Interesting facts about Moscow for students. History of Moscow: interesting facts

Parents of schoolchildren who live in the capital of Russia have probably come across more than once the child’s request to tell some interesting facts about Moscow. Most often, these questions make adults think about what they know about such a big city with a rich history. The capital of Russia impresses with many beautiful architectural monuments and other attractions. You can talk about any historical place in Moscow almost the whole day. In addition, many significant events took place in the capital of Russia throughout its existence. This article presents interesting facts about Moscow. For schoolchildren and young children, this information will be very useful and exciting.

When was the modern capital of Russia founded?

Until now, scientists have not developed a consensus on the age of Moscow. For the first time, its name appears in the Ipatiev Chronicle (1147). According to legend, Moscow was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. A few years later he strengthened the city by erecting wooden walls.

Interesting facts about Moscow

As for the origin of the name "Moscow", it should be noted that in the Middle Ages tribes lived not only Slavs, but also Finno-Ugric peoples. Most likely, it was from the lexicon of the latter that the word “mosk” was taken, meaning something raw and viscous. Scientists explain this origin of the name of the city by the fact that in ancient times there was only a small swamp on the territory of the modern metropolis.

The medieval history of Moscow: interesting facts

As mentioned earlier, the capital of Russia was laid at the beginning of the XII century. Since then, many events have occurred, which will be interesting to know for both adults and children. However, parents, when telling stories to their child, should be sure that the interesting facts about Moscow are accurate and scientifically confirmed.

So, now it is reliably known that Red Square appeared in the 15th century. Its occurrence is associated with the decree of Ivan III, who did not allow the construction of any structures near the Kremlin to prevent fires. So there was an empty space on the east side of the walls. It should be noted that it was originally called: “fire”. Until the 17th century the area was built up on four sides. Then she acquired her modern look.

Interesting facts about Moscow for students

Speaking about the Kremlin, it is important to note that it was originally built from white stone. The construction of Dmitry Donskoy began to rebuild under Ivan III. It was then that the walls of red burnt brick were erected.

Pre-revolutionary Moscow

Telling interesting facts about Moscow for schoolchildren, it is important to mention the pre-revolutionary period, when the city was very different from the modern metropolis.

  • Until the XVIII century. Chistye Prudy had a completely different name - Filthy. This was due to the fact that garbage and waste were dumped here. After the pond became part of the Menshikov estate, it was cleaned and given a new name, which has been preserved to this day.
  • During the Napoleonic Wars in 1812, Moscow was burned. Most city buildings were affected. Their restoration and reconstruction took more than 30 years.

Moscow history interesting facts

  • Water supply in Moscow was built only in the early years of the 19th century.
  • In 1872, the capital telegraph began work.
  • In 1898, a sewer system appeared.
  • In 1901, the first elevator was launched in Moscow.
  • The founder of Moscow State University is M.V. Lomonosov, who has never visited him.

Interesting facts about Moscow during the Second World War

  • In 1941, the Kremlin, like many other sights of the capital, was disguised. Already on the day the war was declared over the city, a Wehrmacht aircraft appeared. The Germans managed to take many pictures and make an accurate map of the capital of the USSR. This led to the urgent need to change the Kremlin beyond recognition. Entire groups of artists and architects led by B. Iofan were sent here. As a result, at the end of June, the Kremlin was like an ordinary residential quarter. Golden domes were hidden, the towers were repainted, and mock-ups of houses appeared on the square and slopes.

  • An important event during the Second World War was the battle of Moscow. Interesting facts about the course of hostilities need to be known not only to adults, but also to schoolchildren. This battle involved more than 7 million people. This exceeds the number of people involved in the Berlin operation. It is also important to know that the blitzkrieg (the German plan for a quick attack and capture of the entire territory of the USSR) was foiled precisely during the battle for Moscow.
    Battle of Moscow interesting facts

Interesting about Soviet Moscow

Considering the Soviet period, you can find out very interesting facts about Moscow:

  • During the existence of the USSR, the territory of the city increased by more than 5 times.
  • Moscow was proclaimed the capital of the Soviet Union in 1922.
  • The famous soda from a vending machine in the capital cost only 1 kopeck, and if with the addition of syrup - 3. Despite the fact that there was an acute shortage in the country, the glasses were never stolen, but rinsed in the fountain and returned to the place.
  • The Moscow metro began to be built in the 30s, although the first projects arose before the October Revolution. It should be noted that today almost every station has been renamed more than once. At the initial stage of the metro's existence, there were stops with interesting names: “Kolkhoznaya” (now “Sukharevskaya”), “Mir” (now “Alekseevskaya”).
  • New issues of newspapers appeared twice a day, and they were immediately delivered to the mailboxes. Also, information about all the events could be gathered from special street stands.
    Interesting facts about Moscow

Interesting about modernity

What interesting facts about modern Moscow can you tell your children?

  • The modern business district "Moscow City" arose only in the early 2000s.
  • The Kremlin is the largest European fortress that has survived to our times.
  • Victory Monument is the tallest metropolitan monument.
  • In 1994, a law was introduced that is still in force, prohibiting dogs from barking from 11pm to 7am. If the owners do not keep track of their pet, they will be fined.
  • Moscow has the largest number of billionaires in the world. In second place for these indicators is New York.
  • The highest television tower in Europe is Ostankino, located in the capital of Russia.

Interesting facts about nature and art in Moscow

Parents, telling interesting facts about Moscow for children, should not miss information about natural resources and the development of culture in the city:

  • The largest zoo in Russia is located in the capital. It was founded in the XIX century.
  • In Moscow, you can find a huge number of parks. The oldest is considered the Alexander Garden.
  • The Russian State Library, located in Moscow, is second only to the Washington National Library of Congress in its collection of books.
  • The oldest clock in the city is the Kremlin chimes.
  • There are about five hundred museums in Moscow. But, unfortunately, they most often open their doors to guests of the capital, and not to local residents.
  • The oldest city building that has survived to this day is the Assumption Cathedral.

Interesting facts about Moscow for children

A bit about interesting people

Children will be interested to know about famous people who were born or lived in Moscow:

  • Aleksandrov A.V. - a famous composer. Born in Moscow. Known as the author of the anthem of the USSR.
  • Akhmatova A. A. - the famous Russian poetess. She lived in Moscow since 1918. She was closely connected with this city, since her son was in one of the capital prisons.
  • Bruce Y. V. is the most educated person in the country during the time of Peter I. He was the first to draw up an accurate map of the territory of the Russian Empire.
  • Repin I.E. - famous Russian painter. He moved to the capital at the age of 23.

These and many other people (among them - Paustovsky K. G., Ranevskaya F. G., Nekrasov N. A., Pasternak B. L., Mayakovsky V. V., Mendeleev D. I., Bulgakov M. A. ) created the history of the modern capital of Russia.


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