DIY crafts from bottles: we produce beautiful flowers and a palm tree for a summer residence

Every day we throw a lot of the most diverse plastic containers and do not even think about what we can give her a second life. Plastic bottles, a variety of boxes, corks, tubes - all this can become invaluable material for the manufacture of real works of art. From plastic, you can create a wide variety of things, both useful (pots, flowerpots, lamps), and just decorative products that can revive the interior of any apartment or cottage.

DIY bottle crafts
Today we would like to talk about what crafts from bottles you can make with your own hands, showing only a little imagination. It is definitely worth trying to make something interesting together with your child from plastic containers. For him, this will be an excellent leisure time, stimulating the development of creative imagination. Unique products made by you and your baby can be a unique gift for friends and relatives.

DIY bottle crafts: create magical flowers

From plastic bottles you can create a wide variety of crafts: vases, flower pots, shoulder blades, figures of animals and birds, butterflies. And now we would like to tell how the craft is made from a plastic bottle of flowers. One of the most popular areas in various types of needlework is the creation of flowers. From plastic containers you can make amazing roses, daisies, lilies that will decorate your home. For this interesting craft you will need:

crafts from a plastic bottle flowers

  • plastic bottle;
  • scissors (awl);
  • stick or plastic tube;
  • glue;
  • marker;
  • acrylic paint;
  • paper.

First, carefully cut the bottom of the plastic bottle, leaving about 10 cm of plastic on top so that it is convenient to manipulate the cut. The resulting fragment will serve as a blank for the formation of petals. Next, draw a flower on it with a marker and cut along the line. You can draw a plant of any shape, such as you like, making the distance between the petals at your discretion. The contour of the petals can be straight or rounded. Tip: for this craft, it is advisable to choose not too hard plastic, otherwise it will be difficult to cut out a fantasy-shaped flower. After preparing the mold, make a hole in the center of the flower with scissors or an awl. If desired, paint the flower petals with acrylic paint from the inside. Now cut a small rectangle of paper, you will need it to make stamens. Cut 1/2 of the rectangle into the fringe. Wrap the rest of the sheet around the stick or tube and glue the edge. Wavy the fringe with scissors. And finally, fix the made “stamens” in the opening of the bottle.

DIY crafts from bottles: we make an original palm

craft from a plastic palm bottle

In addition to the original colors of plastic, you can make a "miracle palm", which is sure to embellish any suburban area. Such a craft from a plastic bottle - “palm tree” - will be an interesting detail in the exterior, giving a special flavor to any garden. To make it, you will need plastic bottles (1 and 2 l), brown for the barrel and green for the leaves. You will also need an iron rod or rod on which the structure will be held. In addition, you will need a knife (scissors), a drill and drills (the same diameter as the rod). In order to create crafts from bottles with your own hands in the shape of a palm tree, it is necessary to prepare in advance a plastic container of the required size.

We make bark from brown bottles: cut a little above the middle and drill a hole in the bottom. The edges of all the blanks are cut in the form of triangles and bent outward. This will allow the relief of the cortex. Then we string one into one blank on the pin. Now we begin to make palm leaves. Cut the two-liter green bottles along, removing excess material and forming a palm leaf. We make cuts along the edges and drill a hole from one end. In the same way, we create several more sheets, after which we put all the blanks on the pin. Now you need to fix the leaves. To do this, take one bottle cap and drill a hole in it. We fix the cover on top of the leaves. We hope that you will be able to create original and colorful crafts from bottles with your own hands! In fact, this is not difficult, and the result will bring you joy and satisfaction.


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