"My Online", "Tele2": customer reviews

Tele2 company regularly updates the terms of service for its subscribers, offering more and more interesting tariffs and services. Moreover, it can be noted that their cost is practically unchanged. The tariff plan "My Online" ("Tele2"), reviews of which will be given in the current article, appeared on the market, relatively recently. However, for such a short time, it has already managed to prove itself on the good side and has been used by many subscribers of the operator. Let us consider in more detail what an alternative provider of communication services offers us and what opinions have formed on clients regarding the use of tariff plans for the new line.

my online tele2 reviews

Description of My Online tariff plan

Before you give subscriber feedback for TP “My Online” (“Tele2”) and highlight the main advantages and disadvantages, it should be recalled what are the conditions of this tariff. Please note that the cost and volume of packages will be given relative to the Moscow region, which means that other figures of these indicators may be present in other areas of the country.

So, for 399 rubles per month, the subscriber receives packages of the following services:

  • twelve gigabytes of internet traffic;
  • lack of a limit on the use of instant messengers and social networks;
  • five hundred minutes for calls to any numbers of the country (mobile phones and fixed-line telephones);
  • unlimited calls to your network numbers (both within the home region and throughout the country);
  • 50 messages to send to any numbers in the country.

tariff my online tele2 reviews

Description of My Online + tariff plan

You should also recall a TP such as “My Online +”. What will the subscriber receive by activating it on his number for a monthly fee of 799 rubles per month?


  • thirty gigabytes of internet traffic;
  • unlimited use of instant messengers and social networks;
  • 1500 minutes for calls to any numbers of the country (mobile and fixed-line telephones);
  • unlimited calls to your network numbers (both within the home region and throughout the country);
  • 50 messages to send to any numbers in the country.

Of course, the conditions are quite attractive. However, before switching to TP, you should read the reviews of “Tele2” “My Online Plus”.

Benefits of using tariff plans from the operator

Two obvious advantages of the Tele2 operator are worth noting:

  • the ability to use unused gigabytes in the next billing period (in other words, if you failed to spend the entire amount of traffic in a month, just replenish the balance on time, wait for the monthly fee to be charged and continue to use the remaining traffic, having received a new gigabyte package);
  • the ability to exchange minutes for gigabytes is a new feature that allows the subscriber to independently manage the packages of services paid for under the tariff plan “My online” “Tele2” (reviews of which will be given below).

tele2 my online plus reviews

Should I switch to new tariff plans?

In order to decide to change the tariff plan, you should determine:

  • why the current tariff plan is not happy (high price, insufficient amount of services, poor quality of communication, etc.);
  • whether the conditions of the new tariff are more profitable than those that are available now;
  • Will there be enough volume of services offered under a specific tariff?

And yet, no matter what the answers to these questions may be, a better tariff than “My online” “Tele2” (reviews about it and the TP “My online +” are given below) cannot be invented. However, if you have a need for more minutes or gigabytes, then you can safely choose a tariff with a plus sign.

"My online" "Tele2" customer reviews: advantages

Among the advantages considered by us in the current article of tariff plans that subscribers noted, the following points can be highlighted:

my online tele2 moscow reviews

  • favorable cost - in comparison with the tariffs of the big three operators;
  • the ability to use social networks unlimitedly (traffic for communication at Vatsap, Viber, Vkontakte, Facebook, etc. is not taken into account);
  • the ability to use Internet packages "to the end";
  • the ability to "transform" the tariff by adding the required number of services (when choosing a tariff plan the site really has such an opportunity) for a fee, which will be added to the main monthly payment for the tariff;
  • exchanging minutes for a certain amount of traffic is especially important, because it is not always possible to “pronounce” the entire volume, and on the Internet gigabytes are always useful.

Tariff "My online" "Tele2" reviews: shortcomings

As with any service, the “My Online” and “My Online +” tariff plans have their own nuances of a negative nature - they were noted by subscribers in their reviews:

  • low speed of the Internet (in comparison with other operators), the 4G network announced by the operator is represented in few places;
  • poor quality of communication, especially, according to customers, this is noticeable on the premises;
  • traffic on social networks is not completely unlimited - some actions carried out in instant messengers and social networks still spend megabytes from the package;
  • small amount of SMS package for TP “My online +”;
  • the transfer of balances is carried out for a short period of time - only for one month, after it expires they still burn out.

tariff tele2 my online plus reviews

Similar can be found for the tariff "Tele2" "My online plus" reviews. Most subscribers are satisfied with their choice and note that TP really compares favorably with competitors' offers. Some customers do not see anything remarkable and note the shortcomings of communication services - data transfer speed and voice quality. At the same time, everyone unanimously notes that the cost of the tariff plan is attractive in comparison with the tariffs of other operators.


According to the reviews given for TP “My online” “Tele2” (Moscow), it is safe to say that the recently updated line of tariffs of the operator is very popular. Of course, there will always be subscribers who can find the negative sides that may also be present. At the same time, it is impossible not to agree that Tele2 offers the best price / quality ratio, taking into account the preferences of its users. One fact that the subscriber himself can change the unnecessary minutes for him to gigabytes significantly raises the rating of the company.

my online tele2 customer reviews


This article considered two tariff plans from the Tele2 operator, which are part of the updated lineup - My Online and My Online Plus. Tariffs imply the availability of service packages for a specific monthly fee charged each month. At the same time, according to the new conditions of the company, you can easily change minutes to gigabytes in case there is a need for it. Moreover, the user can do this on their own, without resorting to contact center specialists for help.

You can find out which tariff plan will be beneficial for subscribers by reading the information in the current article, as well as reading the reviews of customers who have already tried out the innovations of Tele2. We presented some of them in this article, while others can be found on the Internet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45691/

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