Nezhinskaya street in Moscow

Nezhinskaya street
Nezhinskaya Street is located in the residential district Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, belonging to the Western administrative district of the capital of Russia. The latter, by the way, is one of the most environmentally friendly and prestigious for living in the city ​​of Moscow. As for the district called Ochakovo-Matveevskoe, it was formed in 1997 by the official union of such residential areas as “Matveevskoe” and “Ochakovo”. He received his municipal significance after signing the corresponding decree in 2003. Nezhinskaya Street begins north of the border of the Western District of Moscow, from Davydovskaya Street. It passes along the edge of the Ochakovo-Matveyevsky district and, crossing the Setun River along the way, gradually bends to the west and south-west. Ultimately, Nezhinskaya Street rests on Matveyevskaya Street in the Western District of the capital of Russia.

The origin of the street name

This road acquired its name more than forty years ago in 1971. And the name Nezhinskaya Street (Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye District) was given in honor of the city of Nezhin - the district center in the Chernihiv region, which is located in Ukraine. Unfortunately, to date, there is no information about who exactly chose this name.

Land Transport List

Nezhinskaya street district

As for land transport, which can be found on this section of Moscow, then first of all it is city buses No. 641 and No. 42. The first one goes along the entire street right to the metro station called Slavyanskiy Boulevard. The route of bus No. 42 starts from the Matveevskoye stop and ends at Vernadsky Prospekt. In addition, quite often in this area you can observe minibuses No. 107, which follow from the Post office to the Filevsky Park metro station (Moscow). Nezhinskaya street in this case runs on a section from Veernaya street to a street called Davydkovskaya. If we talk about bus and bus stop complexes, there are only five of them today. These are "Hospital No. 1", "Orphanage", "Maternity hospital No. 3", "Nezhinskaya street" and "Nezhinskaya street, 25". Among other things, it should be said that nearby is one of the platforms of electric trains in Kiev direction "Matveevskaya".

The main buildings on Nezhinskaya

Moscow Nezhinskaya street

If we talk about the main non-residential buildings, which are currently located on Nezhinskaya Street, then first of all it should be said about the main educational building of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. It is located in house number 7. In addition, on the odd side of the street, there is a movie veteran’s house and a maternity hospital. Here you can also see the Family Circle library, Orphanage No. 22, and a branch of Sberbank Russia (Moscow). Among other things, Nezhinskaya Street became the place of residence of the Pension of Labor Veterans, kindergarten No. 863 and educational institution for preschool children No. 798, as well as a large number of various stores, so-called catering establishments, pharmacies and places of leisure for both adults and children.

Round house on Nezhinskaya street

Russia Moscow Nezhinskaya street

Separately, it is worth mentioning the famous round house built in 1972. It is a nine-story twenty-six-entrance panel structure of the I-515 / 9m series, inside of which there are nine hundred and thirteen apartments. This is the first round house in Moscow. Outwardly, he looks very mysterious and impregnable, and therefore always attracts increased attention. For a long time various legends went about this house, and famous pop artists dedicated their pamphlets to it. The construction of this famous building on Nezhinskaya Street was led by the Soviet architect Evgeny Nikolaevich Stamo and engineer Alexander Markelov. The first, by the way, was at one time a laureate of the USSR State Prize and a laureate of the Lenin Prize.

Temple chapel on Nezhinskaya street

In the future, one of the most significant structures on Nezhinskaya Street will be the Temple Chapel of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Its construction began in 2002 at the numerous requests of residents of the Matveevskoye residential area. The temple will be located at Nezhinskaya street, house number 4. To date, there is no finished construction at this place, however, prayers are regularly held, and an Orthodox cross is established. The construction of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is progressing rather slowly due to the fact that, as it turned out, the place on which it is located belongs to a state-protected natural area called the “Setun River Valley”. Today it is the largest nature reserve (more than six hundred and ninety-three hectares) located in the capital. All this significantly complicates the collection of documents necessary for land allocation and, accordingly, slows down the construction process in the Matveyevsky district of the Western district of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


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