Holidays in Sol-Iletsk: reviews, features, attractions and interesting facts

Have you ever dreamed of visiting Israel, on the famous Dead Sea? Many will answer yes. But it is quite far and expensive. Why not go on holiday to Sol-Iletsk? This is a unique town located in the Urals, near the border with Kazakhstan. He could have remained inconspicuous forever if nature had not endowed him with wealth - lakes with mineral water and bottom mud. The composition of medicinal brine is almost identical to that used in sanatoriums on the shores of the Dead Sea. And if there is no difference, why go further? For a variety of diseases, it is recommended to rest in Sol-Iletsk. Reviews say that today on the shores of the lake modern, comfortable sanatoriums have opened, which allow you to spend time not only for the benefit of the body, but also for the soul.

vacation in salt ileck reviews

general description

Every year several hundred thousand Russians come here. The mud that is mined here is highly regarded by physicians across the country. They can significantly facilitate the healing process, and in some cases do without the main treatment. How do tourists see a holiday in Sol-Iletsk? Reviews emphasize that bright, resort entertainment is not waiting for you here. This is the choice of those for whom silence is important and the opportunity to restore their health.

We think in advance

The Urals is not the warmest region of Russia, so you need to take into account the climatic features of the region. Of course, in the sanatorium you will be provided with mineral baths and mud wraps all year round. But if you want to soak up the sun on the beach, you need to carefully choose the time. Here the season opens in May, but most of all the flow of tourists is observed in July and August. Nice to get acquainted with the reviews. Many experienced tourists plan a vacation in Sol-Iletsk at the end of August, when the sun is not so hot and you can spend an unlimited amount of time outdoors.

salt ileck vacation in september reviews

How to get there

Of course, it depends on your original location. To plan your route, pay attention to the nearest to the resort center of the city. This is Orenburg and Ufa, Samara. Any of them offers regular bus services that will allow you to get to the place very quickly. Travel time is about two hours, and the ticket price is from 200 rubles. The second option is an electric train. It goes pretty fast, and it feels more comfortable.

There is a direct railway connection from Moscow to Sol-Iletsk. In addition, planes fly from the capital. Flight time - 2 hours, ticket price - from 5200 rubles. It's not too cheap, but very fast.

Hotels for tourists

The situation with housing is also interesting to find out, so again we turn to the reviews. Holidays in Sol-Iletsk are very popular, therefore it is recommended to book a place in advance. There are a lot of options, ranging from large hotels and hotels to rooms that can be rented by local residents. The price depends on the level of comfort and location. The city itself is very compact, it takes only 10-20 minutes to go from any part of it to the lakes. That is, you do not need to additionally pay for the services of the sanatorium, all procedures can be obtained here, right in the open air.

salt ileck vacation in august reviews

Guest House Yoldiz

Want to relax on the shores of a fresh lake? Then to your attention - recreation center "Yoldyz" (Sol-Iletsk). Reviews emphasize that guests are welcome here with great hospitality. The food is tasty and varied, according to individual order. For those who want to relax away from the hustle and bustle, houses are for rent here. At your service - fishing and boating, a catamaran. There is a dining room for 40 people, and for the smallest there are trampolines and slides. Judging by the reviews, the base is very quiet and comfortable. No loud music and discos, only the sun, therapeutic baths and salty air.


Most people come to Sol-Iletsk just for this. Holidays in August (reviews call this time ideal, especially for families with children). At this time of the year you can lie on the beach all day without earning burns. But this is very important. It is staying in the open air that gives the most complete effect. Hot salty sand works no worse than an inhaler. Babies from three years old are taken to the sanatorium, but this does not prevent parents from bringing little children under. It is enough to rent an apartment in the city and you can independently come ashore and immerse yourself in medicinal brine.

Water treatment here dates back to the 18th century. Then these natural gifts began to be widely used for the treatment of many ailments, including for the treatment of members of the royal family. Back in 1888, a health-improving zone was created here. In 1974, a balneological sanatorium was opened. And today, doctors continue to research the effects of brine on humans. Today, with its help, diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous, reproductive systems are successfully treated.

salt ileck rest with children reviews

Rest with children (Sol-Iletsk)

Reviews suggest that many Russians go to health resorts with the onset of summer. And first of all, not for their own sake, but so that children can recover after the school year and gain strength. Here, they made sure that the kids had fun and interesting. For them, a water park with slides and trampolines is installed on the lake. The city has a games room with attractions, a Ferris wheel and a carousel. And if there is free time, then we recommend to go on a tour. There is something to see here, the city has an oceanarium and a terrarium.

recreation center yoldiz sol ileck reviews

Healing lakes

If you do not like to sit in one place, then you will definitely like a vacation on the Sol-Iletsk lake. Reviews suggest that in the hottest days I do not want to walk around the neighborhood for a long time. But when the heat subsides, there is a huge desire to explore the whole territory. The main wealth of the region is its salt and mud lakes, the concentration of salts in which is comparable to that of the Dead Sea. The region has six lakes, each of which is worthy of your attention.

