The main botanical garden to them. Tsitsina RAS: a unique reserve within the metropolis

Moscow is often blamed for excessive urbanization and an insufficient number of green areas and vegetation in principle. However, in order to stop considering the capital of Russia exclusively as a stone jungle, it is enough to visit the Main Botanical Garden. What is the history of this unique organization and how to get a tour here today?

Take care of nature at any time!

The main botanical garden
The main botanical garden named after N.V. Tsitsin was founded in the capital on April 14, 1945. And this is not a mistake at all - an official victory in the Great Patriotic War was not yet won, and the USSR Academy of Sciences was already preoccupied with the question of preserving and studying the plant world. The organization was unique to its time. From the moment the decision to create it was made, it was decided that the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences would become not only a place where plants will be collected and accumulated, but actively researched. The organization immediately gained the rank of a first category research institute. To create a garden, the Ostankino forest park was allocated - a picturesque place in which several small rivers flow, the total area of โ€‹โ€‹which is about 360 hectares.

No time to travel around the world? Visit the botanical garden!

The main botanical garden named after n in qitsin
Landscape architects and botanists from around the world worked on the creation of the Main Botanical Garden in Russia. The terrain chosen for plant growth boasts a significant variety of soils. Due to which it has become possible to reproduce the flora of almost all continents of the Earth. Its modern name is the Main Botanical Garden. It was no coincidence that the Academy of Sciences of Russia received Qitsin, the academician whose name this unique organization bears today has been its permanent director for 36 years. Today the collection consists of more than 17 thousand plants brought here from around the world. At the same time, important scientific research is being carried out here today.

Arboretum - pride of the Main Garden of the country

On the territory of the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences there is a unique nature reserve - an array of natural forests, covering an area of โ€‹โ€‹about 50 hectares. Mostly it is a local oak, the age of many trees, according to scientists, is 100-200 years. The main botanical garden boasts its own arboretum, which is located in its northern part. On the territory of about 7 5 hectares trees from around the world grow. Many species hardly survived the harsh Russian winters, but the long-term work of botanists allowed us to identify and display the most stable ecotypes. The research carried out in the arboretum allowed us to determine a significant number of species of trees and shrubs that are best suited for cultivation in our country. Today, these plants are successfully used for landscaping parks and gardens throughout Russia.

Interesting zones and locations

Main Botanical Garden
Many tourists come to the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences primarily to visit the Stock Greenhouse, where all year round you can admire exotic plants from the tropics and the Japanese Garden. But this is not all local attractions. Of considerable interest is the zone of ornamental plants. And the location of crops is one of the most unusual. Numerous varieties and hybrids of the same species grow very close by. By visiting this exposition, you can significantly change your ideas about the usual vegetables and draw a lot of interesting ideas for your own garden. In the zone of cultivated plants, one can clearly trace the process of cultivation, because in the neighborhood with the usual varieties of berries and vegetables "from the garden" grow their wild relatives.

Actual information for tourists

The main botanical garden named after qitsin wounds
Everyone can visit the Main Botanical Garden named after N. Tsitsin from mid-spring to mid-autumn daily from 10.00 to 20.00. Entrance fees are charged for accessing some exhibits. You can view the Stock Greenhouse only as part of an organized excursion group by appointment. The main botanical garden offers excursion services when visiting other locations. When viewing the exhibits in the company of the guide, you can not only admire the beauty of plants, but also learn many new and interesting facts.

What to do in the botanical garden? Who will be interested in this tour?

The main botanical garden named after qitsin
The main botanical garden to them. Qitsina in Moscow is a great place for walking. Here you can walk all day, literally moving from one climate zone to another. Along the way, studying the tablets with the names of unknown plants and their brief descriptions, you will learn a lot of interesting facts. Not so long ago, bicycle paths were laid in the garden. Now here you can not only enjoy a walk, but also ride. The entire territory of this unusual conservation area is ideal for photo shoots. But the Japanese garden in the spring makes an absolutely incredible impression. At this time, sakura is blooming here, and this is a truly fantastic sight. How to get to the Main Botanical Garden of the RAS? Nearest metro station to the main entrance: Vladykino. If you go out into the city towards Botanicheskaya Street, you can walk. From the metro station "VDNH" to the Botanical Garden, ground transport runs. These are trolleybuses: 9, 36, 73 or buses: 24, 85, 803.


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