Shopping in Dresden: traveler reviews

There is everything in Greece. Every Russian has heard this phrase at least once, but only today its relevance can seriously be doubted. If you want to go to a country where cheap things of excellent quality are sold, then go to Germany. Incredible pleasure will bring you shopping in Dresden, because in this city you can realize your old dream and devote your day to shopping center malls all day. However, you will not spend a lot of money, because prices in Dresden can pleasantly surprise any tourist.

Shopping in Dresden

When to go to Dresden: the time of the best prices

If your goal is shopping in Dresden, then you should choose the period of the largest sales. This will save you several times, because discounts can reach up to seventy percent!

Many of our compatriots choose Christmas sales in order to shop in Dresden. Reviews about this trip are always full of enthusiastic epithets and admiration for the assortment of shopping centers. The sales period starts from the beginning of December and is gaining momentum until February. At this time, you can find things with the cherished inscription "minus ninety percent" on the price tag. But in fairness it is worth clarifying that the Germans are also actively engaged in shopping at this time. Therefore, it is worth planning your shopping in Dresden in January - after Christmas, locals rarely make large purchases.

The second phase of sales begins in late summer. From about July to September, shopping centers exhibit items with discounts up to seventy percent, and many of them are simply impossible to buy in Russian boutiques, because collections that go to Russia often have nothing to do with European ones. And it’s not worth talking about prices - a brand coat for 100 euros will be the envy of all your friends who did not manage to get on shopping in Dresden. Reviews in 2016 quite often indicate the exact prices of goods purchased in Germany. Sometimes it’s really hard to believe that it is possible to buy so many things for such a ridiculous amount.

Many tourists say that shopping in Dresden in March is quite successful. Most shopping centers seek to attract buyers and arrange weeks of sales. This distinguishes elite brands and even quite democratic ones, such as Mex and Esprit. You can buy, for example, a man’s shirt for four euros from the latter.

Shopping dresden reviews

Dresden Price Level

Before you start planning your shopping in Dresden, you need to have information in order to navigate prices, because in a foreign country it is quite difficult to determine where low and high prices are.

Keep in mind that in Dresden clothes for 5-10 euros will be of very decent quality. Such prices are often on sale, so do not be afraid to buy such things - they will last you a very long time.

Children's things (clothes, toys) are always sold at significant discounts. This is especially true for large purchases when you purchase several units of goods. At the checkout you can make another special discount for the purchase of a large number of things. Surprisingly, an excellent baby stroller in the shopping center Dresden can easily be purchased for 70 euros.

Difficulties shopping in Dresden: how to cope in one day?

If you plan to complete your shopping in one day after arriving in Dresden, then you will encounter a lot of difficulties. First of all, tourists are confused by the language barrier: it is quite difficult to navigate the prices and rules of shopping centers without speaking in German. In addition, ignorance of the city and the location of various shops also becomes a noticeable problem for tourists. Sometimes the same brand in different shopping centers has a different price. You may not know about this and miss a great opportunity to buy something at the lowest cost. For one category of tourists it seems problematic to move around the city. They do not know how to quickly get from one point to another and make the most convenient route.

What to do in this situation? Unsubscribe from shopping? Whatever the case, a true shopping enthusiast will never do that. To make life easier for tourists in finding the right shopping centers and things, in Dresden there are special travel agencies that provide shopping support. Tourists can express their preferences in advance, and agency staff will draw up a route and correctly allocate time. With such assistants, shopping in Dresden will become a real pleasure.

Dresden Shopping reviews

What to buy in Germany?

Travel reviews in Dresden help to plan shopping in Dresden. They will always tell you which German-made products should be purchased and which ones should be discarded. A shopping list might look like this:

  • footwear;
  • clothes and children's things;
  • jewelry with Swarovski crystals;
  • cosmetics;
  • equipment.

We will dwell on each item on the list in more detail.

German shoes: is it worth buying?

If you are in Dresden, then immediately go to shopping centers for shoes and bags. These German-made products are of very high quality, and stores regularly arrange discounts on them, so you will definitely pick up something suitable for yourself and all family members at an affordable price.

