Montenegro, "Durmitor" - national park

Durmitor National Park is a real gem of all of Europe, not only the Republic of Montenegro. Here, the pristine nature of lakes, forests, mountains and rivers has been preserved, this is truly a different world, clean, not touched by a human hand. Absolutely transparent lakes, mesmerizing mountain peaks, unsurpassed canyons, mysterious caves, dense forests and many animals - all this you will see if you are planning to visit the "Durmitor" in Montenegro.

About the park

Recognized the reserve zone back in 1952, and after 28 years, the park was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The area of ​​the park is 390 km. The mountain peaks, reaching a height of two kilometers, are 48 here. One can single out the highest point - Bobotov Kuk, whose height is 2523 meters. 18 mountain lakes of glacial origin, more than 1,500 species of animals and plants, some of which are listed in the Red Book, five canyons and 748 mountain springs in the Durmitor park. Montenegro will pleasantly surprise lovers of pristine nature.

Many people know the Tara Canyon. In total, it occupies 78 km, and 60 of them are located on the territory of "Durmitor". Through it, at a 135-meter height, a beautiful 145-meter-long bridge leads, revealing an incredible, stunning picture. The canyon also has waterfalls, of which more than 40.

Durmitor Montenegro


Of the lakes, the most famous is Black. Such beauty that you will see while strolling around it is hardly ever seen. A huge number of caves with stalagmites and stalactites are another attraction of the Durmitor park. Montenegro is famous for its memorable places, natural areas, included in the UNESCO list.

Lakes and mountain rivers also have unique inhabitants. They live not only many species of fish, but also the most real newts. Among animals and birds in the territory of the National Park you can find deer, mountain goats, foxes, bears, martens, eagles, hawks and many others. There are more than 130 species of inhabitants in the Republic of Montenegro, "Durmitor" has become home to many endangered species of animals and birds.

Montenegro Durmitor

Major Attractions

National Park "Durmitor" in Montenegro is interesting not only for nature and living inhabitants - it has its own attractions. Harmoniously combining together, one emphasizes and enhances the beauty and unusualness of the other.

There are beautiful Orthodox monasteries here. The monastery of St. Michael the Archangel, built in the 15th century, the monastery of Dolvolya (15th century), the monastery of Dobrilovin (16-17th century). Those who wish will find ancient Roman burials, also located on the territory of the reserve, or even the remains of an ancient Roman settlement.

park durmitor montenegro

National Housing

Savardak can also be attributed to the sights - national housing, which expresses the original Montenegrin architecture. These houses are cone-shaped, and their roofs are covered with straw. Some owners have turned these houses into restaurants, and today you can enjoy classic Montenegrin cuisine in them.

At a 400-meter height, the village of Shchepan Pole is located. Not far from it you will find the Church of St. John the Baptist, built in the 15th century. Today it is a man’s monastery in the Republic of Montenegro. "Durmitor" will be able to transfer visitors to a completely different era, giving a lot of impressions. Here you can also see the ruins left over from the formerly great Sokol fortress, built in the 14th century.

The identity of the Republic of Montenegro. Durmitor and preserved villages

We are used to understanding a national park as a place somewhat remote from residential buildings. However, you will be interested to know that villages have been preserved on its territory. Moreover, original, ancient, not touched by all the blessings of modernity. Quite ordinary people live in them, friendly and welcoming, who will not refuse a tourist in an overnight stay. Probably, such a journey will never be forgotten, because in order to understand the nature and get to know the locals, it is best to live among them.

durmitor montenegro how to get

"Durmitor" (Montenegro): how to get

Getting to Durmitor Park is easy. First, of course, you need to arrive in Podgorica - the capital of the republic. You can do this in several ways: by plane, by private car and by train.

Airplane is the fastest and cheapest way. Traveling by train will be the longest, but comfortable and enjoyable. By car, it will also be nice to drive, of course, for a long time, but there are a lot of routes, among which you can choose the most optimal option. This is another reason to enjoy amazing views of the Republic of Montenegro. "Durmitor" will be a continuation of such an excursion.

Arriving in Podgorica, you will need to find a bus next to Zabljak. It is here that you can rent a house and enjoy the flavor of the country, having been in such a wonderful part of it. At the bus station in Zabljak you will meet local people who are ready to rent a room or apartment / house in full. On average, you will have to pay from 10 euros per day.

Durmitor National Park in Montenegro

What kind of entertainment is there in the Durmitor National Park

Firstly, walks alone will give you aesthetic pleasure. Such beauty is not enough to be found anywhere. But here other entertainments are provided, no less interesting and entertaining.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the information center of the park, located at the Black Lake. Here you can buy souvenirs as a keepsake for yourself and your family, get information about the reserve, visit the Natural History Museum and even watch a film about Durmitor. You will find a deep canyon in Curevac. Before such long and intense walks, it is advisable to buy a map, a compass and a flashlight so as not to get lost.

durmitor in montenegro
Other attractions include horse riding, hunting, boating and fishing, mountain biking, mountain climbing and even paragliding. Zabljak, which was mentioned above, in the winter season turns into a ski resort. The best ski slopes can be found on the slopes of Shtuots, Savin Kuk, Yavorovach.

Do not think that you will have nothing to do in the National Park in the summer. This season, the festival "Days of Mountain Flowers" is held here - a sports, cultural and tourist event that can give a sea of ​​impressions. In addition, the city has a Historical Museum. It contains collections of items that have ever been found in the reserve.

National Park "Durmitor" (Montenegro) is an ideal place for those who seek solitude, silence and tranquility. Here you can completely relax, enjoy the freshness of the air, the crystal clear lakes, the eternal greenery of fragrant pine needles. This is a unique opportunity to relax from the hustle and bustle of large cities, to find peace of mind and harmony. All lovers of pristine nature must visit this reserve.


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