The technique of "beads". Embroidery of icons and other images

Embroidery experienced moments of decline and rebirth. In Russia, she was a purely female occupation, and neither ordinary rural girls, nor young ladies of noble blood shunned him. At the beginning of the 20th century, embroidery was not very popular, such a pastime was considered philistine and stupid, in the yard - a revolution, an era of change, and it is stupid to waste your time creating some vulgar pictures. However, very quickly this needlework became fashionable again, and today you can freely buy books, charts or sets to help needlewomen create. There are various techniques and materials for embroidery: ribbons, threads, beads. Embroidery of icons is one of the most popular topics for craftsmen, but it also has its own secrets.

beads embroidery icons

Thin matter

Once upon a time writing or otherwise creating the faces of saints was the destiny of the elect. A person who decided to take this step, but rather, who felt such a need in himself, needed to fast, receive a blessing and confess before starting work. The consecration of material for work was also considered desirable, whether it be canvas or beads. The embroidery of the icons was carried out in solitude and prayers. Namely so the faces were born. Today, few people adhere to such strict rules, and it all depends on why such work is being done. If you just like the process and want to make yourself or as a gift a beautiful image, then you can safely start without preludes. If you are a believer and want the finished product to have a certain energy, it is advisable to visit the temple and at least get a blessing for such work.

icons of saints beadwork

Embroidery Basics

Like any other material, it has its own nuances and beads. The embroidery of icons or other images will turn out beautiful and skillful, if you follow certain rules. All beads should be the same size and shape, so the finished picture will look holistic and accurate. To do this, each bead is sewn tightly to the others, making sure that the slope goes in one direction. The canvas can be of any color, but the threads are matched to her tone, many needlewomen love to use a thin fishing line. The base should be fixed firmly on the hoop so that it is properly tensioned. It doesn’t matter what you want to embroider: nature, flowers or icons of saints, beadwork suggests that the main element of the composition is located in the center of the canvas and is framed by a background-decoration. The work itself is performed in rows, while the thread or fishing line for each row should exceed its length by 4-5 times.

beadwork icons photo

To help beginners

What about the one who is just discovering the beads? The embroidery of icons is not an easy task; it requires attention, scrupulousness and concentration. It is better to purchase special kits at first. Their advantage is that they contain a ready-made diagram and a guide to work with step-by-step detailed instructions on what and how to do. Also included are the warp, threads and beads in the required quantity. The tones fully correspond to the scheme, everything is maximally matched to create a beautiful picture. Such beadwork of the icon (the photo illustrates this) is beautiful and magnificent. You just have to choose the appropriate frame for it - and you can hang the picture on the wall or present it as a gift to a dear person.


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