How to choose a 6-inch smartphone: expert advice and customer reviews

So, today we will figure out how to choose a 6-inch smartphone. This question is very worried about many buyers. After all, modern technology is diverse. And it’s extremely difficult to find something suitable among her. Sometimes eyes just run up. So, based on the advice of expert professionals and the experience of buyers, you can highlight a few key points that can help you make your choice. Let’s begin as soon as possible with you the study of our today's issue.

6 inch smartphone

Why exactly 6?

First you need to understand why such smartphones are most popular. In general, the answer is obvious: the large screen is attractive. And now it is believed that the more technology, the better. And it’s almost unimportant whether it’s convenient to make calls of this size or not. A smartphone more than 6 inches, to be honest, is already a kind of excess. You can say a full-fledged tablet from which everyone can call. If you want to buy a phone for games, then 6 inches is the golden mean. Otherwise, just buy yourself a tablet.

Smartphones with a 6-inch display are not only large, but also high-quality. In any case, buyers so assure. Using them is mostly convenient. Over time, you can get used to large sizes. It is convenient to make Internet surfing on such a phone, as well as read books, watch movies and photos, and play. In principle, just what modern users need so much. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to several important points when you choose a 6-inch smartphone. In the end, we give a couple of ideal options for purchase.

Screen quality

Since we have decided on the size of the display, it is also worth paying attention to its other characteristics. Indeed, for smartphones, the screen is often selected not by dimensions, but by the main components.

The first thing to pay attention to is the type of display. Capacitive, touch models are extremely popular now. Moreover, it is better for the phone to respond to touch, and not to heat. To check this, it is enough to find a stylus in the configuration. Smartphones with a diagonal of 6 inches and reacting to an electric charge are more common. But they have some drawbacks. For example, during frosts you will have to warm your hands so that the phone carries out your commands. In principle, most buyers prefer to use a smartphone within a warm room. And playing in the cold is a stupid undertaking.

6 inch smartphones

Also pay attention to the image. It should be bright, rich and “lively”. It is better if a 6-inch smartphone does not respond to sunny weather. That is, at this moment you should still see a clear picture on the display. Sometimes this is extremely useful. Look at the specifications - now a good phone should transmit about 16 million colors and shades.


Another pretty important point is the size of the smartphone. Yes, often they do not pay attention to him at all. But if you want to buy a phone for a woman or a child, then this factor will have to be taken into account. After all, a person should be comfortable with the device.

It is very important that the 6-inch smartphone is thin. It is not only practical, but also extremely comfortable for storage. In principle, a thickness of 6-7 millimeters is the norm. But with the length and width of the device will have to suffer. According to customers, the maximum allowable dimensions for comfort when making calls are approximately 16 centimeters in length and 8-9 in width. In total, a pretty good option is obtained. Especially if you prefer to carry your mobile phone in your pants pocket.


A 6-inch smartphone is usually designed to run games. And quite powerful. So, the processor and other components must be appropriate. Otherwise, you will have to look for better models for yourself.

As many experts note, on average, it is better to buy a phone with 2 or 4 cores in the processor. But the clock frequency may vary. But it is worth remembering: the bigger it is, the better. On average, customers are offered models from 1.5 GHz to 2.1 GHz. To be honest, you should choose between 1.9-2.1. This will help ensure maximum quality and performance. This is exactly what manufacturers are trying to achieve. After all, a fast and good phone will be very popular. And that means it will bring income and fame.

lenovo 6 inch smartphone

In principle, sometimes you can choose 6-inch smartphones with 4 cores in the processor and a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz. It seems that this figure is less than 2.1. Nevertheless, such models are better. Indeed, in our case, 1.5 needs to be multiplied by 4. And smartphones with 2.1 GHz, as a rule, contain a processor with 2 cores. If you managed to find a 6-inch phone diagonally, and even with 4 cores of 2-2.1 GHz, then you should pay special attention to it. Maybe this is the option that suits you. But do not think that the processor is the main thing. If the rest of the components do not correspond to the "requests" of the processor, then the model will have no power.


Next on the list is RAM. It would seem that there is nothing special about her. But only this particular part helps the phone to fully activate the processor power. So, it should not be too small and not huge. Here the rule "the more the better" does not work.

Smartphones with a diagonal of 6 inches, as a rule, can be found with a RAM of 1-2 GB. It is better to pay attention to more significant volumes. Especially if you have a gaming phone. On it, the processor usually "asks" 3-4 GB. Such models are far from rare. So this is exactly the indicator that is best suited for a good phone. In cases where you have a processor with 2 cores and with a frequency of up to 1.8 GHz, you can purchase a model with 2 GB of RAM. This is quite enough for games, and for applications, and for personal requests. But with a 4-core processor, it is better to give preference to 3-4 GB. Better to take more. Especially if you managed to find a processor with 4 cores and a frequency of 2.1 GHz.

However, if you are not looking for a gaming smartphone, then you can take it so that the characteristics are at a minimum. Although, according to experts, this is not worth it. Over time, you still want to play on the phone with a large screen. And small power can be a real problem.

