Alarm "Starline E90": user manual, description, reviews

A car is a rather expensive thing, and even in the conditions of modern economic realities it is even more so. Therefore, it does not hurt to take care of its safety by installing a new security system. In the market today, you can find dozens of different options, but the Starline E90 alarm system is always popular among domestic motorists.

Alarm Starline E90
Since modern devices of this kind belong to very complex electronic equipment, various errors often arise during operation, which often lead to complete disappointment with your purchase. To avoid this, the motorist should know about the main nuances of how the Starline E90 alarm functions, as well as have an idea of ​​the main stages of its configuration. This article was created as a brief memo containing the most necessary data.

To begin with - a few words about how, in fact, to include a guard mode for the safety of your car in the parking lot. To do this, you just need to click on the key icon on the key fob display. Everything, your car is protected from attacks by dark personalities.

Entering a car number in the alarm memory

All cars that have a supported CAN-interface are constantly registered in the manufacturer’s database. You can find the list of models in the list of supported cars, which is available in the instructions supplied with the alarm system when you purchase it.

What does the Starline E90 alarm instruction with auto start immediately after installing the security system provide? You have to enter the CAN number in its memory. To do this, you have to follow these steps (be sure to follow this sequence). Entering service settings mode:

  • Turn off the power of the complex completely, and then temporarily disconnect the CAN interface cable.
  • While holding the service button, apply power. Attention! If you did everything correctly, then five short beeps of the siren will follow, during which the button must (!) Be held pressed.
  • After the signals have sounded, the key can be released. Four more short beeps will follow. They testify that you did everything right, and the alarm system actually went into service mode.

Alarm Starline E90 User Manual

Enter the number, possible problems and their solution

  • After entering service mode, press the service button once. In confirmation, the alarm will “buzz” shortly once with a siren. After that, press the service key as many times as the first digit of the code of your car (for example, if it starts with three, then you have to press the button three times).
  • The system will “buzz” again, confirming the acceptance of the first digit. You can press a button from one to nine times. If you mistakenly pressed ten or more times, then the system will automatically return to service mode, and you will be forced to start all over again.
  • Enter all other numbers in the same way, waiting after each series of confirmation signals of the security system.

Two seconds after you entered the last number, the Starline E90 GSM alarm system can give the following signal options:

  • In the case when it briefly “beeps” twice, the operation was successful, the number was saved in the internal memory of your device.
  • If she popped four times, then during the input some kind of error occurred, and therefore the information was not saved.

alarm description starline e90
Regardless of the input results, the Starline E90 alarm system (reviews of which we will consider) goes to the programming menu. If you need to repeat entering the number again, everything must be started all over again.

Does the security system detect the presence of a working engine?

Since in the electrical and electronic circuits of cars today some changes are constantly taking place even at the production stage (and often car enthusiasts do not know about this), immediately after connecting the alarm, it will be useful to find out if your device reveals the fact of engine operation. Not only the possibility of its convenient remote launch, but also your safety will depend on this. How is the alarm setup "Starline E90"?

To check the operation of this function, you will need a regular keychain with an LCD display. What does an inspection involve? Everything is quite simple: you have to check two conditions of the car and see if your alarm system “Starline E90” distinguishes them. If during the verification of problems it is not revealed, then with the remote start of the motor no difficulties should arise. So, here is the sequence of your actions:

  • The first condition in which the ignition is, but the engine is not running. Briefly press the third button on the key fob. In this case, the key icon should appear on the LCD. Remember that the smoke icon does not appear normally.
  • Accordingly, in the second case, the engine is running. Also briefly press the third button of the key fob. In this case, not only the key icon, but also the smoke icon should appear on the display.

How to evaluate test results

alarm setup starline e90
If you observe an incorrect indication in at least one of these cases, this indicates an incorrect connection of connector X3. There are two options, and both are bad: either you won’t be able to use the engine to start remotely, or the engine will start ... even if the car is in gear. So, the first variant of an incorrect indication, when the Starline E90 alarm displays the correct pictograms of the car’s engine turned on and off. The reasons for this behavior may be:

  • If the control of the engine is based on taking readings from the generator, then perhaps the polarity was simply reversed during installation.
  • In the case when a tacho signal is used, its amplitude is extremely small, and therefore the security system simply does not distinguish it.
  • When the condition is monitored by voltage indicators, then, with a high degree of probability, again the problem is in the generator.

This is how the Starline E90 alarm is monitored. The instruction manual clearly states that in these cases, you should definitely take the help of qualified specialists. Alas, not all motorists follow this simple and competent advice. This is very bad, since the consequences of such inadequate behavior of electronic systems can be extremely serious, leading to numerous problems.

What does this threaten?

  • As has been said many times, a car owner simply cannot use the remote engine start function .
  • It is possible that the alarm simply does not pick up the ignition on the neutral (true for cars with manual gearboxes).
  • A similar situation is in the turbo timer mode and in the protection of a car with a working engine, when it comes to technology with a modern automatic transmission.
  • The software neutral check will be erroneously performed with the engine turned off. Simply put, the next remote start of the owner will be a big surprise when his car will go alone to the parking lot.
  • Getting information about a running engine will occur almost instantly. Under normal conditions, this is not a big deal, but if the ambient temperature is much lower than zero, then the engine is unlikely to start normally.
  • If the polarity of the connection to the generator has been reversed, the motor will constantly start, but immediately stall (after a couple of seconds).

