Acron Hotel, Veliky Novgorod: address, list of services, reviews of tourists and photos

Veliky Novgorod is one of many Russian cities rich in sights, places for a great vacation, as well as endless natural resources. Many tourists visiting it ask questions about where you can stay here. It should be noted that Acron stands out from the total number of hotels - it is this place that offers its guests wonderful conditions for a quality stay, as well as first-class service.

Let us further consider how tourists respond to the Acron Hotel in Veliky Novgorod, as well as what guests can offer here.

General information

The hotel in question, according to many Russians and foreign tourists, is a great place to relax different groups of guests. Its rooms provide facilities for business people, for children, as well as for the disabled. It should be noted that the apartments of this hotel are very often chosen by couples in love to organize romantic evenings.

Having been here, many guests note that within the walls of the place for rest there are absolutely all conditions for a comfortable stay, and they are provided at a rather low cost. In addition, tourists are attracted by the very favorable location of the Acron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod) - it is located in the historical center, in the place where a large number of attractions are concentrated.

The hotel was first opened in November 1973.

Hotel Akron Veliky Novgorod


Akron is an incredibly popular hotel that has a fairly high rating on various Internet sites and portals. So, according to reviews on, the Akron hotel (Veliky Novgorod) has a rating of 9.6 out of 10, and on Tripadvisor - 4 out of 5. It should be noted that the points presented are the highest indicator of the level of service and comfortable conditions accommodation in apartments offered to the attention of travelers.

In accordance with international standards, the hotel in question has the status of 3 *, which is a direct indicator of a rather high level of all that is offered to tourists here.


The reviews of the Acron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod) indicate that it has a great location with respect to the main attractions and the most important urban infrastructure. Her building is surrounded by a large number of interesting monuments for tourists, business centers, the proximity of which is to the liking of businessmen, as well as cafes and restaurants that want to visit everything without exception.

Fans of visiting beautiful natural places note in their comments that the Volkhov River flows near the Acron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod), on the banks of which you can not only walk, but also arrange wonderful gatherings with friends. Many experienced travelers who have been to the hotel in question, in their spare time, recommend going to Lake Ilmen, which is 5 km from the hotel.

There is a public transport stop near the Acron Hotel, through which there are routes that can deliver everyone to any corner of the city.

Address of the Acron Hotel: Veliky Novgorod, 24 Predtechenskaya Street, 24.

Attractions nearby

Near the hotel in question there are a large number of attractions that attract the attention of tourists from different regions of Russia and the world. There are a considerable number of places where data on the history of the city and the region are collected. The most visited among them are the Hall of Military Glory, the Novgorod State Museum-Reserve, the Museum of History and Art, as well as the Novgorod Kremlin. Fans of beautiful architecture prefer to visit the Sovereign Chamber, as well as the Cathedral of Sofia.

In the evenings, many guests of the Acron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod) prefer to stroll through the Kremlin Park, which is a 10-minute walk from the hotel.


In the room fund "Akron" there are a total of 55 apartments, which are divided into several groups, depending on the degree of comfort. It should be noted that each room presented to the attention of tourists is equipped with everything that is necessary for the proper relaxation of both one person and a whole company of friends or the whole family. By the way, when placing families, the hotel offers an advantageous offer - additional children's beds in any type of room are provided completely free of charge.

The apartments of any group have a private bathroom, in which, in addition to modern sanitary ware, guests will find free bath accessories necessary for maintaining hygiene. Each has a hairdryer.

Standard Group Numbers

The simplest rooms of Akron hotels in Veliky Novgorod (pictured below) are presented in the standard category. Here, on a small one-room platform, a minimal furniture set is designed for one or two people. If necessary, an extra bed can be installed in the room.

In addition to single or double beds, rooms of this group have a small plasma TV connected to a satellite TV system, as well as a workplace and a relaxation area, represented by a small soft sofa. Guests of this type of room can place their personal belongings in a wardrobe closet located in the hallway.

Booking room Hotel Akron Veliky Novgorod reviews

Superior rooms

Superior apartments are also designed to accommodate one or a couple of guests. They are presented on a larger area (about 35 sq. M.) Than the standard ones, and are divided into two rooms, between which there is no door: one of them is a living room, and the second is a bedroom.

Superior rooms have modern furniture made from high quality materials. Each bedroom has a large bed with an orthopedic mattress (in some rooms this type of room is equipped with two single beds), as well as a pair of bedside tables.

