Station "Ploshchad Revolyutsii" - metro station located in the center of Moscow

All Moscow metro stations are individual, and many of them are real historical cultural monuments . But residents of the capital, who are in a hurry somewhere daily, mainly appreciate this type of transport for the lack of traffic jams. They have long ceased to pay attention to the beauty of architectural structures, and foreigners are still taken on excursions to the Moscow subway.

"Revolution square". The most important thing about the station

metro revolution square
One of the most visited is the Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station , Moscow can rightfully be proud of it. It is located on the Arbat-Pokrov branch, just between the "Kursk" and the "Arbat", earned March 13, 1938. The station received its name in honor of the square with the same name, located in close proximity to the surface.

What is famous for " Revolution Square"? This metro is located almost in the very center of the capital of Russia and is one of the closest to Red Square, the Kremlin, the Alexander Garden, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Mausoleum and the Bolshoi Theater. Also nearby are Kazan Cathedral, several famous museums and exhibition galleries.

Distinctive features of the station

metro revolution square photo
What makes "Square of the Revolution" so different from other stations? The metro is located quite deep, at a distance of 33.6 meters underground. The diameter of the side halls is 8.5 m, the main - 9.5. The three-vault station is illuminated by two rows of flat round luminaires.

To design the floor, light and black granite were used. Wall decoration is much more diverse. There are Armenian black marble, as well as other rocks of stones of white, golden and gray shades.

In the hall in arched niches 76 sculptures made of bronze. They are located in a strictly defined sequence of events that took place during the period 1917-1937. On this basis, people immediately recognize the "Revolution Square" (metro), the photos speak for themselves. The figures depict the professions of people of the Soviet era. Moreover, 2 statues are repeated only 2 times, and the remaining 18 - 4 times. In fact, initially there were 80 figures, but after the construction of the eastern lobby 4 had to be removed from the hall.

metro station revolution square moscow

"Revolution Square" (metro) is very popular among young people. Students before the exam come here during the session to rub the bronze nose of the dog, which is part of the sculpture "Border guard with a dog." But her paw is rubbed by all those who have a difficult standings. Surviving disappointment in love is easier if you touch the foot of the figure "Students with a book."

Lobbies and walkways

Those who want to get to the Zamoskvoretskaya line can take advantage of the passage that connects Teatralnaya and Ploshchad Revolyutsii. The metro, of course, has access to the street. The eastern lobby will lead you to Nikolskaya Street and to Epiphany Lane, and the western - to Revolution Square. Despite the absence of a direct passage from the Okhotny Ryad station, the Sokolnicheskaya and Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya lines are combined into a system of a common interchange hub.


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