Razval and New lakes are salty, mineral. The second was underground, but gradually came out. But the first is a real gem of these places. It was formed at the site of salt production. Due to the high density, it is impossible to drown here. By the way, in the summer heat at a depth of temperature does not exceed +12 degrees. But in winter, the lake does not freeze. It is difficult to call it picturesque. Water is deprived of life, and the edge is framed by a sandy beach, covered with a saline coating. The value of water lies in its unique antimicrobial properties.

salt ileck vacation private sector reviews

Full therapy

There is another pond here called Dunino. It is a bromine lake. But its uniqueness is not only in this. Tiny crustaceans live in it, they are called "brine shrimp". Thanks to them, water has a calming effect. If your life is full of stress, then it's time to go to Sol-Iletsk. The course of such baths will help to cope with irritability and fatigue, as well as diseases that develop on the nervous soil. These are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hypertension.

Lake Tuzluchnoye is a source of healing mud. The main components are sulphurous iron, silicic acid, biogenic stimulants. Mud perfectly fights scars and ulcers, improves the condition of joints. This lake becomes a real gift for those who come in autumn to Sol-Iletsk. Holidays in September (reviews emphasize that this time of year is especially beautiful here) gives you the pleasure to soak up the warm thermal lake Tuzluchny. The temperature at the bottom in summer can reach +60 degrees.

rest on the lake salt ileck reviews

Pogoreloe Lake

It is located in the city of Sol-Iletsk. The recreation center โ€œPogoreloeโ€, reviews of which we will consider a little lower, is located next to the sanatorium โ€œRazvalโ€, where you can go and get medical procedures. On the territory there are residential houses and sports grounds, there is a rental of equipment. A playground is provided for children.

There is an excellent cafe with excellent cuisine. In addition, each of you can use the grill, having prepared for your family an excellent kebab or meat on the grill.

City lakes

After swimming in the salt lakes , you really want to swim in ordinary water, dive for crayfish. No need to put off dreams for later, reviews will help to organize your vacation in an ideal way. Rest in a tent (Sol-Iletsk) will allow you to enjoy overnight stays under the stars. Experienced tourists suggest organizing your day as follows. First, swim in the lake Dunino, then for 15-20 minutes it is worth lying in the Pond collapse, then go to the beaches of the Small City. And when swimming is boring, let's take a tour.


If you are not comfortable with the option to spend the night in tents, then there is another opportunity that Sol-Iletsk tourists often use is the private sector. Vacation reviews are characterized in different ways. Someone was lucky to get to the good owners, and they immediately agree on the next summer. Others come and see the neglected rooms without repair and cleaning. It is best to choose a guest house according to the recommendations.

So, enjoying a beach holiday, you can go for a walk. A very interesting natural monument is Bukobay Yars. These are deposits of the Upper Triassic of the Mesozoic era, which look like sculptures with round heads. On Snake Mountain, you can look for ammonite shells that belong to the Jurassic period. And 20 km from the city begins an amazing forest. The flora here is fantastically diverse. If you are interested in botany, you will find more than 20 different species of rare and endangered plant species. Translated from Kazakh, its name sounds like Motley forest. He fully justifies it, since a huge number of plants bloom here from spring to autumn.

Pros and cons

If this is your first time going to rest in Sol-Iletsk, then you must definitely weigh the pros and cons so that there are no disappointments later. Of the advantages, it is worth noting the proximity of the resort. No need to fly far by plane, in Sol-Iletsk it is warm from the beginning to the end of the summer season. The road here is very picturesque, you will definitely like it. For people with skin diseases, problems with the musculoskeletal system, joints and spine, staying here can be really very useful.

And now about what I would like to fix. The territory is very beautiful, but undeveloped, on the shore of a pile of stones, there are not enough sun loungers and umbrellas, long lines even to the usual beach shower. Youth is completely bored, there is no possibility for an interesting pastime. Well, the picture is complemented by a relic of the Soviet past, Russian service. Of course, Russia is a generous soul, but sometimes I would like more warmth and attention, especially for my money.


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