The world's longest suspension bridge in Sochi

The greatest suspension bridge in Sochi is located in a skypark, which can be found by driving to the Adler district. Here you will find many exciting adventures.

The uniqueness of the place

The Akhshtyr Gorge is dizzy and charms with its height, causing adrenaline to spill through your veins. This is a completely new building, since it began to function in the summer of 2014. Many visitors to the city primarily want to visit the suspension bridge in Sochi. How to get there You need to go from Adler along the road that leads to Krasnaya Polyana. You will drive through villages such as Golitsyno, as well as Cossack Brod. Nearby is the trout farm of the area. A little lower you can see the Krasnopolyanskoye highway, a rather old road.

suspension bridge in sochi
When you get to the place where the suspension bridge is located in Sochi, a lot of interesting and fascinating things will open before you. It takes your breath away when you look from a height into a gorge of great depth that opens below. There are picturesque white cliffs, sparkling waters of the Mzymta River.

The longest suspension bridge on the planet can give you an incomparable experience. The length of this structure is 439 meters. You will be at an altitude of 207 m. In addition, an interesting place is a large cave, which can be seen on the right.


How did such a wonderful suspension footbridge appear in the resort town? Copyright and ideas on creation were brought to this territory by a guest from New Zealand who is fond of travel and extreme sports. His name is Alan Hackert.

The Akhshtyr Gorge is only one of the picturesque places where this man embodied his grandiose plans. He put his hand to structures in Australia, worked in France and China, worked in Germany. His activity began in 1986. Since that time, under the leadership of Alan, the attractions of his brand were erected, more than 3.5 billion people have managed to make an exciting jump into the abyss and fly up.

Suspension bridge in Sochi, as well as other ideas of the author, allows the heart to freeze from surging feelings. The most interesting thing is that even for the disabled there is an opportunity to jump. So, thanks to this development, a person, in fact, spending his whole life in an armchair, can do something that thousands of healthy people can’t decide on. Skypark (Sochi) was developed under the direct supervision of the inventor of Hacket, so all its developments and tricks were taken into account.

Ahshtyr Gorge

Interesting features

You can jump to an amazing depth of 207 meters. Suspension bridge in Sochi has a system with which you can carry out bungee jumping. To go through the entire structure, it will be necessary to overcome 520 m. It captures the eye and captivates a depth of 218 m.

There are observation platforms for admiring the environment. The sea and the rocky mountains open their gaze. Suspension bridge in Sochi is supported by eight metal cables, weighing a total of 700 tons. The mass of the structure itself is 120 tons. The suspension is 439 m long. Even in the event of a nine-magnitude earthquake, a skypark (Sochi) will withstand and not shake. There is no analogue to this structure throughout the world. Three thousand people can simultaneously climb it. For its uniqueness, it was decided to include the building in the Guinness Book of Records.

skype sochi

Great opportunities

Once here, you can proceed to a freestyle bungee, where for you there is a special platform from which people enthusiastically break into the abyss 69 meters deep. When designing, the need to provide the ability to perform a variety of tricks was taken into account. You can jump in tandem, on a bicycle, performing a complicated trick. We are actively developing developments to provide great opportunities for people with disabilities.

There is a more serious platform, from where you can go down to a depth of 207 m. You will jump from the gondola, which is located in the middle of the bridge. There are no analogues to this attraction both in Russia and in Europe. Before starting, the building was tested many times and tested for strength and reliability.

suspension foot bridge

There are a lot of interesting things

In addition, you can go to the Sochi Swings, launched in 2014, in August. You will find yourself in free flight when you fly in the opposite direction, enveloping an arc with a radius of 170 meters. There is no higher similar structure in the world.

There is also a Mowgli rope park. Nearby you can go to the museum, where you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about bungee jumping. There is also a Mega-troll, which will allow you to fly through the gorge, gaining speed of 150 kilometers per hour. This development was launched in the summer of 2015. I like it very much for those who are too annoyed by long walks and who have a desire to return to the bridge in this way.

Strong cables are pulled, having lengths of 550 and 800 meters, respectively. Those who have tried this method of getting vivid emotions say that they had never felt anything like it before and would not refuse to let adrenaline run through their veins again.

where is the suspension bridge in sochi

Continuous improvement

Development does not stop, creating more and more interesting. A climbing wall is already functioning. You can become a visitor to a restaurant complex, a large amphitheater that will be located on the very edge of the abyss.

The climbing wall, which rises to 18 m and has an area of ​​1200 square meters, can accept both experienced professionals and novice adventure seekers. In addition, nearby you can park a car, go to a cozy cafe, live in a quality hotel, and go up to the platform for viewing the surroundings. Every day in the park can be 3 thousand people.

suspension bridge in sochi how to get

Safety system

Of course, when it comes to extreme relaxation, especially on such a scale, it is not superfluous to think about ensuring that no one gets injured. Ropes do not operate for too long. This bungee jumping device is changed after it depletes a third of its resources. Before jumping, they conduct tests, dropping loads of 75, as well as 105 kg.

This operation is performed by an experienced instructor. Participants are weighed and selected suspension system. The whole process takes about five minutes. The usual type of fastening is applied at the ankles, and the second is attached to the belt. The second instructor will definitely check everything before you are allowed to jump.

Then, with the help of the cable, a special mechanism descends, which captures the fastening device attached to the rope. After the jump is completed, you are pulled up for 30 seconds.

Inexpressible emotions

This place gives a lot of impressions to everyone who comes here. The length of the transition is amazing, the head just spinning with delight. Skybridge is a place to which you will not find analogues in many countries of the world. Under the building opens a gorge and a beautiful river, which beckons with its charming splendor. This is the true pearl of the Adler region and the entire city of Sochi.

Passing over the 439-meter bridge, you will feel something new and unknown until now, casting your eyes to a depth of 218 meters. Out of the common works of the Russians and the New Zealand creator, an amazing development has come out that can impress everyone with its scale and splendor.

longest suspension bridge
For two years, major work was carried out on the construction of this facility. Spent 2 thousand cubic meters of concrete. The tests were successful, and the skypark was approved for use. It was recognized as absolutely safe and of high quality. If people with disabilities can take a jump here, it’s clear what degree of comfort and safety for visitors is involved. No earthquake can overwhelm the structure.

For tourists, this is a great place to relax where you can walk. Panoramas are amazing. Local entertainment will fill you with vivid emotions for a long time. Elastic jump ropes at your disposal. The administration plans to expand services on skis, a snowboard on which it will be possible to jump. The emphasis is on tandem tricks and service for people with disabilities.


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