Frequencies of Russian radio stations: from analog to digital

There were times (and not so long ago) when the question of the frequency of radio stations was not raised at all, or was raised exclusively by specialists in the field of communications. Because for the people there were nothing of these frequencies, and they were called in a simple way - the first button, the second button. And there were two or three official radio stations in the country - All-Union Radio, Mayak, Yunost ... There are no other ones to remember. Unless the enemy "Voices", which were carefully jammed by intelligence agencies.

Less than a quarter century ...

radio frequencies

In the early 90s of the last century, a real boom of radio began. The empire collapsed, the “buttons” were shuffled, and the newly created Radio of Russia firmly settled on the first. The usual wired broadcasting in the form of small receivers still remained in the kitchens and caught the same two frequencies of the Rossiya and Mayak radio stations. But already in full swing the airspace was being mastered by those pioneers who were lucky enough to grab the best waves from the endless “radio pie”. Every day, new, mostly commercial, small stations appeared on the air and entered the battle for the attention of radio listeners.

broadcast frequencies of radio stations

Whose cones in the forest

Today, the list of frequencies of radio stations can hardly be read at once. Liberty! The only question is who will be able to obtain a license for their wave, more precisely, who will have enough funds to open their own radio station. There is an absolute monopoly on the Russian electronic media media market - FSUE VGTRK (Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company). And most licenses for broadcasting activities - both on television and on radio - are issued by this structure.

The age of numbers has come

Analog broadcasting has almost ceased to exist. The first to disconnect a wired radio, the so-called "kitchen". However, it was partially preserved in Moscow. By the way, in the USA they don’t even think about giving up this only means of communication that can work without electricity. And it often comes to the aid during natural disasters, when another connection with remote regions or farms becomes impossible.

So, digital broadcasting has become a fait accompli. Of course, this is progress, although in order to receive a signal from the broadcasting frequency of radio stations, even the most familiar and popular, an ordinary listener needs to purchase a decoder and switch from analog to digital.

Who is on what wave

The radio listener has the opportunity to choose a station to your liking and discretion. Fortunately, now they are divided into formats - informational, entertaining, musical, romantic, just party and so on. Finding the frequencies of Russian radio stations will not be difficult - there is advertising and the Internet for this. And the main channels for many years do not change their "residence" on the air. So, Radio of Russia is in the FM range from 66.44 MHz and higher, the frequency varies depending on the region. The channel almost everywhere refused long-wave, medium-wave and short-wave broadcasting. The problem is that the frequency up to 80.00 MHz can not be caught on all modern radios. For example, a good receiver in a car starts at 80 MHz and higher. To date, lower frequencies have been preserved only on cheap home receivers or music centers of the old type.

list of frequencies of radio stations

The most beloved radio station “Mayak” is broadcasting on a wave of 67.22 FM, “Echo of Moscow” - 73.82 FM. True, the Mayak was still preserved in the short-wave range at a frequency of 549.

There is also VHF FM broadcasting, the so-called “bourgeois standard” with good listenability - from 88 to 108 MHz. This package includes reputable stations - the same “Echo of Moscow”, “Autoradio”, “Radio Maximum”, “Radio of Russia Nostalgia”, “Hope”, “Police wave” - and many minor ones.

Fortunately, there is a separate Detsky Radio with a broadcast license in 34 regions of Russia. In each region, this channel has its own frequency, for example, in Moscow it is 96.8 FM, in Krasnodar - 88.7 FM, in St. Petersburg 107.3 FM.

Cordon Voices

The World Wide Web is often called the “World Dump” - due to the qualitative heterogeneity of the contents of the virtual space. And it is hardly possible to significantly affect this process. Something similar is happening now in the media space. The ethical component of the modern television product offered daily to the Russian consumer does not stand up to criticism. Compared with this, the frequencies of radio stations, with all their motley, are more restrained. Although there are many stations that peculiarly understand the meaning of freedom of speech. But this is a completely different conversation.

frequencies of Russian radio stations

Previously, all attempts to catch and listen to foreign radio waves were punishable by law, but now there are almost no problems with this. So, Radio Liberty broadcasts freely from Prague in the range from 68.00 MHz. The BBC has for many decades occupied an average wavelength of 1260 kHz. Voice of America is on the wave of World Radio at a frequency of 810 kHz. Other Voices are constantly being broadcast - Korea, Iran, Vietnam.

And by and large, the frequencies of radio stations, both Russian and foreign, are not kept secret today. They are available both technically and informationally. All of them have their own Internet versions, so it is possible to listen to radio online at least round the clock. The main thing is to find your wave and not lose it in this huge information stream.


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