Ufa, National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan: address, schedule, reviews

Among the attractions of the city of Ufa there are many different architectural structures and monuments. However, special attention deserves the museum, which contains the whole history of Bashkortostan. We will talk about the creation of the national museum in Ufa, about the features and exhibits of this institution.

History of creation

The official year of the museum in Ufa is considered to be 1864, and this gives the right to call the Ufa Museum one of the oldest in our country. However, the indirect prerequisites for its creation appeared much earlier - even after the war with the French in 1812. It was then that in different cities and villages of our country, museum work began to emerge as a desire to preserve its history for posterity.

In Ufa, the museum appeared thanks to the Statistical Committee (a special body responsible for collecting and analyzing various statistics on the life of citizens) and the then governor Grigory Aksakov. As mentioned above, this happened in 1864. It was assumed that the national museum in Ufa will become a repository of things that can shed light on the features of both the given area, its nature, and the people living in it.

National Museum of Ufa

Initially, the museum opened in one of the halls of the men's gymnasium, since it was difficult to find a building suitable for it. However, this state of affairs did not last long, because, firstly, the museum’s collection was expanding and growing, and secondly, the entrance to the gymnasium was closed to outsiders, therefore, the museum did not have an influx of visitors. Therefore, already in 1867 the museum moved to its own premises, but until 1886 there was no permanent exhibition there.

Inside the museum

In 1884, the museum gained independence from the Statistical Committee, and from the beginning of the nineties of the nineteenth century it began to participate in various exhibitions and even receive awards. After the revolution, the Bashkir Museum - that was the name of the current national museum in Ufa at that time - acquired a new building, and exhibits related to Marxist ideology settled in its halls for a long time: this was the setting for all museums in the country of the Soviets.


At the very beginning of the new century, the national museum in Ufa underwent restoration work that lasted more than three years. It opened to visitors in 2004.

Museum Halls

Today, the museum has thirty-four rooms, the exhibits of which are associated with archeology and ethnography, nature and history, the past and present of both Ufa and the entire Republic of Bashkortostan. In total, the museum's collection of more than 190 thousand units is a huge number! It presents the history of the region in war and peacetime, in the twentieth and nineteenth centuries, the Civil War and the popular movement of the late eighteenth century. Archaeological objects of the era made of bronze and stone, minerals, caves - which are not present in the museum, about which its exhibits will not be told! It's easier to come and see everything yourself.

Museum branches

The museum in Ufa is not just an ordinary city museum, it is a treasury of national history, an institution lurking in itself the life of an entire people, an entire era. And therefore it is not surprising that he has branches - and not one, not two, but nine.

Museum exhibits

Next, we will talk a little more in detail about each of them in order to give an idea of ​​what is exhibited in these institutions.

Aksakov Museum

The first Ufa governor Grigory Aksakov was the son of the famous writer Sergei Aksakov, who became famous for his fairy tale about the scarlet flower and brought fame to his native city. It was thanks to the efforts of the son and his wife Sophia, a prominent public figure of the city of those years, that the writer’s museum appeared in Ufa - and not just a museum, but a memorial house. Fourteen halls will acquaint visitors with the interiors of a noble estate of the late eighteenth century (by the way, the museum itself is located in an old house that belonged to the writer's grandfather - now it is the oldest building in all of Ufa), with the life of little Serezhenka and maturing Sergey, with literary and theatrical the activities of the writer Aksakov. There are exhibits in the museum dedicated to the family of Sergei Timofeevich: his son Gregory, his wife Sophia and their daughter Olya, the writer’s beloved granddaughter.

The museum was created in 1978 and is located at: Zaynulla Rasuleva street, house 4.

Khudaiberdin House Museum

Shagit Khudaiberdin was a party leader, contributed to the establishment of Soviet power in Bashkortostan, and later became his first Commissar of Internal Affairs. The museum of his memory is located in the house where the People's Commissar himself lived with his family. The purpose of this branch is the patriotic education of youth, and its exhibits demonstrate the era of state building.

The museum appeared in 1996.

Dyurtyulinsky museum

The small town of Dyurtyuli near Ufa also has its own branch of the national museum. This is the most ordinary museum of local lore, the analogues of which are in every city, but it does not become less curious to look at it. By the way, the same museums are in the villages of Temyasovo and Askarovo, as well as in the city of Tuymazy.

Museum of Salavat Yulaev

It is located in the village of Maloyaz and appeared in 1965. Initially, it was a small school corner of local history, which later expanded and turned into a completely independent and independent institution. The expositions tell about the life of the Bashkirs of the eighteenth century, including the connection with the popular movement and Emelyan Pugachev. The figure of Salavat Yulaev also assigned a large place in the exhibition.

Akhmet-zaki Validi Museum

A man with that name was an outstanding orientalist, scientist, Turkologist, philosopher, leader of the Bashkir national movement. His regalia can be listed for a long time, so it is natural that one of the branches of the National Museum of Ufa bears his name. It is located in the village of Kuzyanovo and talks about the life and work of A. Validi. The museum appeared in 1993.

Museum of the Aksakov family

Another museum dedicated to the famous Ufa family. It is located in the writer's family estate, in the village of Nadezhdino, and has been operating since 1994.

Contact Information

The address of the National Museum of Ufa is Sovetskaya Street, house number 14. You can get there by all buses and / or fixed-route taxis that pass by the Gostiny Dvor and Sovetskaya Square stops.

Exposition in the Bashkir Museum

The Ufa Museum has its own website, where you can find both the telephone numbers of this institution and its email address for communication.

Mode of operation

Like many other museums across the country, the national museum’s work schedule in Ufa does not include Monday — it's a day off. On Saturdays, the institution is open from noon until eight in the evening, and the ticket office closes an hour earlier. On the remaining days of the week, you can get into the museum itself from eleven in the morning until six in the evening, but you need to remember that after seventeen zero-zero the ticket office will not work, which means that tickets can no longer be bought.

Ufa Museum

As for tickets, for individual visitors the entrance will cost 150 rubles, if you are not a senior citizen, a small child or a student / school student. For all these categories there is a discount that reduces the cost of a ticket by three times - up to fifty rubles. Exactly the same amount will be taken from such citizens for a group excursion, and those who do not fall into these categories will have to pay a hundred rubles in this case. The price of an entrance ticket to the branches of the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Ufa can be found in detail on the website of this institution.

Institutional reviews

Reviews about the national museum in Ufa are often enthusiastic. People celebrate rich collections, modern equipment, competent guides. Some do not like that there are few modern things from Bashkir life, while others, on the contrary, consider this a plus. Several hours in the museum fly by in one breath, everything is so exciting and interesting.


Currently, the National Museum of Bashkortostan is being renovated. Unfortunately, it will not work to visit the expositions until December 25 of this year: all the halls are closed.

Bashkir Museum

Such is the information about one of the attractions of the city of Ufa - its museum, without visiting which it is simply impossible to get the spirit of Bashkortostan and fully get acquainted with its history.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45579/

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