The best islands of Thailand: list, description of climatic conditions, reviews of tourists

The Kingdom of Thailand owns hundreds of islands that are located not only in the Andaman Sea, but also in the Gulf of Thailand. All of them are located near the mainland. For a long time, most of the islands were uninhabited, but in recent years, many of them have been actively developing as popular tourist resorts, recognized among tourists from all over the world due to the clean beaches, beautiful nature and comfortable conditions for recreation.

Holidays in Thailand

There is all the tourist infrastructure that turns recreation into true pleasure. Modern hotels with the highest level of service, spas, excellent diving centers are located on the best islands of Thailand. That is why every year the flow of tourists from different countries here increases.

Which island of Thailand is better to go to? We will deal with this issue. It should be understood that different conditions for recreation are created on different islands: somewhere noisy parties are held every night, somewhere calm and silence reigns, and somewhere just a paradise for diving. In this review we will try to tell you what features are typical for the most popular of them.

Climatic conditions of Thailand

We will tell you what excites all tourists. It so happened that in different regions of this country the climate is different. This is due to the significant length of the island from south to north. On its territory there are two types of climate - tropical savannah and monsoon (tropical). In the central part of Thailand, less rainfall occurs during the rainy season, which allows tourists to rest on the east coast almost year-round.

What to choose?

The list of the best islands of Thailand, which are popular among tourists, can be represented as follows:

  • Phuket
  • Samui
  • Koh Lipe.
  • Ko Samet.
  • Phi phi.
  • Phangan.
  • Koh Chang.
  • Tarutao.
  • Koh Tao
  • Lanta.

We will introduce you to some of them later.


It is the largest island located in the south of the country. Certainly to the question: “Which island is better to relax in Thailand?”, Young and active travelers will answer: “In Phuket!”. Today, our compatriots like to spend time here. Therefore, in most restaurants you will be offered a menu in Russian.

Although this island has a huge number of vacationers, nature here is not too affected by human activities. The beaches are clean, exotic trees are everywhere. The mild climate of Phuket favors beach vacations. During the year, air temperature drops are minimal: during the day +30 ° C, at night in summer from +24 to +26 ° C, from October to April, nighttime temperatures sometimes drop below +22 ° C. Water maintains a constant temperature throughout the year - around +27 ° C.

Phuket Island

Judging by the reviews, the island of Phuket is ideal for active youth recreation. In addition, windsurfing enthusiasts will have a wonderful time here - in the summer the winds blow, quite often there are big waves. When the sea is calm (in December and January), regattas are held on the island.

Koh Chang

In size - this is the second island of Thailand, where it is better to go to lovers of a relaxing family vacation. It is located in the Gulf of Thailand, off the east coast. Lovers of beach vacations will appreciate this paradise: the coast and water are spotlessly clean, there are not too many vacationers on the beaches, the tourist infrastructure is well developed, the restaurants prepare delicious dishes of European and local cuisine, the climate is mild and conducive to a relaxing break.

Koh Chang Island

Tourists note that the island has many comfortable hotels, the cost of accommodation in which is quite affordable. The best people on the island of Koh Chang feel older people who are tired of bustle, bustle and families with children.


Among the best islands of Thailand, Samui is the second and third largest in terms of popularity. Travelers from all over the world come here to relax on well-groomed, clean beaches, enjoy the picturesque nature, as well as excellent service in modern hotels and restaurants.

Samui Island is located in the south of the country, in a region with a subequatorial climate. During the year, high air temperatures in the daytime remain here - in the range of +31 ... + 35 ° C. At night, the thermometer drops below +25 ° C. Throughout the year, the water temperature is constant: +27 ... + 28 ° C. Only in January can it fall below +25 ° C.

Koh Samui

According to vacationers, on the island of Koh Samui everyone will find something to their liking. During the day, you can take a guided tour of the adjoining islands. The beauty of the local nature is amazing - picturesque waterfalls several tens of meters high, amazing tropical plants and trees. Water sports enthusiasts can go diving and snorkeling.

Koh Lipe

Which island is better to relax in Thailand if you want privacy? Let’s turn to experienced travelers. Experienced tourists recommend in this case to opt for a small island located in the south of the country. Koh Lipe is famous for its beautifully groomed white sand beaches. Along with 50 islands, it became part of the Taratao Marine National Park,

Tourists in their reviews note that here, in addition to a wonderful beach holiday, you can get acquainted with local attractions and visit the neighboring territories.

Koh Lipe Island

Koh Tao

Some tourists are interested in where it is better to go to the islands of Thailand for lovers of diving and snorkeling (except for Koh Samui). You can go to Koh Tao. This is a small island (21 sq. Km.), Which is located in the Gulf of Thailand. In order to get to it from the mainland, it is necessary to overcome about 65 kilometers by ferry.

It is here that the most favorable conditions for snorkeling and diving are created. If in other places it is necessary to rent a boat and sail on it from the shore several hundred meters to dive, then on Koh Tao this can be done almost by the beach. You need only a few meters to swim to the side.

Koh Tao Island

If you compare which island of Thailand is better - Koh Samui or Koh Tao, then many tourists believe that the latter is more suitable for lovers of secluded relaxation. According to travelers, the remoteness of this island has its pros and cons. Its advantages include low population, stunning nature, clean beaches, low prices in hotels. And the shortcomings are not so significant, but nevertheless they also exist: it takes a long time to get to the island, there are not many attractions, there are interruptions in electricity and the Internet.


Some of the best islands of Thailand are a real paradise for young people. Among them is Phangan, which is 45 km from the mainland of the country. The island with an area of ​​168 sq. Km is not crowded, the infrastructure is developed only in some parts of it. However, tourists are attracted by wonderful beaches, azure water and crystal clear air. The main part of the territory is occupied by mountainous terrain covered with impassable forests.

On the west coast of the island (on the beach of Had Rin), all conditions for recreation of youth are created. It is here that the Full Moon Party is held - the world-famous monthly party, which is attended by up to 30 thousand guests from different countries. It begins at the full moon. Officially, the celebration lasts one day, but in fact, three days before its start, festivities begin and continue for the same amount after completion.

Phangan island

Phi phi

Describing the best islands of Thailand, one can not help but mention Phi Phi. And that's why. In fact, this is a group of islands, an archipelago consisting of six pieces of land located in the province of Krabi.

Phi Phi is located between the most popular and most populous Phuket and mainland. To get here, you have to swim in a boat for two hours. The climate at Phi Phi is very comfortable for relaxing. The average summer air temperature ranges from +28 to +32 ° C, slightly colder in winter, but it is almost imperceptible.

Only two islands from the archipelago are of great interest to travelers: Phi Phi Don and Phi Phi Lei, the other four are uninhabited, moreover, it is not easy to reach them.

Phi Phi Islands

The main island of the archipelago is Phi Phi Don, which consists of two mountains, 1 km away from each other and connected by a sand strip about 160 meters wide, on which restaurants, bars and bungalows are built. In peak season, almost five thousand guests come here every year. This is mainly young people, who, judging by the reviews, are attracted to an active nightlife.


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