Resant voltage regulator ASN 10000: technical specifications, installation instructions

The Resant voltage stabilizer ASN-10000/1-Ts is one of the best devices in its field. The company that produces these products is domestic. The company has long been a leader in this area in the sales market. The product is characterized by excellent quality and relatively low cost.

Instrument Parameters

Since the Resant voltage stabilizers ASN-10000 belong to electrical products, the most important part of it is the technical parameters. Here you need to highlight the following points:

  • type of connected network - single-phase;
  • operating range of input voltage - 140-260 V;
  • the power of these instances is 10 kW;
  • the voltage received at the output is 220 V;
  • this device is connected to the network through special terminal blocks;
  • there is a bypass;
  • the efficiency of the device is 97%;
  • the operating temperature of the device is from 0 to 45 degrees Celsius;
  • working humidity should not exceed 80%;
  • the model is relatively heavy - 19.5 kg;
  • dimensions - 220x230x385;
  • the type of protection installed is IP-20.

The brand of Resant voltage stabilizer ASN-10000/1-Ts is deciphered as follows: automatic voltage stabilizer, power - 10 kVA. The letter H means that the model is wall mounted, the number 1 indicates the type of network to be connected - single-phase. At the end there is also the letter C, indicating the presence of a digital display on the front panel of the device. The incoming voltage will be highlighted in red, the outgoing voltage in yellow.

Resanta voltage regulator

Technical description

Speaking about the Resant voltage regulator ASN-10000, we can mention several more important features.

Firstly, the device belongs to the class of household relay economic devices. Its working range is fairly standard for its class, there are no special nuances or "highlights" in the device. The main characteristics of the stabilizer are indicated on its front panel.

three-phase stabilizer connection diagram

Secondly, it is worth saying that the cooling fan is provided in the design. It does not work constantly, but as the power part of the device heats up. If the temperature reaches a certain value, it turns on. When indicators fall below a certain mark, it also automatically turns off. The relay type of the device has several levels of adjustment, but is not very accurate. The adjustment accuracy is 8%.

Lack of device

The device is quite good, with a low cost, and therefore is popular, but it is not without drawbacks. The main one is that the stabilizer does not turn off when the input voltage rises. Everything is quite simple here. With an increase in input indicators, the output voltage also increases. For example, at the input, the voltage can reach 270 V, and at the output of the stabilizer there can be only 250 V, and at the same time it will not turn off.

general stabilizer connection diagram

The termination of its work will occur in automatic mode only with an even greater increase in voltage, which will still pass through it to the network. In this case, the letter β€œH” appears on the front panel of the indicator, and the device finally stops working. Such a value on the indicator means the inclusion of protection of the stabilizer from overvoltage.

Arrangement of elements of the device

The front panel of the Resant voltage regulator ASN-10000 is standard for such electrical products. The display type of the LCD device, which comes with all the powerful models. The indicator is not able to display deviations from the set values ​​that do not exceed 8%, which is a rather unpleasant moment. In the upper part of the panel there are devices for displaying work, protection, and delay.

Naturally, each of the signaling elements is switched on at a certain time of the functioning of the equipment. A load indicator is located on the left side of the panel, and overload and overheating in the bottom.

single-phase stabilizer connection diagram

In addition to these elements, another two-section switch is located on the front panel of the Resant stabilizer. The left part is responsible for turning on / off the bypass, and the right part is for turning on / off the entire device. If the bypass mode is turned on, the input and output voltages will be equal, since the power blocks correcting it are turned off, although the device itself is still considered part of the system.

Location of terminals for connection

The wires are connected to the stabilizer in its lower part. In this area there is a special hatch that can be removed and get to special terminals with screws for a screwdriver. With their help, the device is connected. Usually, when selling such equipment, a special document is included with it - an instruction manual. Everything is indicated here, from the connection method to the care methods.

stabilizer circuit

Installation site selection

The process of connecting the device itself is not very complicated, however, you still need to know the general principle. Instructions will be given below. But first, you need to choose the right place for direct installation of the device, as this is an important part of the entire connection process.