As for the living room, there is a sitting corner in it, represented by a combination of upholstered furniture, a coffee table and a large plasma TV, installed opposite.

This class of apartments has a landline telephone, a refrigerator, as well as air conditioning, which allows you to adjust the air temperature to the optimum level.

According to the data presented about the Acron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod) at Bucking, all tourists staying in superior rooms receive breakfast every morning, which is included in the price of the apartment.

Hotel Acron Veliky Novgorod Director


Maximum comfort for guests of any age and status is provided in the apartments classified as luxury. They are located on an area of ​​about 100 square meters. m., which allows you to place a fairly large furniture set. Each suite that is available in the hotel in question is divided into two rooms, one of which is presented in the form of a living room, and the second is a bedroom.

A feature of this type of apartment is that their bedroom is equipped not with a simple shower, as in the rest, but with a bathroom with a hydromassage. In addition, upscale bath accessories are installed in this room, including not only soap, shampoo and shower gel, but also body lotion, cream, as well as some cosmetics.

The luxury apartments have a large bar, presented in the form of a counter made of dark lacquered wood, hidden behind it is a small kitchenette, the accessories of which can be used for self-cooking fresh food. The total number of equipment here includes a microwave, a small refrigerator, as well as a coffee maker and an electric kettle for making your favorite hot drinks. The large living room has a dining area for four people.

Hotel Acron Veliky Novgorod vacancies


Tourists who stay in the hotel in question often say in their comments and reviews that excellent food is offered here. A small cafe is located on the ground floor of the building. Its menu offers a small selection of dishes prepared in the best traditions of Russian and European cuisine.

The reviews about the Akron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod) at say that if necessary, hotel guests can request room service. According to most people, this is very convenient.

Hotel Akron Veliky Novgorod address

Business Services

Often people staying in the hotel in question stay in Veliky Novgorod on a business trip. Of course, this group of tourists needs special conditions for relaxation, which the hotel provides.

First of all, it should be noted that, regardless of the category of apartments, each of them has access to the Internet (Wi-Fi), as well as a beautifully designed workplace, for which you can solve a lot of business issues.

The building of the main building of the hotel has a well-equipped conference room, which is equipped with everything that is necessary for the best presentations, negotiations, as well as business receptions and meetings with business partners. On the hall area of ​​85 square meters. m. at a time can accommodate up to 75 people, for which there is provided modern and comfortable furniture.

For any event on the site of the conference hall, you must first rent it. The cost of this service, according to most people, is very reasonable - from 500 to 700 rubles per hour, depending on time.

If necessary, the administration of the institution can provide guests with reporting documents on the official letterhead of the Acron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod). This fact is considered on the positive side by many business people who are in the hotel during a business trip.


In parallel with Hotel Akron Hotel LLC, a sanatorium is functioning in Veliky Novgorod, which offers first-class relaxation and treatment for a number of diseases, including digestive organs, joints, coronary heart disease, bronchitis, osteochondrosis, asthma, and also hypertension.

The resort offers guests well-equipped rooms, as well as the services of highly qualified staff. Residents of any region of Russia can get a ticket here, although not so long ago only Novgorod chemists were served in the wards of this place, for which, in fact, a recreation complex was built.

It should be noted that most tourists who relax in the hotel in question very often use some of the services offered by this sanatorium, and, judging by the reviews, most of the manipulations benefit the state of the body both from the outside and from the inside.

Form of the Acron Hotel Veliky Novgorod


You can always find out about prices for accommodation in the hotel in question from the official source - the organization’s main site, in a special section. In the reviews of tourists who rested in this place, it is often said that the cost of living in rooms is acceptable and affordable for most representatives of the Russian population. So, a day of stay in rooms assigned to the standard category will cost tourists from 1960 to 3200 rubles. If you want to stay in more comfortable conditions, you will have to pay from 3800 to 5900 rubles, and luxury apartments here cost from 6500 rubles per day.

LLC "Hotel" Akron "" Veliky Novgorod

Contact details

If you want to book an apartment or get answers to your questions, tourists can use the contact details (phone, email address), which are presented on the official website of the hotel, in the "Contacts" section.

The mentioned resource also contains basic information about the director of the Acron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod), as well as which vacancies in this organization are free. It should be noted that work in this place is highly paid and, as a result, prestigious. All vacancies at the Acron Hotel (Veliky Novgorod) can also be found in the city employment center, with which the hotel cooperates and regularly transmits available data regarding the fullness of the staff.


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