How to use the remote start function?

alarm instruction starline e90 with auto start
What to do if you have a modern car with automatic transmission? Put the box in the "parking" position, and then close the trunk, hood, all doors. For cars with a manual gearbox, everything is similar, but the box, respectively, must be put in the "neutral" position. After this, the software “neutralization” procedure is performed.

In most cases, for this you need to reliably apply the hand brake, remove the key from the ignition switch, and then get out of the car and close all the doors, hood and trunk. The engine should stall automatically, after closing the doors, or after pressing the first button of the key fob.

In some cases, “Starline E90” (the instruction manual allows this option) turns on the neutral “by pressing the key fob”. In this case, without turning off the motor, carefully apply the parking brake and press the second button on the control panel. Only after that, you can remove the key from the ignition switch, get out of the car and close all the doors, trunk and hood. After that, the motor will also automatically stall and the program neutral will be activated.

There is another option when this function is activated after applying the parking brake. The official description of the Starline E90 alarm provides that you also need to first tighten the brake, leaving the key in the ignition, and then get out of the car and close all the doors, trunk and hood. As in the first case, the program neutral will be turned on either after that, or by pressing the first button on the remote control.

First remote engine start

Everything is simple here. First, hold down the first key and wait until two melodious bells sound. The engine will automatically start. To muffle it, take the Starline E90 key fob and press its first key, wait for one beep, and then repeat the tap four times (briefly). The motor will stall. But what if the Starline E90 alarm, the operating instructions of which we are considering, could not start the engine?

Possible problems with automatic engine start

alarm starline e90 gsm
Firstly, after at least four launch attempts (and for the first time, the system may “slow down”), the launch did not take place. This indicates that the standard bypass of the immobilizer for some reason does not work. How to check it? Simple: remove the key or chip from the bypass module, and then, when trying to start automatically, attach the ignition to the ignition switch (to check if it can be read). In the case when the engine starts, the problem is really in the module: perhaps somewhere in the car there is another standard immobilizer; there is a chance that there are not enough skeins in the bypass module coil.

Another problem is that the engine starts, but stalls almost immediately. Here the reason may be hidden in the wrong polarity when connecting the alarm to the generator. It may turn out that the point is in the security system itself, which does not have the correct program for monitoring the operation of the engine in a specific car model. Usually, firmware for a more recent version of the software in the service center helps, after which the alarm system with autostart "Starline E90" starts to work normally.

Another option - the motor also does not start, and the message “OST” appears on the remote control LCD. If so, then you need to install software neutral. We have already talked about the procedure for this operation. Finally, the engine may also not show any signs of life, but at the same time, the key fob display will regularly display an icon of the running motor. In this case, you have not 100% connected the cable responsible for transmitting data from the corresponding sensor. The wire connectors may have been loose.

The last option is hinted at by the situation when from time to time the car starts up with the key fob normally, but more often than not it does not react to it. If you checked the cable, but it is firmly inserted into the connectors, and there are no backlashes in them, we recommend that you immediately contact the service center where the Starline E90 alarm was installed.

Motorist reviews

Domestic motorists have long appreciated and loved this security system. What is so attractive to our motorists who, in general, tend to critically consider almost any type of electronic equipment?

Firstly, the Starline E90 alarm system (we have already given instructions for its use) is really reliable. If it is installed correctly, then theft is almost impossible. Grateful motorists say that this complex works equally reliably in any operating conditions, without causing any problems even in our frosts. It is impossible to do something with a machine that is protected by this complex.

Secondly, this manufacturer has really adequate and polite technical support, which you can always call, regardless of the time of day. The reviews indicate that they will actually deal with your problems, if necessary, by connecting highly qualified engineers. If the alarm does not work, or if it does not work correctly due to the fault of the company itself (production defect), then you will be replaced with it as soon as possible without taking a penny for it.

By the way, how often is Starline E90 “buggy”? Problems with the alarm system (which has been repeatedly proved in practice) arise only through the fault of the installers. The system itself is very reliable, and technically caused equipment malfunctions are extremely rare. If you have doubts about the qualifications of the employees who set the alarm for you, you can again contact the support service. You will be contacted and sent to the highest quality service center within reach.

Thirdly, the manufacturer is really not greedy. For example, you bought a regular Starline kit, in which there is no GSM module. Do you think that if you need it, you have to buy a new alarm? Fortunately not. Just buy the appropriate module. Compare this with the situation in which buyers of cheap "signaling" regularly find themselves: you have to pay extra for any "sneeze", and installing some additional equipment is not an impossible dream at all!


alarm starline e90 reviews
Thus, we can safely recommend this protective system to a wide range of domestic motorists: from beginners to seasoned pros. The system will not let you down under any conditions, and the car will be really reliably protected from the possibility of theft. Given the difficult economic situation, one should not be surprised at the traffic police statistics: experts show that over the past year alone the number of hijackings in the Moscow Region alone has grown by 27%. The vast majority are machines that are not protected by an alarm. So do not save on the safety of your "iron horse"!


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