How a composition of autumn leaves is born

Autumn is the richest time when nature itself presents us with many of the most vivid colors. Walking through the parks and alleys, you can pick up a lot of purple and lemon yellow foliage, acorns, chestnuts, cones. And everyone knows very well that after a simple processing of such natural materials, a composition of autumn leaves and other gifts is born, which can become a worthy decoration of a theme evening or at home.

composition of autumn leaves

Most often, from the leaves collected in the garden, children collect applications. This allows, at a very young age, to develop creative abilities, taste and ability to combine various needlework materials. An adult can make a real work of art from such raw materials, which can become a separate souvenir, or look like a picture. Therefore, let us consider in more detail how the autumn composition of leaves is made and what varieties are present in this genre.

Just leaves and nothing more

The easiest option to make something unique from the gifts of autumn nature is to simply dry the foliage that you collected and decorate it with a table, dishes, any rooms in the house. Such a composition of autumn leaves will look very harmonious in the kitchen, for example, under the glass surface of the dining table. If your kitchen furniture has other standards, simply place the foliage behind decorative transparent plates or collect in a bouquet and put in a vase. Using stationery glue, the leaves can also be fixed on the tiles, and when the season passes, they will be easy to remove and replace with snowflakes.

color of autumn leaves

We complement the still life with vegetables and flowers

Even the simplest composition of autumn leaves will look original and unusual against the background of other natural gifts that are associated with autumn. Among these, we will mainly name pumpkin. If you decorate the house in honor of Halloween, then surrounded by yellow and crimson foliage this vegetable will look even more impressive. If we are talking about neutral home-made decoration, then the pumpkin can be turned into a vase, in which there will be a leafy-flower arrangement. The main thing is to collect autumn inflorescences, among them there are asters, dahlias, chrysanthemums and more.

autumn composition of leaves

Delicate colors of farewell pores

Now we will consider how the composition is made from autumn leaves of exceptionally light and soft colors. We use foliage of pale yellow, lemon, pinkish shades. Among the collected copies should not be red, orange, burgundy. In order for the creation to have as much note of tenderness and softness as possible, we take wheat spikelets. Further, it all depends on your taste and preferences. All natural material can be collected in an abstract pattern, fixed with glue on a Whatman paper and framed. So we get a wonderful autumn picture. It is important only to ensure that there are no white areas in the work. If we talk about a simpler option, then all the elements can be collected in a bouquet and put in a vase.

Keep playing with flowers

Despite the fact that the color of autumn leaves is predominantly yellow, it is quite possible to find more saturated and vibrant specimens in our latitudes. Therefore, for the next composition, we select the foliage of saturated red, dark cherry, burgundy and raspberry tones. It is worth noting that there is no place for orange color, since our goal is to create an atypical autumn picture, that is, with a slight hint of a cold tone. It is important to know that mainly all dark leaves are small, so working with them will be even easier. On a large whatman paper from small leaves, you can collect an abstract still life or in general outline convey any landscape. In order for such a picture to look fuller and more colorful, add colors to it. Watercolors can denote those objects and things that cannot be conveyed by foliage due to color.

composition of dry leaves

Foliage animals

The most common composition of dry leaves is the image of any animal, which is collected on paper and fixed with glue. The colors of autumn are so rich that they allow you to convey even without watercolors and gouache the fullness of any drawing, any image. For example, for the image of a butterfly, completely different leaves can be used, because the wings can be very diverse. For application, firebirds take red foliage and only eyes indicate gray dots. An abstract bunny can be made yellow or green, a giraffe, of course, yellow.

Few last words

It is important to know that autumn compositions can be made exclusively from dry leaves and other natural materials, and can be supplemented with paints, colored paper, and so on. In the first case, your work will look more original, non-standard, creative. If you bring clarity to such a picture, it becomes more acceptable for perception, but the aura that talks about the eternal gold of autumn, its beautiful farewell beauty, is lost.


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