Holidays in India

Welcome to India - the one and only land on which spirit and mind, poverty and splendor, a billion Indians and more than three hundred million Hindu deities coexist in perfect harmony - in the most organic and beautiful country in its nature. It was here that an unknown sower planted the seed of humanity for the first time. Perhaps that is why vacation in India attracts not quite ordinary lovers of exotic tourism - such travelers are more like pilgrims who go to the monastery of wisdom in the hope of finding the truth. And he who seeks will always find!

Of course, there is a more “traditional" holiday in India: comfortable hotels with the notorious "all inclusive", beaches, souvenirs and nightly entertainment. But is the homeland of Ayurveda, a sadhu and a person who has managed to become a Buddha worthy of attention only in connection with the spread of material wealth and entertainment? At least this is unfair.

Paradoxical as it sounds, vacationing in India is also quite stressful work. Of course, an emotional, internal plan. First of all, this concerns the life and some of the mores and customs of Indians. So, many travelers discovering this country are often unpleasantly struck by poverty, an abundance of garbage and unacceptable, from the point of view of a European, treatment of women. Of course, the rite of self-immolation of widows - sati - has already ceased to be a common practice, but traditional corpses still float and will float along the sacred Ganges, women who produce girls are oppressed and oppressed, and a cardboard box will not be considered a house for a very long time only acceptable, but also decent housing. But this is only one face of the many faces of India.

There is also an official tourist India with a mandatory visit to the Taj Mahal, “combed”, preserving the colonial spirit of Calcutta, Delhi's temple eclecticism and a guided tour of fictional life - Bollywood. Most travel agencies offering last-minute packages to India also provide excursions to nature reserves and national parks in the country.

The next hypostasis is India spiritually teaching and enriching. These are, first of all, ashrams - an amazing combination of monasteries and schools of internal development. Different people come here with completely different goals. Someone wants to live in a “sacred” ascetic place, concentrate and get to know himself, for some, the ashram is a kind of center for rehabilitation, rest and relaxation, others - with the help of special techniques, lectures and meditation, hope to reach a new spiritual level. In addition, many “holy” people wander the country - the sadhu, the teachings of the Dalai Lama are conducted . Studying last-minute tours to India, one can discover the most interesting mountain expeditions in the Himalayas. Especially admirers of Roerich and Blavatsky will like this route - it is a unique opportunity to touch the secret and feel all the powerful energy of the sacred places. This is how informative and rewarding a vacation in India can be. After such pilgrimages, many travelers feel spiritually purified and even somewhat enlightened.

But the matter is not only in the many monasteries, temples and altars - most of all, the unique atmosphere of India, which arose thanks to the completely unique people of this country, is affected by miracles. The Indians are truly immortal - after all, after another physical death, another physical life sets in. This cycle is continuous and absolute so that eternity becomes one day - endless “today”, without unnecessary “tomorrow” and “yesterday”, in which even theoretically there are no such concepts as poverty, envy, a sense of injustice. Instead of them - a constant sincere smile and a feeling of endless happiness. And even if it has a somewhat utopian character - this is the main charm. Just touching the atmosphere, the spirit of India is the best acquisition and enlightenment for the seeker of Something in this wonderful country.


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