Who was Genghis Khan by nationality?

The nationality of Genghis Khan, one of the greatest commanders in history, is still a mystery. The discussion about this has been going on for centuries. So what nationality was Genghis Khan, the “shaker of the universe,” according to the modern version?

Until recently

Until recently, the answer to this question was unequivocal and did not raise any doubts. It was believed that Genghis Khan was a Mongol by nationality. But gradually, scientists came to the conclusion that a number of historical facts concerning this significant personality were distorted.

what the great abai wrote about the nationality of Genghis Khan

General information

If you look at what the great Abay wrote about the nationality of Genghis Khan, it becomes clear that he was born in Mongolia in 1155. He belonged to the clan of kiyats. There is information that in 1206 he became a khan. It was then that the boy, originally named Temuchin, received the name Genghis Khan. This name was translated as "Khan of the East." Moreover, the fact that the kurultai at which it took place was Kazakh indicates that Genghis Khan was a Kazakh by nationality.

It is important to consider that childbirth gathered that day belongs to the Kazakh. However, they are called "Kazakhs of Mongolian origin."

Those who, when asked about who is Genghis Khan’s nation, answer that he was a Kazakh, give information that Genghisides, descendants of the great khan, were of this nationality. They were the rulers of the Kazakh society until the 20th century. The rules here are "white bone" - aristocrats.

Chinese version

The question of what kind of nation Genghis Khan was is also of concern to the Chinese. For example, a mausoleum was erected in Beijing to the great commander. He was also officially included in the list of emperors of China. During a conversation with the Chinese, it becomes clear that it is an axiom for them that this nation is hereditarily connected with Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan in the drawings

Reasons for disputes

The reasons for the controversy surrounding the origin of this historical figure are clear. Its use is very convenient for the formation of state ideology. And such a great figure can well be laid in its foundation.

Accurate facts

At the moment, with regard to the nationality of Genghis Khan, only one thing can be stated with accuracy - he was not a Tatar. On the contrary, they were blood enemies throughout the life of the great commander.

Genghis Khan who by nation

The Tatars poisoned his father when the boy was only nine years old. According to the descriptions of external data of Temuchin that have survived to this day, he did not possess a Mongolian appearance. His hair was red, and his eyes were gray-green. This was not characteristic of the Mongols. But it must be borne in mind that such descriptions are given by a person who lived half a century after the death of a commander. And probably, this is a genetic mutation, and maybe the source should be wary.

The name of Genghis Khan itself has separate interpretations. So, the Mongols called Chingis the sea, it was a deity in shamanism. It was probably associated with the name of the Mongol god Tenrga. There is also a translation of the name as “Khan by the will of the Eternal Blue Sky”.

Version of Academician Anatoly Olovintsov

According to the academician, in the 13th century there was no Mongolian nation in the steppes of Eurasia. There were only Türks, Genghis Khan belongs to them. All this people was divided into many tribes. And only when Temuchin gathered them into a single state, did it get the name Mongolia. This word is translated as "eternal army".

Steppe creatures

The discovery that the great commander was a Turk was made by Anatoly, studying many historical documents for a long time. It is noteworthy that history does not store words in the Mongolian language, but there are many of them in the Turkic dialect.

In addition, Genghis Khan corresponded with the kings of the West. And the correspondence was carried out in the Turkic language. In letters to descendants, letters to a number of rulers, all texts were also written in the Turkic language. In addition, the Genghisite stone has been preserved. It was created back in the days when the commander himself was alive. The inscriptions on it are made in the same language. If the Mongolian language was actively used in those days, it would be pointless to write exclusively in Turkic. From this, the academician concludes that Genghis Khan himself spoke the Turkic language.

On the origin of the Mongols

This people did not exist, it is exclusively a political name. The same thing happens, for example, in the USA. There is a nation of Americans. Who are they? These are the British, Italians, Africans and many other natives of various countries. In addition, once the citizens of the Russian Federation were the Soviet people, but they did not speak the Soviet language. Each nation had its own language.

When Genghis Khan was alive, Turks lived in the steppes. The number included Tatars, Kereis, Jalaira, and Naiman. In the annals, there is evidence that once the Chinese envoy Menghong arrived at Genghis Khan. The ruler himself was on the campaign at that time. And when the envoy talked with the governor of Genghis Khan Mukhali, he asked him who he was. Mukhali said to himself that he was a Tatar.

Khan with his wife

From all this it follows that, surrounded by the commander, there were people of various nations. And creating a single state, he united nationalities into one. Mongolia was chosen as the name for such a motley education. It was a neutral word and at the same time quite loud - “eternal army”. About disputes over whether Genghis Khan was a Kazakh, the academician says that it makes no sense to any nation ascribe the great commander to his nation. After all, he was a Turk, and having formed a state, he became a Mongol. He was buried in this country, according to the surviving information, he himself ordered it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G4574/

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