Structured water at home. Experiments with water

Everyone knows the fact that a person is almost 80% water. But few people know that our health and well-being depend on what quality this water will be. One of the methods for improving the properties of H 2 O is structuring — obtaining water with properly organized molecules.

How to make structured water? A question that interests so many, and you get an answer to it. It will also become clear what properties structured water possesses at home, and what it is used for.

What is structured water?

The best water to drink is pure spring water. It has a crystal lattice structure similar to that characteristic of a liquid in the human body.

structured water at home

The ordinary water that we get from the water supply system cannot be compared. It has virtually no organized structure. The size of its molecules is larger than the size of the molecules in the fluids of the human body, so it cannot be properly absorbed.

Structured water has the correct organization of molecules - a crystalline structure. Such a liquid is able to normalize any biological processes, so it is sometimes called living. Man has invented ways in which structured water is obtained from ordinary water.


From what properties a liquid has, its effect on the human body also depends. The most beneficial for health is structured water. How to benefit from its use?

Naturally, it is impossible to be healed by drinking structured water once or twice. To feel its beneficial effect is possible only with regular use. It was found that it contributes to:

  • digestion normalization;
  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lowering blood sugar;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • increased potency in men.
    how to structure water

Structured water at home

All the beneficial qualities of this fluid will surely attract the attention of those who care about the health of their body. The question immediately arises: "How to make structured water yourself?"

This procedure is simple, but takes some time. It consists of several stages:

  • It is necessary to prepare the water, which we will structure. It is better that it be cleaned through a filter, or settled, unboiled and not fluorinated.
  • Next, the water is put on fire and brought to a state preceding the boil, when vortices and bubbles already appear. It is important not to miss the moment and immediately remove the liquid from the stove.
  • The water cools at room temperature and is placed in the freezer for freezing. When the first layer of ice is formed about half a centimeter thick, it must be removed. The liquid that freezes first contains deuterium, which has a detrimental effect on living cells.
  • The remaining water must be completely frozen.
  • Thaw should be at room temperature. When two-thirds of the ice has already turned into liquid, you need to remove the rest of the ice from the tank - this is heavy water. It is also not good for the body.

Thus, we removed from the liquid the part that freezes first, and the part that freezes last. As you can see, structured water is made at home easily and simply.

Other methods of obtaining

There is a theory, and it has already been scientifically proven: water can be influenced by non-standard methods. Emotions, words, sounds, human energy - under the influence of all this, N 2 O easily changes its structure.

how to make structured water

Experiments were conducted during which structured water was obtained by reciting prayers. After such an experiment, the liquid crystals assumed a symmetrical shape. The same result was obtained when exposed to famous musical works of the great classics. Under the influence of heavy rock, water also changed its structure, but it was not crystalline, but fragmentary and chaotic. The same thing happened when the fluid "listened" to screams, abuse and negative emotions.

Surprisingly, even the written word can produce an effect on water. Here the connection is the same. Good and positive words are beautiful patterns from crystals, negative texts are ugly incoherent spots that do not form groups. As a result, it was proved that the greatest cleansing effect on a liquid is created by a combination of two words: “love” and “gratitude”.

More details about these experiments can be found in Dr. Emoto Masaru's book “Messages of Water”. The Japanese researcher asks us to radiate more good and positive emotions that the liquid can perceive and remember, because then it gives this positive to us.

structured water

Structuring Devices

There is also a semi-industrial way to structure water. The device that is used in this case is called "Aquavit". This is a hydrodynamic installation for activating a liquid, working according to the general principle of freezing.

Recently, you can see more and more offers to buy household structurers that can change the properties of a small amount of water, sufficient for family use. The principles of operation of these devices are very diverse, each manufacturer positions its structuring method as the most effective. It is difficult to judge the quality of the liquid obtained after the use of such devices without having tested them in practice.

You have already familiarized yourself with the information on how structured water is made at home without any devices, and the decision on the advisability of buying such a device is only up to you.

How can you see the structure of water?

There is a method that clearly demonstrates the change in the structure of H 2 O. A drop of water is suddenly frozen, and a photograph is taken at a 200–500-fold increase.

structured water how to get

Photos of tap water, as well as samples from rivers and lakes, look unattractive chaotic blots. A structured liquid, on the contrary, has a clear structure and appearance of intricate openwork crystals. Such pictures are shown in the film "The Great Power of Water." It also explains in detail how to structure water, while endowing it with beneficial properties.

Trials supporting the benefits of structuring

But what about skeptics who are not impressed with crystal photographs and scientific research reports? The difference in the effects of ordinary and structured water on living organisms can be seen even at home, by conducting simple experiments.

The simplest thing is to plant two identical indoor plants, one of which should be watered with a structured liquid, and the second with a regular tap. As a result, it should become noticeable that the first is ahead of growth. The same can be seen in seed germination.

On an industrial scale, experiments were carried out using structured water for irrigation of vegetable crops and in rearing young animals. Vegetables that were watered with a structured liquid contained 40–50% less nitrates and 10–20% less heavy metals. In poultry farms, mortality of chicks decreased by 18–20%.

structure the water appliance

What consumers say

Many of those who learned how to structure water became interested in the process, made it part of their daily routine, and completely abandoned tap water. Almost every consumer of structured water notes the difference in taste. Immediately, this may not be noticeable, but after a week of regular use, the liquid will favorably differ in taste from ordinary tap water. Also, consumers notice positive changes in the general condition of the body:

  • skin color improves;
  • the work of the stomach and intestines is normalized;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • symptoms of chronic diseases and seasonal allergies disappear.

Of course, there are those who did not notice the obvious healing properties of structured water. But none of them believes that the use of H 2 O with a modified molecular structure can be harmful.


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