City Vladimir, Cathedral Square: description, history, reviews

Vladimir is one of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is rich in historical sites. Cathedral Square is located in the Oktyabrsky district of Vladimir. It covers an area of ​​0.92 hectares. It got its name thanks to two cathedrals: Uspensky and Dmitrievsky. In Soviet times it was called the Square of Glory.


Cathedral Square of Vladimir is located in the very center of the city. It is located at the intersection of Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street and Postal Lane.

How to get there

The bus and train stations are not far from each other. From here you can walk to Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street in five minutes. If there is no desire to get on foot, you can take the fifth trolleybus and get to the stop "Cathedral Square" of Vladimir. Get to know her better.


The Cathedral Square of Vladimir is a classic example of the central part of a large city. Despite the fact that all the adjacent buildings belong to different eras, in the ensemble they look pretty harmonious.

view of Cathedral Square

On the left is the building of the House of Friendship - in the past the city council. Perfectly fit into the composition of the building of the House of Officers and the art school (former male gymnasium). The office of Vladimir Sberbank is located on Cathedral Square on the right. Nearby are the Chambers of public places where the museum is open today. Here you can see paintings by Russian artists.

All the main events of the city are held in this historic place. In winter, a Christmas tree is set in the center of the square.


Cathedral Square in Vladimir was originally intended to address important issues of the city. A veche was gathered at this place, where all the most pressing problems were discussed. In difficult times, such as the Mongol-Tatar invasions, Polish intervention, the war with Napoleon, a militia gathered here.

In 1960, on the territory of Cathedral Square in Vladimir, a half-dugout was discovered, arranged according to Kiev traditions. In it were found the remains of a hearth, a decaying tree, decorated with ornaments ceramics, animal remains and charred wheat. A little aside was discovered a structure with a log ceiling. The appearance of ceramics may indicate that this design is related to the sixteenth century.

During the tsarist empire, a path passed through the square along which convicts were transported to Siberia. On such days, the townspeople gathered at the chapel and escorted the unfortunate with tears, gave them alms and blessed them on a long journey. Dust swirled over the heads of the convicts. At this time, the square was not yet paved, it all consisted of pits and mounds.

All the festivities that accompanied the church holidays were held by Vladimirites on Cathedral Square. In winter, they skated here from the icy mountains, built snowy cities that they conquered from each other. The fun ended late at night. Celebratory fairs were organized on the square. Here, philanthropists also distributed free treats. With the advent of spring, the hills gave way to swings.

People gathered in front of the cathedrals during the holidays to take part in the prayer service. Believers came from all over Russia. Cathedral Square in Vladimir also served as a parade ground, where soldiers took the oath and were trained. In summer, circus performers and gypsies with bears performed here.

Since July 1917, night rallies were held on the square. After the revolution, it was renamed the Glory Square. This name remained until 1991.

historical photo


In the very center of Cathedral Square is a pedestal 22 meters high, which was erected during the years of Soviet rule. It is a stone pyramid with concave sides. The faces of the main monument on Cathedral Square in Vladimir are guarded by bronze figures of a warrior, architect and worker. They symbolize courage, intelligence and love for the work of local residents. Above the figures depict scenes from the history of the city. The base of the monument is decorated with dark marble. Today it is impossible to imagine the central square of Vladimir without this pedestal. It has become a hallmark of the city and a favorite meeting place for local residents.

monument on Cathedral Square

This is not the only monument that can be seen on the Cathedral Square of Vladimir. On the other side of Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street, the pedestal of Lenin was erected. Monuments to Prince Vladimir, St. Fyodor and Russian icon painter Andrei Rublev are also located on the square.

Assumption Cathedral

Most of the architectural sights of Vladimir are white-stone buildings. The Assumption Cathedral, which is located to the left of the monument to Andrei Rublev, also belongs to them. This is an example of Old Russian architecture, which belongs to the pre-Mongol era. It was laid by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1158. The best craftsmen from different countries were invited for the construction. Admired by the splendor of the cathedral, the chroniclers compared it to the temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem.

In 1185, as a result of a fire, the building was badly damaged. He was surrounded by new stone walls, creating a kind of case. During the reign of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, the cathedral was expanded, and its decoration became more expensive.

In the thirteenth century, the Tatar-Mongols plundered and set fire to the temple. Only in the fourteenth century, after the victory over the invaders, did the restoration of the cathedral begin.

The magnificent construction of the temple rises above the Klyazma river and is visible from afar. Here, many princes of Moscow and Vladimir crowned the rule. Today the Assumption Cathedral is included in the list of monuments of world significance.

It is one of the main attractions of the city of Vladimir. The Assumption Cathedral served as a model for later buildings of this type. Frescoes of Andrei Rublev and Daniil Black of the fifteenth century, as well as murals of the nineteenth century, have been preserved in it until today. Today it is a working temple for believers and a museum for the laity.

Assumption Cathedral

Dmitrievsky Cathedral

Like Assumption, it was built in the twelfth century. Dmitrievsky Cathedral on Cathedral Square of Vladimir is famous for its white stone carvings. The temple was built by Russian masters. The cathedral is small, since it was originally built for the royal family and was his personal church. Throughout its history, the temple has been subjected to fires and looting more than once.

In 1919, the Dmitrievsky Cathedral was closed for divine services by the Soviet government. It was preserved as a monument of ancient Russian art. The temple was restored several times.

To date, a museum has been opened in Dmitrievsky Cathedral. Divine services are not held here.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral

City Council

This red brick building is an architectural monument of the twentieth century. It is built in the old Russian style. The construction of the City Council of Vladimir was started in 1906 according to the project of Y. G. Revyakin, a year later it was completed. Money for the construction was collected by the local merchants. Initially, on the ground floor there were trading shops for rent. There was also an orphaned court and the Universal Insurance Company.

The building performed its main function for ten years. After the revolution, the city Council of People's Deputies carried out its work here. In the thirties of the last century, a two-story extension was erected on the south side of the main building.

In Soviet times, from 1948 to 1985, the building housed the City House of Pioneers. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the premises were used for administrative needs. In 2008, the construction was reconstructed. Now it is the House of Friendship, which is designed to receive foreign guests. They offer comfortable hotel rooms, a concert hall and a meeting room.

city ​​council


According to tourists' reviews, the Cathedral Square of Vladimir acquires special splendor during the New Year and Christmas holidays. Many emit a special atmosphere of fun that multiplies the feeling of a holiday. They respond positively to the colorful New Year's fair with folk songs and bright carousels.

The sights of the city are located quite compactly, which makes it easier to get to know them. According to reviews, the central square, like the whole city, is kept clean, and the locals are quite welcoming and ready to help if necessary.

Vladimir city

The beauty and special atmosphere of the historical place are noted. Photography is allowed everywhere. A plus is the presence of two parks nearby, where you can relax after an excursion in the shade of trees. There is a special playground for children.

Negative reviews are mainly justified by the fact that in the Cathedral Square area it is quite difficult to find a free parking place, and you have to stand in traffic at the entrance to the city.

In general, tourists recommend visiting the Cathedral Square of Vladimir, sightseeing and plunging into the atmosphere of history.


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