Ethnopedagogy - what is it? The purpose, means and fundamentals of ethnopedagogy

Modern pedagogy applies many methods and techniques in the process of educating the younger generation. This makes learning effective. For many years, our ancestors have been developing the basic views, ideas and directions of raising children. It is these principles that formed the basis of such a branch of science as ethnopedagogy.

Within each historically formed community of people, their views on the process of raising children evolved. Ethnopedagogy is a direction in science that instills in the young generation the values ​​of its people. Therefore, this approach allows children to join the cultural values ​​of their people from an early age. It is actively used in various educational institutions.

An integrated approach, as well as non-standard teaching methods, are of interest to children. In this case, new knowledge is acquired much faster.

The meaning and essence of science

Ethnopedagogy is a branch of pedagogical science that applies the historical experience of a certain nationality. She studies the views of past generations on the education of the younger generation. At the same time, considerable attention is paid to the family, life, their nationality and nation.

The educational space of our country is notable for the heterogeneity of cultural and historical values. Multiple ethnic groups have their own characteristics. Therefore, education takes into account such features. Traditions and nationalities are not the same for all groups. But at the heart of every culture are the same basic concepts and goals. The task of educators is to inculcate in children not one specific area of ​​historical experience, but the essence of multiple historical, cultural traditions, traditions, songs and fairy tales. This allows you to educate a person who interacts with society on the principles of common values, attitudes and consciousness.

Ethnopedagogy is

In modern conditions of accelerated technological development, this allows each person to maintain their connection with the historical values ​​given to him.

The concepts of ethnopedagogy, folk pedagogy are not synonyms. This branch of science pays attention to the historical achievements of our ancestors and applies their simple but effective logic in raising children.

Subject and object

The object and subject of ethnopedagogy are determined by different researchers differently. So, E. Khakimov believes that the educational process is the object of this branch of science . The subject in this case in the study is both clearly targeted and spontaneous processes of development of ethno-pedagogical knowledge.

Pedagogy ethnopedagogy

Pezdemkovskaya G.V. says that such a direction as scientific pedagogy contains in its basis modern knowledge and research results. The popular approach takes ordinary, everyday knowledge as the foundation. Therefore, she believes that when studying ethnopedagogy, folk culture should be considered an object. It does not contain scientific knowledge about traditional education. The subject of ethnopedagogy, according to G. Pezdemkovskaya, has a fairly broad social meaning. It consists in traditional popular education.

G. N. Volkov distinguishes folk culture and pedagogy as an object of ethnopedagogy. He sees the subject of her research in the transfer of moral experience in the family and society through ethnic creativity, sayings, tales, riddles, songs, etc.

Targets and goals

In the process of studying ethnopedagogy, certain goals and objectives are set. Knowing them, you can delve deeper into the essence of this science.

The purpose of ethnopedagogy is to instill in the younger generation a system of values, civic consciousness, the basic principles of which were developed during the existence of our people.

The application in the educational process of the traditions of different peoples living in our country is a priority. Creative inspiration can be applied in various fields of activity. Ethnopedagogy develops children's abilities, stimulates their self-expression and talents.

The concept of ethnopedagogy

To achieve these goals, certain tasks are solved. These include, first of all, the study of people's approaches to education. The tasks of ethnopedagogy also consist in updating such methods and techniques, taking into account the characteristics of society, and finding ways and approaches in the implementation of such work.

The presented branch of education is also charged with the duty of monitoring the conformity of the ideas of science with the current tasks of educating a developed personality.


Ethnopedagogy as a science contains some structural elements. These include cognitive knowledge, which from a certain point of view studies the physiology, psyche, and social development of the child.

Also, the industry of this method of education is folk didactics. It reveals the meaning of teachings, instructions, clarifications. Ethnopedagogy also includes pedagogical deontology, which studies the necessity and the mandatory fulfillment of established norms of behavior and rules. This direction teaches to respect your family, ancestors, history and culture.

