How to get from Novosibirsk to Tomsk?

How can I safely get from Novosibirsk to Tomsk? In total, there are four main vehicles that allow you to move in this direction: car, plane, train or bus. Which one is better to choose? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to study each option in more detail.


The distance from Tomsk to Novosibirsk is only 264 kilometers. This is not such a long journey. It can be easily overcome on a personal vehicle. About the entire trip will have to spend 3 hours 30 minutes, if you do not need to make additional stops, and the driver will not be in traffic jams.

Novosibirsk Tomsk
The exact cost of the trip in this way cannot be determined, since fuel prices are constantly changing, and each car has an individual expense. You can calculate the approximate figure: approximately the whole way you need 26 liters of gasoline, which will be from 1050 to 1320 rubles.

Tomsk Novosibirsk distance

The route from Novosibirsk to Tomsk is simple, there are no forks and sharp turns on it. Bumpy bumps are also very few. On the way there are several roadside cafes, where you can have a tasty snack, drink aromatic coffee and gain strength in order to continue the journey.


train Novosibirsk tomsk

Due to the short distance flights between these two settlements is not provided. If you still need to use this particular vehicle, you can resort to the services of Taimyr Air Company or Airlines. You should first contact the employees so that they select the most suitable option. It will be necessary to make two or three transplants, which will take more than 14 hours. Additionally, you will have to spend time on the road to the airport.

The cost of such a "pleasure" will exceed 15 thousand per person. Surprisingly, many passengers prefer to overcome the distance from Novosibirsk to Tomsk in this way.


From the main bus station of Tomsk daily runs 20 buses. By this vehicle, the very center of Novosibirsk can be reached in just 4 hours 15 minutes. The main advantage of this option is the low cost of the trip, which is only 600 rubles per person. There is no need to purchase a ticket in advance, since the interval between departures is less than one hour, there is always enough free space. The exception is weekends at the height of the summer season.

highway Novosibirsk Tomsk

During the move, the driver will make one stop lasting 20 minutes. At this time, you can take a little walk to relax from a sitting position, stretch your legs. Each trip is carried out on a comfortable bus with air conditioning.

In the evening, minibuses are often sent on a flight in the direction of Novosibirsk - Tomsk. You should first clarify the information, as for many passengers a night trip may seem uncomfortable.

A train

Every day at 5 a.m., the Novosibirsk - Tomsk train departs at number 141/142. This is the most convenient vehicle for many passengers, since you can sleep, have a full meal and talk with fellow travelers on various topics in 4 hours of travel in a car. Surprisingly, the cost of a ticket for it is quite a bit different from buying a seat on the bus. In a common carriage, a passenger can cover this distance by spending 720 rubles, and on a reserved seat - 1240 rubles, and in a compartment - from 2430 rubles.

highway Novosibirsk Tomsk

It is worth noting that it is on this vehicle that big discounts are provided for children under 10 years old.

How to save the budget?

There is a category of people who need to get from Novosibirsk to Tomsk urgently, but they are willing to spend no more than 500 rubles on this. What to do in a similar situation? There are several alternatives:

  1. You can visit any site on the Web where global search for travel companions is carried out. It is worth considering all the options for passengers or drivers who plan to make a move in this direction. Now it remains only to group and go on a joint journey. Thus, you can save 4 times on fuel.
  2. It is better to go on a trip on a weekday, the prices of many vehicles during this period of time are much lower.
  3. Very desperate travel lovers can choose the free option - walk from one city to another, they will have to spend 2 days 12 hours 30 minutes on this.

Novosibirsk and Tomsk are two of the most beautiful cities located in Siberia. There is still much debate about which one can be called the main one. Both of them have beautiful architecture, picturesque nature and historical monuments. Getting from one point to another is easy enough, absolutely anyone can do it. It is important to choose the right vehicle moving in this direction.


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