Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Lavrinenkov, Soviet fighter pilot: biography

Lavrinenkov Vladimir Dmitrievich, whose biography is described in this article, is twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General of Aviation, member of the CPSU, Soviet military leader. He was born on May 17, 1919 in an ordinary peasant family. A joyful event occurred in the small village of Ptakhino, which is located in the Smolensk region.


Until the seventh grade he studied in elementary high school. He graduated in 1934. Then he entered the school of FZU (factory apprenticeship). Having mastered the specialty "joiner", he began working at the Karachev furniture factory near Bryansk. Then - in Smolensk. There a dream arose to get into a flight school. At first, Vladimir Dmitrievich studied at the flying club without interruption. After graduation, in February 1940, he was sent on a Komsomol ticket to the Chuguev Military Flight School. In the winter of 1941, he began working in it as a pilot instructor. He accepted the appointment without enthusiasm, as he dreamed of flying on a combat aircraft and fighting the enemy. After the war he entered the Military Academy. Frunze and graduated from it in 1948. Then in 1954 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff.

Lavrinenkov Vladimir Dmitrievich

First battles at the front

Lavrinenkov, an instructor pilot, was at the height of the Battle of Stalingrad at the front. In August 1942, he opened a combat account. In the first month alone, Vladimir Dmitrievich shot down sixteen German planes. In October 1942, he was transferred to the Odessa Ninth Fighter Guard Aviation Regiment of the eighth Southwestern Army. He fought near Rostov-on-Don and Bataisk.

Front glory

In the ninth guards air regiment, Vladimir Dmitrievich received his personal call sign "Falcon." And his plane was numbered by date of birth - "17". In a short time, Sokol-17 became known at the front to everyone. The second half of December 1942 was very tense. Pilots flew almost every day, making several sorties per day.

Born in a shirt

On one of those December tense days, Vladimir Dmitrievich Lavrinenkov participated in the interception of German bombers. There were four people in the group. Vladimir Dmitrievich, seeing enemy planes, launched an attack. His starboard side was touched by a turret line. Most of the skin was opened. His colleague Bondarenko finished off the enemy, and the follower, Budanov, covered and mentally supported Vladimir Dmitrievich until the landing. Although it was almost impossible, still Lavrinenkov was able to land the plane. Interestingly, Vladimir Dmitrievich was able to solve enemy tactics. Basically, he came out of battle without damage and a winner. Even when new planes arrived in the regiment, Lavrinenkov remained to fly on his β€œveteran”.

flight school

In captivity

In August 1943, by order of Major General Khryukin, fighter Lavrinenkov flew out with a group of pilots to intercept the German FW-189. Vladimir Dmitrievich discovered an enemy scout and began his pursuit. He touched the tail of the German tail. As a result, both aircraft began to fall. Lavrinenkova saved the parachute. But he landed right in the hands of the enemy and was captured.

The escape

When he was captured, he did not have any documents with him and could not identify him. But two factors played a cruel joke. The first is a food certificate, where his last name was indicated. And the second - the Germans had an album and newspaper clippings with photographs of Soviet pilots and their exploits. So Lavrinenkov was declassified. Unlocking was useless. And he surrounded himself with a wall of deep silence. The Germans sent Vladimir Dmitrievich for interrogation in Berlin.

They drove him along with another prisoner, with whom they subsequently became very friendly. The guards did not take their eyes off them, but when there was little to the end of the road, they relaxed somewhat. This was used by Vladimir Dmitrievich with a friend. They jumped out of the train, which was rushing at full speed. They were chased, shot, but the bullets flew past. They were able to hide.

Lavrynenko pilot

And again in battle!

After the escape, Lavrinenkov Vladimir Dmitrievich first joined the partisan detachment of them. Chapaeva. There they waited for the approach of the Red Army troops, simultaneously participating in all operations and battles. In one of them, a friend died, with whom Lavrinenkov escaped. For him it was a very heavy loss. In the area of ​​the village of Khotsky, many Germans concentrated. The partisans managed to defeat this "hornet's nest" and rescue the prisoners.

