Income tax - what is it? How to return?

What is income tax? The answer to this question should be known to every modern taxpayer in the Russian Federation. Next, the concept of income tax will be disclosed, as well as talk about all its features. Under certain circumstances, this payment can be returned. But how? Who is eligible?


What is income tax? They are called personal income tax. This is a direct tax paid on the income of an individual. In other words, income tax is the amount withheld by the state from profits. Under certain circumstances, citizens can return personal income tax for certain operations.

Who pays

What is income tax? This is a kind of payment to the state for generating income in the country. Almost all the profits of the population are taxed by this payment. But there are exceptions.

income tax what is

Who is the taxpayer of personal income tax? They can be:

  • individuals (adults);
  • Foreign citizens;
  • Entrepreneurs
  • legal entities / organizations.

In other words, all individuals and companies making a profit in the Russian Federation pay income taxes.

What is subject to personal income tax

Now it’s clear what income tax is. What profit will be taxed by this payment? As was said, not all income provides for the collection of part of the funds in the state treasury.

To date, personal income tax is withheld from the following sources of profit:

  • salary;
  • dividends;
  • funds received from the rental of property;
  • income in kind;
  • interest on deposits with increasing refinancing rates;
  • any income expressed in tangible form;
  • profit from the sale of cars and real estate;
  • money from the sale of any property (including securities and shares in LLC);
  • pension insurance payments;
  • insurance payments.

Also, citizens must transfer personal income tax with winnings and after receiving certain prizes. How much should the state pay and what profit is not taxed on personal income tax?

Tax exemption

Not all income provides for the payment of income tax. When can you not pay?

In Russia, personal income tax is not paid with:

  • state benefits;
  • pensions;
  • scholarships;
  • one-time financial assistance;
  • compensation to employees;
  • income from the sale of animals and livestock raised on personal farms;
  • arrived in the form of inheritance and gifts (from close relatives);
  • prizes awarded to athletes;
  • incomes up to 4,000 rubles (from gifts, winnings, and so on);
  • winnings on bonds;
  • subsidies from the state.

In other words, maternity benefits are not subject to income tax, and the employee’s salary provides for the collection of part of the funds.


What is income tax? This is a payment made by almost all citizens and organizations for profit in the territory of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that personal income tax may provide for different interest rates. It all depends on the category of taxpayer and the chosen tax system.

income tax on children

It is generally accepted that personal income tax in Russia is 13%. These funds will be withheld from the bulk of the taxpayers of the Russian Federation. But there are exceptions.

For example, income tax may be withheld:

  • 30% - for foreigners;
  • 35% - winnings and prizes, bank deposits, insurance;
  • 9% - income from dividends;
  • 15% - with the simplified tax system "income-expenses";
  • 6% - with the simplified tax system "income".

But most of the profits are taxed at 13%. Salaries, property income, inheritance, gifts - all this provides for a 13% tax rate. And nothing more.


Another interesting nuance is that citizens who transfer personal income tax in the amount of 13% can apply for a so-called tax deduction. This is the procedure for the return of expenses incurred for certain operations against taxes paid.

Deductions are due:

  • on children (standard);
  • for studying;
  • for treatment;
  • for the purchase of property;
  • when applying for a mortgage.

There is also a professional tax deduction among entrepreneurs. But in Russia it is issued extremely rarely.

Deduction amount

Need to return income tax on children or for the purchase of an apartment? Each taxpayer will have to clarify some restrictions on this. The thing is that personal income tax is returned at a rate of 13% of the expenses incurred, but with certain limits. Namely:

  • 390,000 rubles - a mortgage;
  • 260 thousand rubles - when buying an apartment / property;
  • 120 000 rubles - social deductions (for training, treatment);
  • 50 000 rubles - for the study of each of the children, brothers or sisters.

You can apply for deductions until these limits are exhausted. After that, it makes no sense to apply for a return.

apartment income tax

Special attention is required to the income tax return on children. It is drawn up by the employer and provides for a reduction in the tax base when calculating personal income tax. The amount of deduction depends on the number of children.


  • 1,400 rubles - for 1-2 minors;
  • 3,000 - for 3 or more;
  • 12,000 rubles - for a disabled child (up to 18 years old and up to 24 years old, if he is studying at a university / graduate school / residency);
  • 6,000 - for children with disabilities to guardians.

There is nothing difficult to understand in this. And how to make a deduction in a particular case?

Personal income tax return

Need to return income tax on your apartment or tuition? Then you will have to follow some instructions. But first, let's figure out how to get a deduction for children.

To reduce the tax base when calculating personal income tax, you will need:

  • Contact your employer for a deduction.
  • Attach to the request documents: passport, TIN, birth certificates of children, certificates of disability and education (if any).

Nothing more is needed. Other tax deductions, as a rule, are made through the Federal Tax Service at the applicant’s registration.

In order to receive income tax for training / sale of property / treatment, you will have to follow the instructions:

  • Collect a specific list of papers. Their list will vary depending on the situation.
  • Write a deduction application. It must indicate the details of the beneficiary's account.
  • Submit a written request to the Federal Tax Service at the applicant's registration. Attach prepared papers to it.
  • Wait for a response from the tax (from 1 to 3 months of waiting) and transfer of funds for the specified details.

training income tax

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. If you need to return the income tax for training or any other operation, you will need to prepare:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • income statements (most often - form 2-PIT);
  • tax return;
  • a document for the provision of services or study (contract);
  • institution license;
  • specialty accreditation (for deduction for tuition);
  • student certificate;
  • documents on property rights to property;
  • birth certificate of children (if the deduction is issued for children);
  • checks and receipts confirming payment for services / purchase of property;
  • TIN (if available).

That's all. Now it’s clear what income tax is. How to return it? This is also no longer a secret. This information will help bring the idea to life.


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