Age-related psychology.

Age psychology is one of the branches of psychological science. She studies the laws and facts of human development, as well as his psyche and its age dynamics.

The object of the study of developmental psychology is considered to be a normal, healthy, changing and developing person in ontogenesis. She identifies various age-related changes in human behavior and tries to explain them, to reveal all the laws of acquisition of knowledge and experience. The focus of this branch of psychological science is on various forms of mental organization, which are typical for individual periods and stages of people's lives. Its main task is to study and investigate the mental development of a person from birth to his very death.

The subject of developmental psychology is age periods of development, mechanisms and causes of transition from one to another, general trends and patterns, orientation and pace of human mental development in ontogenesis.

The most important part of developmental psychology is child psychology. The concept of the subject of this science has transformed over time due to the fact that the research methodology has changed. Initially, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, scientists sought to accumulate specific data, empirical information, and study the phenomenology of mental development precisely in childhood. They were interested in what happens during this period in children's development, what new skills appear in a child, in what sequence and when. This task was carried out using methods such as observation and slice experiment.

In the middle of the 20th century, researchers began to devote more time to what are the conditions, factors and driving forces of mental development. At present, the theoretical problems of developmental psychology can be distinguished. Firstly, to study the driving forces, mechanisms and sources of mental development throughout a personโ€™s life path. Secondly, to make a periodization of the mental development of people in ontogenesis. Thirdly, to study the various age-related features, as well as the patterns of mental processes (attention, memory, perception), that is, how they arise, go through the path of formation, change, improve, degrade and compensate. Fourth, establish age-related features, patterns, the possibility of carrying out certain types of activities, the process of assimilation of knowledge. Fifth, explore the age development of personality.

A large number of scientists who left a significant mark in science have always dealt with issues that are solved by developmental psychology. Much attention was paid to child psychology L.S. Vygotsky.

Age psychology has a number of practical tasks. Firstly, it is designed to determine the age norms of various mental functions, to reveal the creative potential of a person and his psychological resources. Secondly, to create a service to monitor the entire course of mental development, to provide all possible assistance to parents who are in problem situations. Thirdly, conduct age-related and clinical diagnostics. Fourth, to carry out the functions of psychological support, to help in times of crisis. Fifthly, it is optimal to organize the educational process.

Developmental psychology uses the knowledge and experience of related sciences: general, genetic, pedagogical and social psychology. In addition, it relies on various knowledge of the natural sciences: gerontology, cultural studies, pedagogy, medicine, sociology, ethnography, logic, linguistics, art history, literary criticism and other areas of science. Age psychology reveals the laws of the formation of the psyche and makes them public.


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