Return to heaven

After the partisan detachment, Vladimir Dmitrievich returned to the regiment. He was awarded the title of Captain Guard. From 1943 to 1944 he fought in the air territory of Crimea. In the summer of 1944, Lavrinenkov was appointed commander of the ninth fighter guard air regiment. He fought with the Germans in the Baltic states, over Berlin and in East Prussia. In October 1944, the regiment was enrolled in the 303rd Smolensk Red Banner Air Division of the first Air Army.

general lavrynenkov

The battle that many remember

Once, at the end of June 1943, Vladimir Dmitrievich Lavrinenkov during a rapid attack shot down two German bombers at once. The fight took place in sunny and clear weather. Hundreds of fighters and the front commander, Colonel General Tolbukhin, watched her. The battle was so beautiful and spectacular that the admiring commander summoned Lavrinenkov to his place, congratulated and presented a gold watch as a reward. And a few days after the legendary battle, Vladimir Dmitrievich was summoned by Air Marshal Novikov. The latter talked, asked around and asked to write an article about the fighting in the air.

After the war

After the Second World War, Vladimir Dmitrievich was in the service of air defense. From 1945 to 1946 he commanded an air regiment. Since 1955, he led the training center for fighter aircraft in a new format (Air Defense). From 1955 to 1962 he commanded the army aviation. And then, in 1969, he was the first deputy commander of the eighth air defense army in Kiev. From 1968 to 1977, he led it and at the same time was deputy commander of the Kiev Military District Air Defense Forces. In 1971, Lavrinenkov became colonel general of aviation. Six years later he became chief of staff and deputy head of the Civil Defense of Ukraine. From 1984 to 1988 he worked as a military consultant at the Air Defense Academy. Marshal Vasilevsky. Lavrinenkov was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council of Ukraine of the seventh convocation.

Colonel General Aviation

Lavrinenkov as a leader

Vladimir Dmitrievich was very disciplined and organized. Seldom retreated from his plans. People never pulled in vain and did not bring nervousness to the work of the team. This leadership style has borne fruit. Work of any complexity was rhythmic, clear. Thanks to good organization, people could calmly focus and achieve the best results.

Vladimir Dmitrievich skillfully selected the staff, trusted them and did not take care of anyone. I was always ready to take responsibility. This gave subordinates confidence. The war left its mark on many. Including Vladimir Dmitrievich. But even after the operation, he did not make any exceptions for himself. He supervised the development of exercises, took part in them, traveled to training grounds and, together with the chiefs of staff and troops, conducted classes in a new form - air defense. Modesty and career growth were surprisingly combined in Lavrinenkov. He was so skillfully able to control himself that this rare ability grew into the art of leading thousands of troops.

Lavrinenkov Vladimir Dmitrievich biography

Personal life

Lavrinenkov Vladimir Dmitrievich was married to Evdokia Petrovna, with whom he lived for more than forty years. They had two children. Son Peter followed in the footsteps of his father, rose to the rank of regiment commander. At the moment, is already in stock, works and lives in Moscow. Daughter Olga graduated from Kiev University. Now she is a candidate of historical sciences. He works at the Institute of History. Peter and Olga already have their own families and children.

last years of life

The severe illness of Vladimir Dmitrievich made itself felt back in 1973. During one of the fights, he rammed a fascist plane and hit his dashboard hard with his chest. As a result, metastasis formed, which recalled itself thirty years later. Doctors at Lavrinenkov discovered a huge tumor in the chest at the site of the impact. A surgeon-colonel Maslov carried out a brilliant operation, thanks to which the life of the hero was extended for years. Doctors guaranteed him another five years of life, and Vladimir Dmitrievich lived fourteen. He died on January 14, 1988. He was buried in the Kiev Baikov cemetery.

Lavrinenkov Vladimir Dmitrievich Hero of the Soviet Union

Awards and titles

By order of the Supreme Council 05/01/1943, Lavrinenkov Vladimir Dmitrievich - Hero of the Soviet Union. This title, the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal were awarded to him and presented for three hundred and twenty-two sorties. During this time, Vladimir Dmitrievich entered the battle seventy-eight times and personally shot down sixteen enemy aircraft.

For all his life, the pilot was awarded the orders:

  • Lenin (2 times).
  • October revolution.
  • Red Banner (6 times).
  • World War II (first degree).
  • Red Star.

And also General Lavrinenkov received numerous medals. An obelisk was erected on the Sapun Mountain to the defenders of the Crimea. The name of Lavrinenkov was traced on it one of the first. A memorial plaque is installed on the Kiev house where the pilot lived. He received the title of Honorary Citizen of Smolensk, Sevastopol and Repair.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45731/

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