Tikhonov desert, Kaluga region. St. Tikhon's Deserts

It is truly impossible to learn Russian culture without visiting such ancient places. One can say even more, today the culture of our great country is in decline, it is being replaced with some refined, emasculated concepts, images. Today, even rituals are somehow observed without a soul, mechanically. And again, the Tikhonov Deserts (Kaluga Region) helps to feel what we have forgotten. The culture of our country is closely connected with faith, temples and monasteries. And a great example of this is the desert.

Tikhonov desert Kaluga region
Everything here amazes and delights: this is the grandeur of the monastery complex, and tangible sanctity, and a completely unusual pacified atmosphere. Tikhonov desert (Kaluga region) is a fertile place.

Places around the monastery

The true Russian spirit is here, and everyone feels it. The monastery is located near Kaluga. This is still a wooded area, one can only guess how fabulously wild this place was in the days when the Tikhonov Deserts (Kaluga Region) was founded. The monastery stands on a small elevation of the right bank of the river, which beautifully frames the fence of the monastery. The monks blocked the river, and now next to the temple are two picturesque ponds.

The history of the monastery

Tikhonov Desert Monastery Kaluga Region
The monastery of the Tikhon Deserts (Kaluga Region) was founded in the 15th century by the Monk Tikhon. He was also called a miracle worker. He took monastic tonsure, but loved privacy more, and therefore went to live in a dense forest. According to legend, he settled in a huge hollow of oak and ate roots and wild fruits. Around him gradually gathered people, the righteous, seeking the truth. They cultivated the land and huddled in small huts. They lived in great poverty, since the infertile plots yielded a small crop.

But once a miracle happened, which formed the basis for the construction of the monastery. The saint met the prince who hunted in those places. The prince swung his whip at Tikhon, but his hand was numb. Only when he asked the saint for forgiveness, he prayers sent him healing. After this, the prince made a major donation, which formed the basis for construction in 1485. The miracle worker Tikhon died in 1492 and was buried in a wooden cathedral.

Until the sixteenth century, the monastery grew and developed, men gathered here who decided to move away from worldly life. However, at the beginning of the century, he was badly damaged by raids, a wooden temple was burned. True, already in 1630 he had already recovered and recovered. The history of the Tikhonov Desert Monastery (Kaluga Region) is complex, it was rebuilt, and then at the beginning of the 20th century shared the bitter fate of many. All buildings were desecrated and plundered, and many monks were killed. Only in 1991 did the monastery begin to revive.

Tikhonova desert (Kaluga region): how to get there

If you are going to visit this holy place, you will need to get to the village of Leo Tolstoy. The road here is completely unremarkable and will delight only those who are in love with the Russian village. But you must immediately take into account that the monastery is located in the village of Leo Tolstoy, which is located 9 kilometers south of the railway station. Otherwise, you may fall into the trap prepared by the Kaluga region. Station "Tikhonov Pustyn" is located next to the village of the same name, where (as was already clear from the story) there is no monastery. Every day at this station stops for a few trains. This is not the most convenient route for visiting the ancient monastery. When you get off at the bus stop, you will not see either buses or taxi cabs. Walking to the village of Leo Tolstoy will have to go about two hours.

holy tikhonov deserts kaluga region

You can get there by plane, but the nearest airports are located in the vicinity of Moscow, then you have to get to the Kiev station and go by train. Get right to Kaluga, don't go to the Tikhonov Desert station. A bus leaves from the railway station of this city every 20 minutes and takes you directly to the village of Leo Tolstoy.

You can easily arrange a weekend for yourself and see with your own eyes what the Tikhonov Deserts (Kaluga Region) are. How to get there by car, we will now tell. You leave Moscow along the Kiev highway and drive until you turn to Medyn (to the right). Kaluga remains to the left, and you move to the village of Leo Tolstoy. Shortly before this sign, you will see another one, to the left, it is called "Tikhonov Deserts." This is a village about which we already wrote, and a terrible, broken road leads to it. This seems like a cruel joke to the traffic police, but now you are warned.

