How to quickly learn a verse?

How to quickly learn a poem? These questions are most often asked by schoolchildren, since it is they who are faced with the need to learn a large number of verses. However, such information will be useful to their parents, who will be able to help their children in a difficult situation. And, in the end, rarely, but it happens that an adult needs to quickly learn a verse.

How to quickly learn a verse? Human memory is a very complex and whimsical mechanism, the principle of which we still do not fully understand. That is why it can be so difficult to negotiate with her. In fact, we remember almost everything we came across, the only question is that our brain decides where to locate this or that information and how convenient it will be to extract it later.

Our task is to ensure that the information we need can be easily retrieved at any time. For this, there are a number of mnemonics. There are certain techniques for memorizing verses. The choice of a specific one depends on many aspects, including which type of memory you have developed best, however, combining different techniques always gives the most stable result. In addition, a lot depends on how much time is available.

Itโ€™s best to tackle a difficult business in advance. Of course, this is not the answer to the question of how to quickly learn a verse, but it is still necessary to pay attention to this moment. Ideally, you should begin to learn the verse one to two days before the date. It is best to allocate 20-30 minutes before bedtime on the first day. The test must be read aloud several times and try to reproduce. On the second day, you need to devote twice as much time to this lesson. Learning poetry is better in a calm, balanced state, not being distracted by anything, and just before bedtime. Indeed, at night, the brain reviews everything that happened during the day, decides what information is important, which is not.

Now back to the original topic. Suppose you have much less time, no more than 2-3 hours. How to quickly learn poetry? In this case, it will be necessary to connect all types of memory: auditory, visual and kinetic. First, forgive the text you need to learn. Be sure to read aloud. You can even record your reading on the recorder. By the way, this will also help you determine the intonations that are most suitable for a particular text.

After this, the poem must be rewritten by hand. It is very tempting to skip this point, but do not do this. Mechanical work with hands connects kinetic memory, which is well developed in most people.

The next step is the soapy division of the text into small parts, usually stanzas are taken. However, it should be borne in mind that sometimes it is worth increasing or decreasing a passage, but making it meaningful and complete. Each of these passages must be visualized. Itโ€™s easier for someone to literally visualize, someone turns to associations, in any case, this technique allows you to connect visual images, which also contributes to memorization.

Reread the text carefully again, and then try to play it. Particular attention should be paid to the transitions from one stanza to another, most often problems arise in these places.

There is another technique that answers the question of how to quickly learn a verse. After reading the text aloud, yes, you canโ€™t do without it again, start repeating the text aloud and about yourself the text line by line. First repeat the first line, you can also provide it visually. Then, when this line can be hardened, attach the second line to it. Then, when the first two cease to cause problems, grasp the third. And so on, attach one line each time.

Thus, you can learn the whole text, or in parts. By stanzas or other passages. In this case, it is also worth paying special attention to the principles of stanzas. How to quickly learn a verse? I want to believe that these simple techniques will help you solve the problem once and for all.


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