The subject of ethnopedagogy

Another structural unit is family pedagogy. Ethnopedagogy in this aspect helps parents with tips in raising children. In modern society, this industry is gaining significant scope. It forms in the minds of children the cult of the Family, the Father and the Mother.

This area of ​​ethnopedagogy prepares children for future adulthood, marriage, family relations between spouses. The objective of the presented science is to educate not only children, but also their parents. It indicates the ways, techniques and methods for the implementation of the educational process. Parents must have the basics of pedagogical skills to give their child an understanding of morality, interaction with society.

Communication with other sciences

Ethnopedagogy is closely connected with other sciences. It is an integrated approach in obtaining new knowledge and skills that is most effective.

The connection of ethnopedagogy with other sciences is quite significant. First of all, it should be noted its interaction with ethnography. This field of knowledge carries information about the resettlement of the peoples of the world, their historical territorial affiliation.

Basics of ethnopedagogy

In Western countries, this branch of science is also called ethnology. Her competence also includes the study of the behavior and traditions of each people. This allows you to take into account the behavior of a certain group of people living in a certain territory.

Ethnopedagogy and ethnopsychology are also closely related. This area of ​​folk knowledge studies the behavioral motives of a group of people, their character and mentality. Ethnopsychology studies the factors that influence the characteristics of the interaction of representatives of a particular society with each other and with the outside world. This science explores the emotional sphere of a particular ethnic group, their experiences and the expression of their feelings. The study of ethnopsychology also includes the motivation of people, as well as the influence of social and psychological influences on their activities.

Ethnopedagogy also maintains a connection with ethnosociology. This science examines the behavior of representatives of one nationality in relation to the surrounding society.

Science content

Studying the basics of ethnopedagogy, parents, students and educators should understand its content. It includes several main areas, which together allow us to embrace this new knowledge.

The organizational and active direction of this science includes research on the basic knowledge of the people in the field of upbringing of the younger generation. The child and his behavior are both an object and a subject in the educational process. The structural content includes educational functions, for example, the development of mental abilities, instilling ethics and aesthetics.

The relationship of ethnopedagogy with other sciences

Factors of education are history, nature, religion. One of the structural elements that includes the concept of ethnopedagogy are methods and means of education. The learning process is based on the idea of ​​personality development and its implementation.

The presented branch of science also implies the organization of education. She explores the role of collective forms of interaction and life of the family, community, people and humanity as a whole. Ethnopedagogy applies examples of folk educators in its structure. They can be even little-known teachers, their thoughts and statements, public figures, as well as parents or even older children. All these areas, merging together, contribute to the development of a socially responsible person with a set of ethical traits of character and behavior.


To achieve their goals and solve problems, certain means of ethnopedagogy are used. They are somewhat specific, which distinguishes the presented science in a separate direction. Similar techniques, but somewhat in a different style, can be applied by modern pedagogy. Ethnopedagogy brings its own unique features to these techniques.

This allows you to convey information to children in a more accessible way for them. The interest that such methods evoke is an effective factor in its assimilation. Among the main approaches to the transfer of knowledge through ethnopedagogy are clarification, persuasion, example. The methods of such education are also customary to include requirements, persuasion, order, belief, request and advice.

Actively apply exercise and teaching, blessing or wish. If necessary, a reproach or rebuke, approval or a hint may be used. Depending on the situation in the learning process, this or that method of ethnopedagogy is applied.

To get a good result, you must correctly apply all the methods presented. To do this, take into account the peculiarities of the psyche of the child or their group, as well as the characteristics of the interaction of children with each other, with society. For this, learning factors are taken into account.


Studying the concept of ethnopedagogy, attention should be paid to its factors of education. If the study of ordinary disciplines that are taught today in schools is based on research by scientists and other scientists, then other fundamental principles are associated with ethnic education.

The factor of education here is history, nature and religion. Each specific mental structure of the nation is the basis of this type of education. Therefore, for every people living within the framework of a single state, alien factors cannot be applied.

