Guanajuato, Mexico. World Attractions

Tours to Mexico are very popular with tourists. Sunny beaches, ancient cities that still remember the conquistadors, amazing nature, colorful customs of the local population and, of course, archaeological open-air museums with the unique architecture of Mesoamerica - all this awaits those who come to a warm country.


guanajuato mexico

A trip to Mexico is worth making in order to see for yourself the incredible power and grandeur of civilizations, the memory of which is still preserved by the ancient stones of the temple of Quetzalcoatl. Such cities of Mexico as Mexico City and Cancun are a vivid example of how amazingly the history and culture of different civilizations and peoples intertwine.

The eternally young Acapulco swirls in a whirlwind of entertainment and amazes daredevils who, in the bay of La Quebrada, from a height of 35 meters rush into the waves of the Pacific Ocean. The old cities of Mexico, such as Guadalajara and Tequila, have the distinctive features of the Spanish colonial era, not only in architecture. There still exists a bullfighting arena where spectacular performances are held, but the Tequila Museum is of particular interest to tourists.

Gorgeous beaches with white sand and the deep ocean promise paradise pleasure. In this regard, it is worth mentioning beach tours to Mexico. The Riviera Maya resort will not leave indifferent, even the most demanding public, excellent service and comfortable hotels, from whose doors you can get directly to the beach. Nature and architecture of amazing beauty will leave unforgettable memories.

cities of mexico


The city of Guanajuato deserves special attention, its outstanding beauty and sights amaze even experienced tourists. It was founded in the sixteenth century by the Spanish colonialists, who discovered deposits rich in silver there. Thus began the history of the city, the first settlements of miners arose, and later the settlement of Santa Fe was built. Prosperity was given to the city by the eighteenth century, it was at this time that new, richest silver veins were found. Owners of deposits and mines began active development, and money poured into the treasury of the Spanish crown. The newly made Spanish nobility did not skimp on the construction of palaces, churches and temples in the city of Guanajuato. Mexico has become their second homeland. They even called her New Spain.

The beautiful baroque temples of La Compagna and San Cayetano de La Valenciana, without a doubt, can be called the architectural masterpieces of colonial Mexico. Silver deposits have been depleted over time, and silver mining has ceased to be a priority sector of the cityโ€™s economy. But tourism and education have become the basic directions, also the city is the state capital of the same name. Guanajuato (state) has a developed economy, which is based on the extraction of gold, silver, fluorine and quartz. The petrochemical industry, food industry and pharmaceutical companies are well developed.

Name and national component

Quite interesting is the history of the name of the city of Guanajuato. Mexico was then inhabited by indigenous peoples: purepecha is one of them, a city and owes its name to it. "Quanaxhuato" in translation means mountainous abode of frogs. Today, the national component is made up of Honas, Mestizos and whites.


The historical part of the city is located in a winding gorge. Construction took place along the spurs and slopes, and on the outskirts of the Santa Rosa mountains are the famous mine and the village of La Valenciana. The mine works to this day, but, despite this, accepts excursion groups. For a small fee, you can go down 60 meters and get an idea of โ€‹โ€‹the hard mining work.

Narrow streets

tours to mexico

Narrow streets often go up the stairs and climb high up the slope, so traveling by car would be difficult enough if there were a few tunnels and underground roads. Probably one of the most popular narrow streets is Kisses Lane. The urban legend says that once prosperous people lived on this street, their daughter fell in love with a simple local mine worker. Lovers, of course, were forbidden to meet, but the resourceful guy rented a room with a balcony in the house opposite. And thanks to the narrow lane, lovers, each standing on their balcony, could exchange kisses.

Interesting sights

The Basilica of Colegiata de Nuestra Senora de Guanajuato, certainly one of the most important city attractions, is located in the city center on PlazadelaPaz, which means Peace Square.

No less attractive tourist sites are the Juarez Theater, made in the neoclassical style, the buildings of Aljondiga de Granaditas and the Old Town Hall.

The city of Guanajuato (Mexico) is the birthplace of the famous artist Diego Rivera. His hometown now serves as a museum. The bird's-eye view of the city enthuses, the view opens from the hill of San Miguel, on top of which a monument is installed in honor of the rebel Pipila.

travel to mexico

Museum of Mummies

An interesting and at the same time creepy place is the Museum of Mummies. The history of its formation goes back to the distant 1870. Then the law on the payment of tax for eternal burial was introduced. If the relatives of the deceased did not have the opportunity to pay tax amounts, the buried remains were dug up and sent for public display to the building near the cemetery. Mostly the remains belong to ordinary people, workers and members of their families. Everyone could go into the vault and stare at the mummy for a fee. In 1958, the law was repealed, and in 1970 a new museum was built, and all the mummies are now stored under glass.

The viewing took place by candlelight, visitors often tear pieces from the exhibits, leaving them as souvenirs. In total, the museumโ€™s collection contains 111 mummies of people who died between 1850 and 1950. The eerie exposition is accompanied by inscriptions on the tablets in the form of a presentation, the story comes from the first person and tells the sad story of mummies seized from their graves and exhibited in the museum. It is characteristic that all bodies are mummified naturally. There are several versions of this phenomenon. But the most likely scientists consider the influence of climate, thanks to the hot and dry air, the bodies dried out and mummified quite quickly.

guanajuato city

Monuments to Miguel Cervantes

The inhabitants of the city have a rather interesting feature: they love the work of Miguel Cervantes. Although the famous author of Don Quixote himself never visited Guanajuato, this did not stop the city residents from erecting many monuments dedicated to his work and organizing the Cervantino festival in honor of his beloved writer. This event was held for the first time in 1972.

mexico reviews

Since then it has been held annually. The festival is one of Mexico's most significant cultural events. Guanajuato at the time of the Cervantino is turning into a large theater stage, the artists surprise and delight the residents and visitors of the city with their work, and the music and singing, coming from all sides, create a feeling of universal jubilation.

Guanajuato can also be proud of its university, not only in architectural terms, although the new monumental building adds credibility to the panorama of the city, but also for its students. There are many of them, so it seems that the inhabitants of the city are forever young. Sounds of music and laughter are heard from all sides, countless bars and discos of the city are always happy with their tireless visitors.

guanajuato state


The beautiful and contrasting city of Guanajuato. Mexico does not cease to amaze with its contradictory nature. On the one hand, almost the entire population of the country is zealous Catholics, regularly attends temples and honors Christian saints, on the other hand, it celebrates the Day of the Dead magnificently, wearing terrible costumes symbolizing Death.

Guanajuato, striking with the beauty of architecture, the beauty of houses and the cheerful disposition of the inhabitants, evokes, on the one hand, the warmest feelings, but it terrifies the history of the Museum of Mummies.

Inveterate travelers say that Guanajuat needs to be felt, and then it will be simply impossible not to fall in love with it. And Mexico itself receives the most flattering reviews from tourists, no one is indifferent. Each takes away with her a piece of her big soul, seething with passions.


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