastery (Bakhchisaray)

Once in Bakhchisarai, not a single tourist will miss the opportunity to visit the holy place of the city - the Assumption Cave Monastery. Traditions and legends are associated with it. Over a 12-century history, this holy place has experienced both prosperity and decline.

Bakhchisaray Russia

The holy monastery is located in the tract Mariam-Dere. It is surrounded by sheer cliffs up to 140 meters high. These places are the most magnificent in the Crimea. Only in order to admire the magnificent scenery of these places, thousands of lovers of the beauty of nature come to Crimea every year.

Numerous legends are associated with the history of the monastery. One of them says that an evil and powerful serpent began to attack local residents. Having completely lost hope of salvation, they decided to leave their native lands. But one day they saw a gleam in Mary's Gorge. Having built the steps, they went into this world and saw a cave in which a single candle burned, next to which lay a dead serpent, and behind it was an icon of the Mother of God. Since then, it was decided to organize a monastery here for Christians.

According to another legend, the shepherd found the icon of the Mother of God in the gorge. Historians are convinced that this monastery was founded by the Scythians at the end of the VIII century. By building the church, they "approved" the adoption of a new religion. Perhaps the founders of the monastery were monks from Byzantium. The church, and later the monastic cells were cut down in a high rock.

In the middle of the 15th century, the monastery was already made up of many caves, and ground-based buildings appeared - a small chapel, two guest houses, the abbot's cell. At this time, the monastery became the main pillar of Christianity in the Crimea.

Khan's palace Bakhchisarai address

During the Turkish War, the Christians of Crimea, together with Metropolitan Ignatius, left their homes. The appearance of the city of Mariupol on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov dates back to this time. The image of the Virgin was taken out of the monastery and remained in the new city forever.

The monastery was empty, but not for long. A few years later, a new patron appeared in her - Konstantin Spirandi. The icon of the Assumption was donated to the Assumption Monastery, with which many believers relate the stories of miraculous healing of people.

And again the monastery was empty after the Second World War. Its newest history began in 1993. Believers who renounced worldly life reappeared here. They are always happy to see many guests who want to see the sights of Bakhchisarai that are gathered in the Assumption Monastery - this is not only the Cave Temple itself, but also an incredibly appearing face of an angel at the entrance to the church, and a wall that shows temples and monasteries from all over of the world. Christians from all over the world seek to learn about the miraculous events that have occurred here.

Khan's Palace (Bakhchisaray) - how to get

Any resident of Crimea will tell guests about this architectural miracle.

We hope that you were interested in the Khan's Palace (Bakhchisaray). The address of this unique complex is ul. Rechnaya, 133. Finding this interesting place is quite simple, and we will tell you how to do it.

Khan's palace Bakhchisarai how to get

It is necessary to call in the city of Bakhchisarai from the side of Simferopol. You will immediately pay attention to the sign "Khan's Palace". Drive onto the main road of the Old Town and turn left. Drive another two minutes - and you arrived at the Khan's Palace (Bakhchisaray). The price of a ticket for a tour of the palace is 225 and 115 rubles (for adults and children, respectively). Entrance to the complex is free.


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