There are several mandatory points that should be followed. They are indicated below in order of importance:

  1. It is most important to exclude the possibility of moisture entering such equipment.
  2. Be sure to ensure free circulation of air around the body of the device to avoid overheating.
  3. It is best to install a stabilizer as close to the opening shield as possible.
  4. During installation, it must be remembered that electromechanical devices emit characteristic noise during operation, and relay devices, which include the ASN-10000/1-Ts, clicks.
  5. The unit must be installed in such a way that connection, control and maintenance are carried out without difficulty.
  6. The optimal location for such devices is considered a wall or shelf.
Resanta voltage stabilizer for home

Stabilizer connection

It is possible to connect the Resant ACS-10000 voltage stabilizer only after all the above conditions are met. To implement this process, the device has 5 special terminals. Two of them are marked with the letters "L" - these are phase terminals. Two more will be marked "N" - neutral. The last, fifth, terminal is intended for grounding the device.

The process of connecting such units begins with a grounding. After that, you can proceed to connecting the input wires. Terminals for their connection are indicated by a similar inscription: "INPUT". Naturally, the phase conductor must be connected to terminal "L", and the neutral wire to "N".

stabilizer back

After that, you should turn on the stabilizer and check for voltage at the output. If it is present and is within normal limits, then everything is connected correctly. Then the unit turns off again to connect the output wires. The principle of their connection is similar to the input.

If there is no voltage at the output, you should usually check the correct connection of the wires and, if necessary, swap them.

EM stabilizers

This company produces another device with a power of 10 kW - the Resant voltage regulator ASN 10000/1-EM. As for the main technical indicators, this device is largely similar to the 1-C model. Its power is also 10 kW. The working voltage range is 140-260 V. However, the actual power will drop when the voltage drops below 190 V, and when working with a minimum input voltage of 140 V, it will completely drop to half from the initial value. The efficiency of this model is also equal to 97%.

The main difference between these models is the accuracy of adjustment. If the 1-C index was 8%, which is bad enough, then the 1-EM model has an accuracy of 2%, which is considered an excellent indicator. In addition to differences in accuracy, there is a difference in design. The equipment of the 1-EM brand is distinguished by electromechanical switching, and not by relay, as in 1-Ts.

However, because of this, it is worth paying attention to such a parameter as the stabilization rate. 1-EM is designed for continuous operation with low or high voltage. The stabilization speed of an electromechanical device is 1-2 seconds. The relay device is characterized by a speed of 20 milliseconds. That is, 1-C will be preferable in networks with frequent changes due to a faster response to these changes.

Resanta Lux

The Resant voltage regulator ASN-10000 Lux in its characteristics is very similar to the 1-C model. The device also relates to relay models, has forced cooling protection against overheating, short circuit and other. It has a low accuracy of 8%, etc. It is worth saying that the input frequency with which it can work is in the range of 50-60 Hz. In addition, the device will be slightly larger in size - 305x360x190 mm, which is why it is somewhat heavier. This should be considered when installing the unit.

If we talk about the malfunctions of the Resant voltage regulator ASN-10000, then for electromechanical models these are frequent voltage drops. Because of them, the winding elements become very hot and the motor may fail.

Relay devices have approximately the same basic malfunction, but it consists in the failure of the relay itself. The more often jumps occur, the faster it wears out.

Reviews about the operation of the device

Naturally, any company will present its goods only from the best side, forgetting to point out the shortcomings. However, people are talking about the quality and reliability of this equipment. Reviews on voltage regulators "Resanta" ASN-10000 are basically all positive.

Many buyers note a fairly affordable price for this device. At the same time, he copes with his duties perfectly and is characterized by good build quality. One of the customers noted that there was a strong power surge in his network, due to which almost all users connected to the same network had burned out many household appliances. However, the stabilizer from the Resanta company did an excellent job with the task of automatically turning off the power.

Of the shortcomings, only one that is indicated in its characteristics is usually indicated, namely: a low level of accuracy. Although some users say that 8% for ordinary household appliances is enough.

Based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion. The stabilizers from the Resanta company are not in vain widely popular. They combine low cost, excellent quality and decent technical parameters.


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