Imputed tax - what is it?

When choosing a tax regime, entrepreneurs often pay attention to the imputed tax, called abbreviated UTII. This system is limited for use, as in many cities it has been abolished by local authorities. Moreover, it has many indisputable advantages. Before drawing up an application for the transition to this regime, one should have a good understanding of the nuances of its use, the rules for calculating tax and preparing a declaration.

The concept of UTII

UTII is considered a popular simplified system for calculating taxes by entrepreneurs. The single imputed tax has some features:

  • when calculating the tax, actual cash receipts are not taken into account, therefore, only the basic rate of return established by the state is used;
  • You can use the mode in a limited number of cities;
  • transition to it can be carried out by individual entrepreneurs or various organizations;
  • application is allowed only for entrepreneurs and firms working in suitable fields of activity;
  • when calculating the fee, physical indicators are additionally taken into account, represented by the size of the trading floor, the number of officially employed employees or other parameters.

The indisputable advantage of this regime is that only one tax is required, which replaces other types of fees. It is calculated and listed on a quarterly basis. Each quarter additionally has to form and submit a declaration.

imputed tax activities

Will the mode be canceled?

Until 2013, this system was mandatory for use if the selected area of โ€‹โ€‹work corresponded to the requirements of the regime. But now the transition to this system is voluntary, so entrepreneurs themselves appreciate the rationality of such a decision.

Rumors regularly appear that the imputed tax will be abolished everywhere throughout Russia, but at the same time, the duration of this regime is constantly being extended. In 2016, the Order was completely issued by the President of the Russian Federation regarding the extension of its validity until 2021.

main parameters

If you choose this system for tax calculation, you should understand what characteristics it has. The main parameters are as follows:

  • only a single tax on imputed income is paid, therefore, other types of fees are not required to be calculated;
  • payments must be paid quarterly;
  • allowed to reduce the tax base for insurance premiums;
  • entrepreneurs have the right to make a deduction for the costs that are required to be borne during the purchase and installation of online cash registers;
  • all entrepreneurs and firms applying this regime received exemption from the use of online cash registers before July 1, 2019, therefore this decision is voluntary;
  • for some activities in 2018, a rate of 0% is set.

For many entrepreneurs, the choice of such a regime is considered effective and appropriate. Due to the ease of reporting, the SP himself can prepare a declaration, so there is no need to employ a professional accountant. Due to the ease of transition, you can use the system of taxation on imputed tax at any time.

single imputed tax

In which industries can the system be used?

UTII can not always be used, therefore businessmen should well understand for what areas of activity the imputed tax is suitable. These areas of work include:

  • the provision of domestic services;
  • retail trade, and the process should be carried out in stores or pavilions, the area of โ€‹โ€‹which is less than 150 square meters. m .;
  • veterinary services;
  • car parking rental;
  • retail trade in stationary trading facilities that do not have trading floors;
  • transportation of goods or passengers, but the companyโ€™s fleet should not have more than 20 vehicles used in the operation of the enterprise;
  • car repair, maintenance or car wash;
  • catering services without a special hall intended for customer service;
  • trade with the help of non-stationary trading networks, which include numerous stalls, shops or vans;
  • the provision of catering services, but the hall where visitors eat food cannot exceed 150 sq. m. m .;
  • advertising on cars, inside the vehicle, as well as on special structures on the street;
  • rental of commercial premises or retail spaces, the area of โ€‹โ€‹which is less than 150 square meters. m

The number of areas of activity for which UTII is applicable may vary by regional authorities. In some regions, the use of this regime is completely prohibited. Moscow belongs to such cities, so metropolitan entrepreneurs should choose other systems for work.

Often, entrepreneurs want to apply imputed tax. The types of activities suitable for this regime need to be determined on the basis of regional regulations.

taxation imputed tax

Taxpayer Requirements

If the chosen direction is suitable for UTII, then it is important to assess the requirements for the business being opened. The tax on imputed income is allowed to apply under the conditions:

  • officially, the company should not employ more than 100 people;
  • if other enterprises invest in the organization, then their share should not exceed 25%, but this restriction does not apply for companies formed exclusively from the contributions of organizations of persons with disabilities, but in such enterprises the number of people with disabilities should exceed 50% of all employees;
  • the organization should not be ranked among the largest taxpayers;
  • it is not allowed to use the regime if the activity is conducted on the basis of a simple partnership agreement or trust management.

