Foreign currency deposits in banks of Belarus for individuals

In today's world, everyone is trying to make money by any means available. However, even with a well-paid job, it is not always possible to treat yourself. While some people sit at home and puzzle over how to get more profit, others draw up standard or foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks. Reviews about this type of passive earnings are mostly positive, since in this case the clients of the financial institution do not need to do anything, just put a certain amount of money on deposit and receive a monthly profit. At the same time (if such conditions are provided), a citizen can replenish the balance of the deposit after the conclusion of the contract. Accordingly, the more money is deposited into the account, the more a person receives passive income. That is why this practice has long been popular in Europe and the United States.

foreign currency deposits in banks of Belarus

As practice shows, most people old-fashionedly prefer to save money in foreign currency. This is not surprising, because in this case you can not only save significantly, but also make a profit depending on changes in the exchange rate. That is why currency deposits in Belarusian banks are so popular today. Belarusbank has been offering customers similar services for many years. Due to favorable conditions, the possibility of monthly replenishment of the account and other bonuses, this financial institution received the highest ratings. Consider the most popular tariff offers from Belarusbank.


Those who are looking for foreign currency deposits with fixed rate banks in Belarus should pay attention to this interesting offer. When opening a deposit, a client can deposit a sum of money in US dollars, Russian rubles or euros. The rate will be 3%. There are no restrictions on the minimum contribution amount. In addition, after 3 months of using the deposit, the client can extend the contract. Deposit replenishment is also allowed. If we talk about payments and capitalization, then they are made monthly.

"Your choice"

This type of deposit in Belarusbank is considered the most beneficial for those who can make more than 15 thousand US dollars or euros for an open deposit. In this case, the benefit will be 5% per month. If the client deposits from 2 to 15 thousand, then the rate will still be more profitable (4.5%) than when using the "Prestige" tariff.

In addition, speaking about the most profitable foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, it is worth paying attention to this proposal, as customers receive an additional premium income of 0.5% annually.

Classic Plus

Another interesting offer from Belarusbank is for those who prefer to keep funds in US dollars or euros. When making a Classic Plus deposit for 18 months, the client gets the opportunity to deposit funds. Interest payments are made monthly. The only minor minus is that the introduction of additional funds is possible only after 3 months.

the best foreign currency deposits in banks of Belarus

At the same time, considering the most profitable foreign currency deposits in banks of Belarus for individuals in this financial institution, it is worth paying attention to the bonus in the form of 0.6% premium per annum and the possibility of prolonging the transaction. Interest received can be transferred to your account or received in cash.

"Poste restante"

This type of deposit is one of the best foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, since in this case the client can make any operations with the account without restrictions from the financial institution. This is especially beneficial if you plan to keep money for a long time. By the way, there are also no restrictions on the period for which the contribution is opened. Thus, you can get the maximum benefit.

According to the terms of the bank, it is allowed to deposit US dollars (at least 1 USD) and euros (minimum deposit 5 EUR).

In fairness, it is worth noting that the inhabitants of the country are not only interested in foreign currency deposits in banks of Belarus. Some citizens still prefer the national currency. In this case, it is worth paying attention to other offers of Belarusbank.

"A priority"

Fearing sharp jumps in the dollar, some are afraid to open foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks. Profitable deposits in Belarusian rubles in this case are more stable and profitable. When opening a deposit, the client will be sure that upon the expiration of the period of its use, he will receive his savings in full, including additional income in the form of cumulative interest.

In order to start receiving such income, you must deposit at least 100 Belarusian rubles on a deposit. After that, during the first month you can replenish your account and get even more profit. Payments are made on the last day of the period that was specified in the contract.


This is another option for those who trust the national currency more. In this case, a longer storage period for savings is provided (up to 3 years). Moreover, regardless of the economic situation and the state of the currency exchange rate, the client will not lose his income.

If we talk about the interest rate, then, having drawn up this deposit, the client receives 25% monthly and 18% in the form of an annual bonus. Moreover, the minimum contribution amount is 10 Belarusian rubles.

foreign currency deposits in banks of belarus reviews

Returning to the topic of the best foreign currency deposits in the banks of Belarus, it is worth highlighting several more financial organizations offering fairly favorable conditions. For example, in Belagroprombank you can choose from several options for such deposits.


When making this deposit, it is allowed to make Belarusian rubles, US dollars and euros (at least 50), Russian rubles (minimum contribution of 3 thousand). The main disadvantage of this deposit is the impossibility of withdrawing funds before the expiration of the contract.

The interest rate in this case can be fixed or variable. In the first case, the maximum 7% can be obtained with a deposit in Belarusian rubles. If US dollars are deposited, the benefit will be 1.8% maximum. When placing a variable rate, the income will be up to 6% in national currency and 1.3% if USD was deposited into the account.