Cathedral Church and the bell tower of the monastery

Today the temple is completely restored, this is a wonderful creation of Russian masters, which you need to see. You call in the most ordinary village, and suddenly a blue miracle appears in front of you. St. Tikhon's desert (Kaluga region) delights with its size and magnificence. The Assumption Blue-domed Cathedral and the striking bell tower are a wonderful ensemble that pleases visitors both outside and inside the monastery courtyard.

Tikhonov desert Kaluga region font
This majestic handsome man seemed to be transported here by magic from the capital. The walls inside are white, so far without painting. Entrance to it from the street. The bell tower is a separate miracle, which is famous for the St. Tikhon Deserts (Kaluga region). Its height is 75 meters, it is built in 5 tiers.

Church of St. Nicholas

This is a small temple, made in the Byzantine style. It is yellow in color and is built into the refectory. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite the fact that he is much smaller and more modest than the majestic Assumption Cathedral, he deservedly enjoys the love of parishioners.

Land of monks

The Tikhonov Desert Monastery (Kaluga Region) includes two more churches. The first is Preobrazhensky, it is small, in two floors, but very beautiful.

Tikhonov Pustyn Kaluga Region how to get there by car
In the lower church are hidden the relics of St. Tikhon, the founder of this monastery. Behind the temple is a small necropolis. A luxurious alley runs through the center of the monastery courtyard, which disposes to leisurely thoughts. Finally, a temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God can only be viewed from afar, pilgrims cannot go there, this is the land of monks.

Holy spring of Tikhon Preobrazhensky

It is located very close, 3 km from the monastery, in a dense forest. Thanks to him, the Tikhonov Desert Monastery (Kaluga Region) became famous in due time. This source helped to save many people from various diseases. Near the source a small temple "Life-giving spring" is built. Everything here has to appease: wooden benches, flowers, an incomparable dense forest. Newlyweds often come here - drinking holy water has become a good tradition.

It is especially crowded here on the feast of the Epiphany. Pilgrims these days simply packed Tikhonov deserts (Kaluga region). A font with ice water, over which a blessed prayer is served, cleanses of sins, gives health and tempers the spirit. I must say that even on the hottest day the temperature of the water in the source does not exceed 4 degrees, after a long walk in the sun it is simply stunning. You need to plunge three times with your head, as church traditions say.

Tikhonova Pustynkluzhskaya area how to get there
Territory tour

Here is a rather interesting program, which can also become informative. The monastery has a spiritual and educational center for adults and a Sunday school for children. You can also settle in one of the three pilgrimage hotels and stay here longer - imbued with the spirit of the monastery and, possibly, change something in your life. A bakery also works here, where an amazing amount of delicious bread, rolls and various pastries are baked. Prices are very low. There is also a shop selling icons, crosses and Christian literature.

Schedule of Divine Services

There is the last information that is needed if you decide to visit the Tikhonov Desert Monastery (Kaluga Region). The schedule of services indicates that services are held here daily, according to the charter. On a weekday, the morning service begins at 5:30, and the evening at 17:00. On Saturdays, the liturgy begins at 8:00. On Sunday and public holidays, the service begins at 9:00 a.m., and the all-night vigil begins at 17:00.

This wonderful monastery should be visited at least then in order to feel the local atmosphere, stop for a moment and think about life, meaning and future, about real values ​​and worldly fuss. At such moments, you begin to understand that our daily worries are an insignificant trifle, on which we spend the most valuable that we have - our own life.

Tikhonov desert Kaluga region source
Well, and, of course, here you can see enough of the beauty that the monastery of the Tikhon Deserts is famous for (Kaluga Region). Photos are not prohibited on the territory of the temple, so show your trip to all your friends.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G45791/

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