All these requirements must be taken into account before submitting an application for the transition to the regime.

imputed tax

Application advantages

This tax system is indeed considered popular among many entrepreneurs. This is due to the presence of her numerous advantages, which include:

  • low tax burden on the entrepreneur, since the tax rate is usually low;
  • the tax is calculated without taking into account the real profitability of the business, therefore only the basic profitability is used, which in most cases is much less than the actual profit;
  • optimally use the mode with significant revenues;
  • insurance premiums for the entrepreneur and his employees can be used to reduce the tax base, which cannot be done at the taxpayers, moreover, the tax is often completely covered by insurance payments, so it is not necessary to pay it to the budget;
  • it is possible to deduct from the tax base the costs of acquiring and installing an online cash register (IP only), which is mandatory for all modes, although a delay has been granted for UTII until July 2019;
  • no accounting is required, and there is no need to compile and submit numerous reports to the Federal Tax Service, so usually the entrepreneur himself easily copes with simple UTII declarations submitted to the Federal Tax Service on a quarterly basis;
  • when switching to this mode, any income restrictions are not taken into account;
  • it is possible to switch to UTII even within a year, for which a corresponding notification is submitted to the Federal Tax Service within 5 days after the start of work;
  • It is possible to combine UTII with all other taxation systems;
  • it is allowed not to use during operation of the CCP, but the exception is retail trade and the provision of catering services;
  • in some regions, for entrepreneurs who have started work for the first time, a rate of 0% is offered for a certain amount of time

The imputed tax becomes a priority in comparison with other options due to numerous advantages.

imputed income tax


Some disadvantages of the system should be taken into account. These include the fact that if a company specializing in retail trade has a large trading floor, then the fee may be significant, therefore, under such conditions it is advisable to use the simplified tax system or even basic tax payment system. Also, this mode is not chosen by companies that need to calculate VAT, otherwise they will not be able to cooperate with many significant counterparties.

For beginners, choosing this system is not always advisable. This is due to the fact that a specific fee is paid in the same amount regardless of the profitability of the business. Therefore, if there are losses at the first stages of work, you will still have to pay tax. If USN is applied, then only a small minimum fee is assigned under such conditions.

a single tax on imputed income

What taxes do not have to pay?

When choosing UTII, taxpayers are exempted from the need to calculate and pay many fees. When using imputed tax, organizations do not have to pay VAT, income tax and property.

Entrepreneurs do not pay VAT and personal income tax, as well as property tax.

An exception is the situation when the balance lists property included in a special list in which tax is calculated for all objects based on their cadastral price. In this case, you will have to calculate and pay property tax.

How to switch to mode?

Each entrepreneur should think about what system will be used by him during work. Often, a single tax system for imputed income tax is selected, and under such conditions, the transition is provided for:

  • during registration of an individual entrepreneur or company, for which a notice is given to employees of the Federal Tax Service;
  • during the year you can switch to UTII from any other mode, and the notification should be transmitted within 5 days after the start of work on this system.

Organizations submit to the Federal Tax Service a document in the form of UTII-1, and entrepreneurs use the UTII-2 form. The documentation is handed over to the FTS department at the place of work, and if the direction of activity related to the distribution or distribution of goods, transportation or advertising is chosen, then the place of registration of the entrepreneur or company is taken into account.

imputed tax for individual entrepreneurs

How is tax calculated?

Businessmen should be well versed in the rules for calculating the fee. If the imputed type of tax is selected, then the formula is used for calculation:

UTII size = basic profitability * physical indicator * deflator coefficient * correction coefficient * 15% * 3

15% is the tax rate, and it can be reduced by regional authorities. 3 - the number of months in the quarter, since it is required to pay tax quarterly.

A correctly calculated tax can be reduced on insurance premiums paid for themselves and employees, but in the second case, a reduction is allowed only by 50%.


Thus, the imputed tax for individual entrepreneurs and companies is considered an excellent choice. It has many advantages, although there are some drawbacks to the system. The transition is considered simplified, but you can use the mode only when choosing limited areas of work.

In some cities this system is completely prohibited. Due to the ease of tax accounting and calculation, entrepreneurs do not need to officially hire a professional accountant.


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