What is good, for example, for the people of Germany, cannot be applied in the same direction of training for residents of Japan. All nations cannot live according to one pattern. This is impossible neither in theory nor in practice. Therefore, the centuries-old peculiarities of upbringing, the organization of life, and traditions leave their imprint on the factors of ethnopedagogy.

These distinctive features must be taken into account when conducting training. Each ethnos is dominated by its tasks and goals of education. They are expressed in the total mass of means, approaches and factors for conducting training.

Educational facilities

Ethnopedagogy is an effective direction in the educational process. Her means are so diverse that they can capture the attention of any child. First of all, communication refers to the means of education. In this process, children learn to communicate with the outside world in accordance with ethical and moral standards. Communication also helps to correctly express your thoughts, emotions, allowing the teacher to apply certain methods appropriate to the given situation.

The purpose of ethnopedagogy

One of the most effective means of ethnopedagogy is the game. Various folk amusements and activities involve all children in the learning process. At the same time, it becomes much easier for them to penetrate the team spirit, to become part of society. Each person is a piece of a single whole. Taking part in the game, each child can feel his role in the ongoing general process.

Means of ethnopedagogy are very diverse. A very common one is creativity. Sayings, riddles train the mind. Various tales that have come down to us since ancient times are a real storehouse of the wisdom of the people. In an accessible form for children, various information is provided about the norms of behavior and interaction with the environment. Legends and legends teach to show persistence, wisdom and resourcefulness even in difficult situations. They talk about the need to do good for the common good. These means of education have a much greater impact on the individual than beliefs and persuasion.

Another effective means of ethnopedagogy is work. Children are happy to create thematic crafts, food, costumes. It reveals creativity, allowing the child to express his vision. All these tools contribute to the comprehensive development of the individual. Children learn to respect their history, nationality, family and each other. This is very important for our modern society.

Modern vocation of ethnopedagogy

Modern ethnopedagogy is a special science that can educate a truly worthy person. Her actions will be aimed at achieving common well-being and development.

In the modern world of rapidly changing technologies, a person loses his connection with the historical past. People forget about the basic principles of morality developed over the centuries of the existence of the people. Modern society is turning into a predator that absorbs natural resources, which destroys its natural habitat. Therefore, a very important issue today remains the education of a responsible attitude of man to nature, the world around him and society.

Over the past decades, we have shown a significant technological breakthrough. But the theft of natural resources, distorted ideas about one's kind, family, and nation are increasingly taking place in our lives. Ethnopedagogy is called to draw the attention of the younger generation to the need for a respectful attitude to all living creatures that inhabit our planet. This fragile system, which has existed for many centuries, today is under constant attack from humanity. The face of the planet is changing, sometimes already irreversibly.

It is ethnopedagogy that appeals to our morality, a sense of responsibility for our actions. It instills in us a sense of unity of each representative of our society, as well as awareness of the consequences of a decision. The right attitude to the world around us begins with deep respect for your family, community, nation. A highly moral person appreciates both his closest surroundings and all living things that exist in our world. This is taught by folk wisdom. Our ancestors knew the main postulates of it from time immemorial.

A noisy, rapidly changing world should not make us forget about the most important things with which our consciousness should be filled. If we forget our history, the instructions of our ancestors, we will inevitably fall into the abyss, having gone astray. Therefore, ethnopedagogy should be an integral part of both family and social education. After all, it is she who instills the very main personality traits that are necessary not only for every person, but also for the whole society as a whole.

Having examined the basic concepts of the presented science, we can say that ethnopedagogy is an important area in the field of education. She uses effective means and pursues very noble goals in raising the younger generation. An extraordinary approach allows children to better absorb new information, develop creative abilities in themselves. When they interact with the outside world, ethnopedagogy helps to develop ethical and highly moral qualities. At the same time, children are aware of their community with the outside world, feeling themselves to be part of it. This allows you to educate a person with high moral standards, bringing in the world good and good for the whole public.


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