Need more space

A 5.5-6 inch smartphone, as already mentioned, is primarily a game model. What other indicators are important for running games? For example, free space. Modern documents and files weigh a lot. So, the more this indicator, the better.

case for smartphone 6 inches

According to experts and buyers, the space on the phone as a whole does not affect it at all. Only the number of files allowed for storage. Of course, everyone wants them to have a lot of space. And therefore, it is better to give preference to models with a large indicator of this characteristic. On average, 6-inch smartphones can be found with built-in memory of 8 GB or higher. True, it would be better to choose options with 16-32 GB. Optimal - 16. It is also worth considering that about 2 GB of space will need to be taken from the indicated number - they "go away" to the phone’s operating system and system resources. And without this, nowhere. So try to consider this factor when buying a phone. But be careful: if the manufacturer offers you about 64 GB of built-in space, then in the end you can expect a very unpleasant event. Which one? Now we will deal with this.

Memory card

If you initially think that the smartphone will lack the standard memory, then you should choose models with a special card slot. For example, Lenovo 6 inches. A smartphone of this manufacturer will suit anyone. It still has a slot for connecting additional memory. But it is worth considering that this feature is not present at all. So carefully read the main technical specifications of the device. After all, I’m not very willing to notice some significant flaws only after purchase.

According to experts and buyers, it is also worth paying attention to the maximum allowable size of a memory card. It is best to choose models with a large indicator. For example, a 6-inch smartphone with the ability to connect an additional 64 or 128 GB is suitable. With all this, try not to completely fill the space with data. It is better to leave about 1-2 GB empty. This technique, according to customers, helps to avoid problems with the operating system. For example, it does not allow the device to "slow down" or for a long time to respond to the commands sent. It’s worth it to be safe again.

smartphones with 6 inch display

In addition, an optional memory card makes your data mobile. You can easily transfer them from one smartphone or tablet to another. So refrain from buying phone models without the possibility of using a memory card on them.


For many customers, an important role is also played by such a thing as the design of the device. To be honest, this is actually not so important. Sometimes it’s for a beautiful “cover” that you have to pay a lot. But if you are interested in smartphones with a 6-inch screen, and even fashionable ones, then you will have to look for something original. And better - the most ordinary phone that meets your needs, but with the ability to change panels.

This technique is very often used by buyers. It helps to independently develop and implement the design of the device. Want an acid yellow phone? No problem! Do you want a smartphone with a print or your own photo? Nothing too complicated. You just need to order the panels in advance, and then replace them.

In terms of design, advice should not be given. The main thing is that the phone with a 6-inch screen has the ability to change panels. If it is, then you can show your imagination and show your own ideas the way you want it to.

Working hours

Of course, a smartphone with a diagonal of 6 inches is often very actively used. So, it would not hurt that the device worked for a long time. And here the battery plays an important role. It is best, as experts say, to choose smartphones with removable batteries and a capacity of about 3200 mAh.

Such models are able to lie in standby mode for about 2 months. And if you decide to use your phone as a device for short conversations, then you can count on a month of work without recharging. In active mode, such smartphones can last about 5 days. Quite impressive performance. So try to pay attention even to the battery.

smartphone is more than 6 inches

The advantage of removable batteries is that you can quickly replace it if necessary. And with all this, do not overpay a lot of money. This small feature is also recommended to pay attention. After all, changing the battery yourself is cheaper and more profitable than taking the device, in which case, to the service center.


Quite often, buyers use the phone is far from just for talking. For example, people like to take pictures and shoot videos on camera. Well, when these devices are always at hand. After all, they must be mandatory in your mobile phone. And it’s not so important what size it is. Functionality plays a rather important role in the selection.

According to many experts, it is worth giving preference to models with two types of cameras - rear and front. Very good if the first is equipped with autofocus and flash. In addition, the front camera should be of good quality - from 1.3 megapixels. And the rear - from 10 megapixels. These indicators are enough to make high-quality pictures and videos.


The phone was originally created for the communication of people. And, to be honest, the supported types of communication for the smartphone are very important. According to many users, they very often look at this feature.

It is very important that the selected smartphone supports 2G and 3G connectivity. Perhaps now it is available on all devices. Well, if the phone has GPS and GPRS. Also extremely common. Pay attention to whether the smartphone has Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 4G support. Now it is recommended to choose models in which all this is. Without a 4G network, it will be very difficult very soon. So consider this factor when making a purchase.


It is also important to look at the configuration of the purchased device. Sometimes even such a trifle as a case for a 6-inch smartphone can play a decisive role. Especially if it is included in the package, but for some reason is missing.

6-inch smartphones

In general, with respect to the standard delivery of modern phones, you can only say what is now in the box: a warranty card, a check, an instruction manual, a USB cable, headphones, a battery and a charger. Often, in many models of smartphones, a case and a protective film are included. Of course, it is better to give preference to a complete set.


The price tag for a smartphone plays an extremely important role. Especially if it does not match the capabilities. And this factor must be taken into account. According to buyers, you can find a good smartphone with a screen diagonal of 6 inches for about 10,000 rubles. But game models are more expensive - about 15-20 thousand. The role and amount of possible use of several numbers plays a role. So a smartphone - 6 inches, 2 Sim cards - will cost you about 12,000. This is the average cost of a device with average capabilities. Thus, choose a smartphone based on your budget.

What models should everyone and everyone pay attention to? For example, here are some good 6-inch smartphones:

  1. Huawei Mate 7.
  2. Lenovo Vibe Z2 Pro (K920).
  3. Samsung Galaxy Mega 2.
  4. Xperia C5 Ultra.
  5. Turbo X6 Z Star.


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