Craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day: tank

Crafts for the Defender of the Fatherland Day are carried out with the aim of giving them to someone. Drawings of ships and airplanes everywhere hang on the walls of our compatriots. It is worth choosing something more interesting. Crafts for the Defender of the Fatherland Day should be somewhat more creative.

Here you will learn how to assemble a tank model from improvised materials. Such a tank will be an excellent gift not only from the baby, but also from an already sufficiently adult child. Such a tank is not very difficult, but long enough. Such craft for the Defender of the Fatherland Day will also cost a long time.


For the tank you will need:

  1. Many identical buttons of large diameter.
  2. Clamps of any color.
  3. Two plastic boxes of different sizes. Small should be somewhere 3 times smaller than large.
  4. Fountain pen without a rod or a plastic tube.
  5. Cork from the bottle.
  6. Glue "Moment" or glue gun with rods.
  7. Art acrylic paint.
  8. Sharp knife.


Craft for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland "Tank" begins with the assembly of wheels. Buttons of four are glued to each other flat. You should get eight wide wheels, assembled from four buttons. Now these wheels are glued together with ribs. You should get two rows of four wheels.

crafts for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Caterpillars of the tank are made of clamps. Four clamps are laid next to each other exactly. A row of wheels is glued vertically on them. You may need only three or five clamps, it all depends on the width of the buttons. Then the clamps are pulled around the rows of wheels, and the excess is cut off.

The next step

A smaller box is glued to the middle of a large box. This will be the hull of the tank. While the glue dries, you need to cut a semicircular hole on the side of the cork. It should start at the end of the cork. Now, in the middle of a small box, a little glue is poured, which is smeared in a circle the size of a cork. First, a fountain pen or tube is mounted on the glue, and a cork on top of it. The glued end of the tube should be hidden under the cork, and it should exit through a semicircular incision.

crafts for the Defender of the Fatherland Day


The finished hull and caterpillars of the tank are painted with acrylic paints, depending on the desire and imagination. Usually used green and red colors. Caterpillars usually turn black. You can not paint them, if you take the clamps and buttons of the desired color.

After the paint has dried, it is necessary to glue the tracks to the tank body. The finished tank can be glued to the stand or left as is.

Craft for the Defender of the Fatherland Day is ready.


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