Security system for cars and their own installation. Which security system to choose? The best car alarm systems

The car safety system is available on the market in different versions. The most advanced developments are always of great interest, but traditional mechanics in separate niches retains its position. In addition to the concept and the principle of work, in choosing a protective complex, one should take into account the technical features of a particular system, its compatibility with the target, and its place in the overall anti-theft infrastructure. Modern security system for cars only in rare cases is implemented by one device. Most often, this is a group of electronic and mechanical means that encompass different lines of action of an attacker.

security system for cars

GPS systems

Perhaps this is the most popular group of alarm security systems for cars today. This type of system automatically responds to hacking attempts by sending appropriate alarms to both the telephone of the immediate owner of the machine and the security service console. Moreover, remoteness, as a rule, does not matter - in most cases, the equipment works with a combination of GPS / GLONASS satellite navigation, so the signal propagation coverage is almost 100 percent. In any case, in the cities. Another thing is that the satellite security system for cars has a weak spot in the form of susceptibility to jamming. That is, a well-equipped hijacker can create a screen using a special radio device that will not allow the alarm to notify the owner. On the other hand, many manufacturers of such equipment reassure the consumer that the GPS security complex will still not allow an attacker to complete their business, since the system responds not only by sending alarm messages, but also by blocking the engine starting.

security system for cars do it yourself

Mechanical security system for cars

Regardless of the principles by which a satellite alarm will perform its function, it is not worth fully counting on it. It is recommended that one or more mechanical anti-theft devices be provided as an auxiliary and independent means of providing protection. This can be a steering lock, pedal stopper, hood lock or door pin. Each of these protection tools theoretically lends itself to hacking, however, in practice, the implementation of this task involves the inevitable attracting attention from the outside and requires a lot of time. To complicate the task of the hijacker as much as possible, it is advisable to choose security systems for cars with a combined operating principle. These are models that simultaneously paralyze the work of several functional parts. For example, one of the most reliable and at the same time easy to install options is the gas pedal and steering wheel lock.

security systems for cars

Installation of satellite systems

The installation process is carried out according to the principles of installation and connection of all electronic devices for cars. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a diagram according to which the electrical wiring will be carried out. You will need to connect the central unit, which must be directly or indirectly connected to the on-board computer, the antenna and sensors, the signals from which initiate the notification of the user. True, it is the sensors that can be eliminated from the electrical connection - in modern versions, it is enough to configure wireless communication. But in any case, you will have to physically install a motion sensor on the trunk, a door open detector and other sensitive elements, without which a satellite security system for a car can not do. Doing it yourself is easy to do with your own hands - brackets, clamps and fasteners are provided with the equipment, through which the installation is carried out. The antenna and central unit are mechanically installed in the same way, but the on-board electrical wiring will need to be brought to these components.

Installation of anti-theft mechanical units

security systems for cars choose

Each type of mechanical anti-theft system is distinguished by its installation nuances. The easiest way to mount an external pedal, wheel or steering lock. To do this, it is enough to arm with a locking metal mechanism of a suitable configuration and fix it with a special lock - the user remains the key. It is more difficult to install security systems on cars that block the functions of the gearbox and engine. For example, in the case of a power plant, the owner of the machine will have to independently implement a kind of remote section of the electrical circuit, which artificially creates a malfunction in the form of a gap. Each time before using the car, you will need to give an appropriate signal to restore the circuit. That is, in this case, the principle of electromechanical signaling is implemented.

The best models of security systems

best auto security systems

In the domestic market, a wide range of different models from different manufacturers is available. According to experts, one of the best systems is the Stalker 600 Lan 3 modification, which is distinguished by its reliable signal reception, reliability of equipment and wide functionality. True, it costs a lot - about 20 thousand rubles. If we consider the best car security systems from the budget segment, then the StarLine A61 model will come to the fore, followed by the Tomahawk Z3 anti-theft system. Both options are available on average for 7-8 thousand. As for mechanical blockers, good models of different designs can be found in the families of Russian brands “Python” and “Interception”.

How to choose the best option?

One should be guided in the choice of a security system for possible threats and not forget about the features of the technical device of the car model. The best solution would be to equip the car with a satellite alarm system with a basic set of sensors, as well as an addition in the form of a mechanical anti-theft device. The question of which security system to choose for a car from the segment of mechanical protective equipment must be decided on the basis of several factors. For example, in winter it is better not to use pedal stoppers and gearbox locks, and the so-called internal electromechanical locks can be purchased taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of the local on-board power supply.

installation of security systems on cars

What to consider in additional functionality?

Manufacturers of electronic security systems seek to maximize the capabilities of their products. Therefore, it will be useful to pay attention to the ability of the complex, for example, to determine the location of a vehicle or to remotely start a power unit. In addition, in winter, it may be necessary to automatically start the heating system, with which security systems for cars can interact. Choosing the right set of functions is easy if you focus on the current problems of operating the machine. For example, it can be monitoring the functioning of individual zones for connecting wiring, controlling optics, etc.


which security system to choose for a car

With the development of automotive security systems, theft technologies are inevitably moving forward. Most developers today pay more attention to countermeasures tools that are used to eliminate electronic blockers. Therefore, a reliable security system for cars in the modern world is a whole set of components designed for comprehensive protection. Each element of the complex is responsible for its target area - whether it is an obstacle to physical penetration into the cabin or resistance to jamming devices. Practice shows that it is the variety of installed anti-theft systems that is a guarantee of car safety.


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