Italian professional coffee machine for coffee shop (reviews)

The fast pace of life always implies short breaks over a cup of aromatic coffee. Such a pastime not only gives energy, but also allows you to get emotional relaxation, which is important for a business person. To meet customer demand, cafe owners have their buildings near offices. Instead of a person who knows how to make coffee deliciously, a professional coffee machine for a coffee house serves as a wonderful alternative.

What is a coffee brewing machine?

The technological idea embodied in action brought invaluable help to people. Thanks to modern technologies, time is significantly saved and the drink is no worse than handmade coffee.

Before giving up expensive pleasure, you should pay attention to the advantages of professional coffee machines for coffee houses. This is especially important to do for those who plan to rent or buy their own coffee shop and are going to closely engage in this kind of business. Here are the main features that distinguish coffee machines:

  • Using the machine speeds up the preparation of the drink, because after half a minute the visitor can enjoy the exquisite aroma of coffee.
  • To maintain optimal water temperature for a long time, there is a thermostat inside the unit.
  • The machine is capable of simultaneously preparing several coffee options. It is equipped with group modes of the strait for making espresso.
  • Professional coffee machines for coffee houses have several boilers.
  • Unrefined coffee grains can be safely placed in the machine, since the automatic system is able to clean them yourself.
  • Equipment intended for rent is equipped with coffee grinders.

professional coffee machine for a coffee shop

Types of Coffee Machines

Regardless of how much the owner of the coffee shop plans to expand his business, he should familiarize himself with the available assortment of discussed units. The market for new technologies may offer the following options:

  • Semi-automatic.
  • Coffee machines for making cappuccino.
  • Joint option with a coffee grinder, designed for cleaning and making coffee from beans.
  • With integrated function for preparing a drink in capsules.
  • Super-automatic machines for making espresso.

The owner of a large cafe-bar or restaurant, taking into account his preferences and capabilities, will be able to choose several options. In order not to create "pitfalls" in your work, it is better to buy professional coffee machines for coffee houses. The photos provided in the article illustrate some models of such equipment.

When choosing a technological device for a particular institution, one should know that there are two main types of devices - manual and automatic. The second are available with a built-in coffee grinder and, in particular, are made in Switzerland. Manual devices can be selected from the Italian manufacturer.

professional coffee machines for coffee houses

Semiautomatic device

This technological invention is partially equipped with automatic functions and is more suitable for small establishments, such as snack bars or office buildings with a small flow of people. The use of this apparatus requires the barista due attention and accuracy. Despite the fact that the semiautomatic device is very easy to operate, non-observance of some rules can lead to equipment breakdown.

  1. First, you need to adjust the amount of water poured.
  2. Secondly, monitor the quality processing of coffee beans. Only medium grinding is allowed, otherwise the machine may malfunction.

Manual machines differ in the number of places for cups (groups). Suitable equipment for a small institution would be a 2-group option. In more advanced devices, a separate boiler is built in for each working group.

professional coffee machines for coffee houses

Equipment for a large coffee shop

Professional coffee machines for coffee houses must have several boilers. It is better to choose a device with their maximum number. The same can be said about expresso strait groups. There are even 4-group cars on sale.

If you plan to sell coffee in a large room, then before buying equipment you should calculate all the costs. When purchasing professional coffee machines for coffee houses, two factors should be taken into account - productivity and workload.

In the responses, the owners of coffee houses indicate proven brands - Elektra, Saeco. The machines of these Italian brands are reliable in operation and allow you to quickly serve customers. For spacious rooms there is equipment that can provide 200 people in 1 hour with a fragrant cup of coffee. Therefore, it will be beneficial to purchase just such a professional coffee machine for a coffee shop. The Schaerer Coffee Vito supermachine, famous for its performance, is the best option for this purpose. The device is able to serve the client without human intervention.

italian professional coffee machine coffee shop rating reviews

The best coffee machines

Italian professional coffee machines for coffee houses, rating, reviews are presented in this article.

Models of the Italian manufacturer Delonghi are considered the best. They are designed to work with a large flow of customers and are famous for their practicality. The company produces related products for the care of the device. An acquisition from a famous brand can be equipped with all kinds of stands, additional containers and a special tool for cleaning equipment.

The popular manufacturer is not inferior to the German company - Melitta. Professional coffee machine machines from this company are of high quality. Owners of equipment from the above brands speak very well about this technique. Despite the high price, they are pleased that they do not have to repair coffee machines.

An excellent budget option is equipment from Philips and Panasonic. Units of the middle category are not so high quality in comparison with expensive equipment, but their after-sales service is at the highest level.

La Cimbali (Italy) - an inexpensive model that allows you to prepare about 300 cups of the drink. There are only positive reviews about this professional coffee machine for a coffee shop. The owners of small institutions find it quite rational equipment.

It is necessary to pay attention to some details. For example, a drink made in a capsule coffee machine will cost more, and a pump-action unit is able to do this with a high-speed method.

According to numerous reviews, the assessment of Italian technology is at the highest level.

professional coffee machine for coffee shop

How to start a business

A man running past a cafe or restaurant does not always have time to look into it, but he would not refuse a cup of coffee. For such people, a coffee house on wheels is provided, which itself drives up to the client in a convenient place for him. Such an apparatus is best moved within busy areas such as train stations or office buildings. Mobile vans operate on battery power and in order to use it, you do not need to have your own room. For those who do not have the means, you can start your own business by renting a coffee machine (equipped with a coffee grinder).

Sometimes for beginning businessmen a profitable opportunity is tucked up. Some coffee capsule companies supply machines for making such a drink. To promote their technology, they give a coffee machine in return for a certain number of capsules purchased from them.

After the profit will multiply and there will be an opportunity to expand your business, it will be easier to move on to the next stage. Namely, to think about purchasing a professional coffee machine for a coffee shop. The experience of some businessmen shows that 150,000 rubles will be needed for the most necessary equipment. Perhaps some will be the help of buying a ready-made franchise.

professional coffee machine for coffee shop reviews

Some tips

When choosing a professional coffee machine for a coffee house, you always need to cooperate with reputable companies that have established themselves as the best manufacturers. Such equipment is reliable and always has a guarantee for maintenance and installation.

In local service centers it will be easier to repair bulky equipment, so it is better to purchase a coffee machine in your region.

It would be wise to consult with competent people who have achieved some success in this area. It can be both the owners of bars and restaurant workers.

professional coffee machines for coffee houses photo


It is difficult to choose a professional coffee machine for a coffee shop among such a variety of technical models. Owners of coffee establishments need to take into account all the nuances - electricity consumption, equipment repair, floor space and time spent at work. A thoughtful approach will help determine the right choice of equipment and provide the necessary flow of customers on time with a prepared cup of an invigorating drink.


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