A large selection of shoes in the famous Dachmann store. It is located on the basement of the Almarktgalery, and you can wander around for hours. The fact is that the assortment in the store is very wide, and in order to find a discount, you need to try. But the reward is a beautiful pair of shoes for 15 euros. This is not the lowest price Dresden is ready to please the shopaholics. The store has a large selection of children's shoes, the highest quality brand "Elephant". It often provides customers with serious discounts.

Clothing and baby stuff

Many tourists are frightened by low prices for clothes. The idea that a quality thing cannot be cheap has very firmly settled in the heads of our compatriots. Rejoice, shopkeepers - this phrase is not about Germany. Things are cheap here, and you won’t be able to take them down in a few years.

For example, for 10 euros you can buy 2-3 things for a child of the highest quality. Many tourists say that children do not even have time to take things away - they look like new even after several years of active use.

Luxury jewelry

Surprisingly, jewelry with Swarovski crystals in Dresden can be purchased at thirty percent cheaper than in the Czech Republic. No one will tell you what this is connected with, but due to low prices you can treat yourself to a pair of magnificent earrings or a sparkling necklace.

Dresden shopping malls


Tourists export goods of this category from Dresden with whole suitcases. The main thing is to know which brands are high-quality and inexpensive. Germany is famous for its variety of cosmetics, and many local brands are extremely cheap, and legends are literally on their quality.

For example, many Russians know the Essens brand, and here it is represented by a fairly wide range of products, it will be very difficult to choose among them. Tourists also praise the Balea brand, especially shower gels, makeup removers and a series of skin care products. At an extremely low price, these products will give you unprecedented pleasure, and next time you will definitely buy cosmetics of this brand in even greater quantities. If you prefer cosmetic brands verified in Russia, such as Maybellin or Maxfactor, you can be sure that in Dresden you will definitely find them with a discount of at least thirty percent.


Of course, transporting equipment from Dresden can be very inconvenient, but it has such an attractive price that it is quite difficult to refuse. It’s best to go to “Mediamarket”, sales are often held here, and the usual pricing policy presents goods two times cheaper than in Russia. The only drawback may be the lack of a guarantee for the purchased equipment, but for the sake of low price, many are ready to neglect this annoying trifle.

Dresden Shopping Outlet

Dresden shopping: outlet

If you come to Dresden and don’t know where it is best to shop, then go to Prague Street. It is often called the Mecca for shopaholics and, believe me, not in vain. The street starts right from the train station and stretches right to the center of Dresden. On both sides there are numerous shops and shopping centers, together they create a kind of huge shopping center with a length of several kilometers.

Outlets are ideal for those who prefer famous European brands. In these stores only branded items are sold at very low prices. It can be goods from last year’s collections, which are lying on shelves, or just seasonal discounts on certain things.

The most famous outlet is Fabrikverkauf Dresden. It operates at the factory, so the prices here are always with discounts of more than seventy percent. You can buy absolutely everything here. From morning to evening, according to tourists, the outlet is full of buyers.

Men can buy everything they need at Dresdner Herrenmode, several floors filled with men's clothing, shoes, accessories and underwear.

Shopping in Dresden in March

Shopping centers in Dresden

Shopping centers in Dresden is a special area designed for true connoisseurs of beauty. The abundance of shops in the city makes shopping into something incredible, because you are unlikely to choose only one shopping center.

To begin with, it is worth visiting the Almarktgalery near Postplatz, where there are a large number of stores designed for the middle class. Here you can buy everything you need for home and for your beloved. Women will be pleased with the brands Zara and Mango. Also, the Zumnord shoe boutique very often holds sales of luxury shoes. If you plan to purchase cosmetics, then DM and Rossman stores will be at your service.

Not far from the Almarktgalery are the Central Gallery and Karstadt. In the last shopping center on the ground floor, goods are collected at great discounts, they are brought here from all stores, so it will be extremely easy to choose the right one.

Shopping Dresden Reviews 2016

Talking about shopping in Dresden can be extremely long, but it is impossible to describe all the charms of this process. Therefore, despite the fact that the next sale is still a few months away, buy a ticket to Dresden and go shopping. You will definitely return home with full suitcases of things that will delight you for many years.


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