“25 years together”

This is another offer from Belagroprombank. In this case, speaking of interest on foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, the benefit will be 0.3% per annum if the customer has deposited US dollars or euros. Storage of Russian rubles is also allowed. In this case, the income will be equal to 3.5%. If we talk about the minimum contribution, then it is at least 100 US dollars or euros and 5 thousand Russian rubles. In this case, funds can be stored in the bank for up to 370 days. The first 95 days, the interest rate will be fixed, and starting from the 96th day it will be calculated individually, depending on the amount of the deposit and the term of its maintenance.

foreign currency deposits in banks of Belarus for individuals

Payments are made every ten days.

"Line of growth"

This deposit from Belagroprombank is also considered the most profitable, according to customers. Among the advantages, many noted the flexible storage periods of funds from 35 to 280 days. At the same time, you can deposit money not only in national currency, but also in US dollars and euros (at least 10).

If you compare with other foreign currency deposits in banks of Belarus, it is worth noting that in this case the interest rate can only be variable. For some customers, this is more beneficial, since in this case you can get a big profit. By the way, the client receives the maximum income if he deposits Russian rubles for a period of 280 days. In this case, the payment income will be 4%. If US dollars or euros were paid, then the benefit will be 0.6% for a period of 280 days.

Charges are made monthly.

Also, in search of the most profitable foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, it is worth paying attention to other financial institutions and their proposals.

"Great plus"

This offer from Belinvestbank may interest people planning to receive passive income from their money. This tariff involves the payment of Russian rubles for a period of up to 3 months. At the same time, the investor does not have the right to request funds until the expiration of the contract. If all the conditions of the transaction are met correctly, then for the first month of using the deposit, you can get 0.1% of the profit, for the second - 1.1%, for the third - 1.6%. It is noteworthy that when using the bank's services online, the amount of received funds increases to 2.1% for the 3rd month.

foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks profitable deposits in Belarusian rubles

Among the main conditions, it is worth highlighting the minimum threshold for the down payment. It is 5 bel. rubles. Moreover, at any time, the client can replenish the deposit and make a big profit. Interest payments are accrued monthly and can be transferred to the user's account.


From a wide variety of foreign currency deposits in Belarusian banks, it is also worth highlighting this tariff from MMBank. This financial institution operates primarily online, so the client can carry out all operations independently, without leaving home. This is very beneficial for those who live far from large cities.

If we talk about the features of this contribution, then first of all it is worth paying attention to the flexible shelf life of savings, which the client can adjust to himself. The period of storage of funds is from 3 to 24 months. It is allowed to deposit both national and foreign currency (US dollars and euros).

foreign exchange deposit of Belarus banks

Of the main advantages of such a deposit, many noted the flexible terms for early termination of the contract. In this case, there is no need to fear the recalculation of interest. However, there are no restrictions on making additional contributions throughout the entire period of storage of funds.

Depending on the preferences of the depositor, he can choose monthly payments or capitalization of income.

However, it is worth noting the possibility of concluding a contract for a new period. If the deposit is made in national currency, then the extension is not provided. When depositing US dollars or euros, the client has the right to conclude a new contract. Its validity period will be the same as with the initial application of the client to the bank. At the same time, the interest rate remains.

Deposit calculator

Regardless of which foreign currency deposit in the Bank of Belarus was chosen, it is worthwhile to carefully study the terms of the transaction. In order to greatly simplify the life of investors, all self-respecting financial institutions offer a special online calculator, which can be found on the official website of the institution. Thanks to this service, a person can see exactly what his real passive income will be. In addition, using this free application, you can choose the most favorable conditions.

interest on foreign currency deposits in Belarus

However, it is worth considering that the conditions of deposits are constantly changing, therefore, before opening a deposit, it is recommended to consult with a representative of a financial organization. Most offers do not involve withdrawing funds until the end of their storage period. This can cause additional problems if the client has deposited all the funds available to him.

Separately, it is worthwhile to clarify with the employee of the financial organization what conditions are provided for when the contract is terminated. In some banks, this does not affect the interest rate. However, there are institutions in which this procedure involves a rather impressive loss of money from the client.


For a long time, residents of Belarus have preferred deposits in US dollars. A little later, the situation changed a little, and the euro took the leading position. However, today, when deciding in which foreign currency to keep money, many Belarusians prefer Russian rubles. This is explained not only by the stability of the currency, but also by the fact that a huge number of Russian banks operate in Belarus that are interested in the turnover of this particular currency. Thanks to this, financial organizations strive to interest a larger number of customers in the most favorable conditions, promotions and bonuses.

If you are not too lazy and study all the offers of banks, you can start investing money and get quite good interest for their storage. Thanks to this, some people do not need work at all, as they receive monthly interest on deposits.


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