Temari - master class. How to learn to embroider Japanese balls. The art of embroidering Temari balls for beginners

Temari is a Japanese ball embroidery art that has been around for about six years. In Japan, several levels of training for this type of needlework, but our craftswomen went further. In addition to classic temari, they create pyramids, jewelry, experiment with stitching, beads, sequins, knitted decorative elements. So, let's learn the basic lessons on creating unusual balls.

Lesson 1: what to make temari balls from

In our country, these products are used as a decoration for a house, a car, a Christmas tree, key rings, and even make beads, bracelets, and earrings according to their type. Depending on the function of the product, one or another material is taken: for Christmas-tree decorations - a foam base, for toys - fabric.

For any temari you will need the following materials:

  • styrofoam or tights, fabric, cellophane;
  • woolen, cotton and sewing threads;
  • scissors;
  • 30 cm paper strip 0.7 mm wide;
  • tape measure;
  • pins
  • needles of different lengths.

If the foam form is taken as the basis, then wrap it with wool without gaps, and then with bobbin threads. Rewind tight in different directions. As soon as all the gaps are closed, insert the end of the thread (about a meter) into the needle and fix the weave of the ball in small stitches in different directions.

You can make temari balls with your own hands from tights or other elastic material. Form a circle from them, cover with cellophane and cut off the excess ends. Without glue, distribute the polyethylene and begin to wrap it with reel of thread, that is, you do everything the same way as with a foam ball.

Lesson 2: markup

Attach a paper strip to the ball and pin the beginning with a pin. Then wrap in a straight circle around the temari. The Japanese art of ball embroidery is characterized by clear markings, which form one or another pattern. As soon as you measure the circumference, remove the strip and fold it in half. Cut the fold into a triangle. Mark the intersection points with pins, preferably multi-colored.

Temari master class

According to this scheme, from the first point with a strip, wrap the ball in the opposite direction, also bend in the middle and mark it with a needle. It is this strip between the poles that is laid out in equal segments and then, with the help of pins, it is marked out into sectors. In complex ornaments, a centimeter tape is used . Beginners can make only four marks at the equator.

After all the pins have been placed, you need to check that from any position of the ball their parallel ends are on the same line. After marking it turns out a kind of globe with meridians and the equator.

Lesson 3: embroider temari balls

We continue the master class on marking. Take a contrasting bright thread (similar in thickness to iris) and wind the ball at the marked points. Now you can clearly see the lines of the poles, meridians and equator. Tie the thread with a simple knot (so that it can linger among the plexus of threads).

Then put the thread of the same color into the needle and fasten all the lines with 2-4 mm stitches. When embroidering, try not to shift the labels. Remember, the needle must be long and sharp to pass through the embroidered temari balls. We fix the thread in a simple way: withdraw the thread through half the ball and carefully cut it at the base.

Now embroider a simple square pattern. Insert a needle and thread near the pole and clockwise go around each mark, making small stitches to fasten in the perpendicular direction. It turns out a square. After 1 centimeter, take a thread of a different color and continue embroidering temari. Do not cut excess threads, as the main and additional shades are alternating.

temari japanese ball art

Once the square reaches the middle of the markup, move on to the next motive. In total, 6 figures should turn out. Unstitched sites can be left as is or decorated as you wish.

We embroider spindles

Consider another pattern for temari. The master class will be devoted to spindles or petals. The ball is also divided into four parts, as described in the lessons above. Now divide the line of the meridian with three needles of different colors into the same 4 parts between the existing marks.

Next, make a knot and insert the needle with the thread into the ball near the first pin. Now you need to go around all the pins, creating a "petal-spindle." The thread can not be laid loose or pulled together, then the pattern will be deformed. Change colors to create an unusual ornament.

Please note that the next row becomes larger and wider than the previous one, due to which the "spindle" pattern is obtained. Embroider the pattern until you reach the weave of the poles. Next, also create 4 more vertical β€œspindles”.

japanese temari balls

Japanese temari balls have an unusual color, so we will make the weave. Turn the ball so that the edges of the petals look up and down. Divide the meridian with three pins so that one of them is in the middle of the spindle. We embroider the petal according to the same pattern, only enter the needle under half the pattern. As a result, it turns out that on each side the petal either goes to the previous spindle or hides behind it.

Create a Chrysanthemum

Let's move on to the temari floral patterns . A master class in chrysanthemum embroidery requires attention and dexterity. Make markup for 8 or 12 sectors, the more, the more magnificent the flower will turn out. Next, mentally divide the distance from the pole to the equator into three parts and insert one third of the equator pins for each meridian. This will be the size of the chrysanthemum.

Now embroider a kind of four-digit star with threads. Then, using the same scheme, create a figure that, as it were, overlays the first one. To make it convenient to see the angles of stars, when dividing the petals, alternate the pins of two colors. The result is four pins of each color forming a square.

temari balls embroidery

Now, according to the markup obtained, embroider the stars in the same sequence until the pattern reaches the equator. It is best to embroider flowers on a dark green temari background. To make a beautiful chrysanthemum, make the base with gold threads, and alternate further rows from light pink to dark red. Also do the second chrysanthemum at the opposite pole.

Embroider wings

Divide into 6 sectors temari. Ball embroidery begins with a hexagon at the poles in the same way as a square was created earlier. Next, outline the angles of the wings. To do this, with three pins, create an isosceles triangle, dividing the distance from the pole to the equator in half.

Now we embroider peculiar wings with a contrasting thread that cross each other, and begin with marking pins. To make it clear, we’ll name three marking pins A, B, C. From vertex A, go to base B, make a stitch and go perpendicular to the base clockwise to vertex C, from where we go to base A, from which we create vertex B.

do-it-yourself balloons

As a result, the hexagon is sheathed on all sides above the poles, and three triangles form below. Wings can be made from two sides, then the pattern does not cross the equator or will be on one side, but the triangles are embroidered to the last. Empty spaces can be left or decorated as desired.

Weave rhombuses

Take the temari and divide it into the equator and 8 sectors. Now in each hemisphere, divide the half of the meridian into two and mark with pins. These will be the corners of rhombuses on temari. The master class on marking the ball is described above when considering the embroidery of the wings. Then the equator is divided again in half. These marks will determine the width of the rhombus.

Next, embroider a rhombus. From the top of the marking pin of the North Pole, make a stitch at the marking of the equator, then go to the top of the mark in the southern hemisphere. Grab the marking at the equator and go to the top at the north pole.

embroidered temari balls

First embroider the rhombuses that touch each other at the equator. Then embroider the shapes that are intertwined with the sides. The embroidery pattern is the same as in the creation of intersecting spindles. That is, if you look at the rhombus, then the opposite sides are under the picture, and the other two sides are on top of the ornament. Use different thread colors to create an extraordinary bright pattern.

Five pointed star

Consider how to embroider a star on temari. A master class on marking and embroidery is described above when studying the process of creating chrysanthemum. Make a ball, determine the equator and divide it into five sectors. Further from the equator and the pole mark the middle. And with the threads you embroider the borders of a five-pointed star according to the pattern that was drawn with pencil in childhood.

Now embroider along these lines first with one color about five to eight millimeters, then with another color until the corners of the star reach the equatorial line. On the back, embroider a similar figure.

You can experiment a bit with embroidery and jump over a series of rows. That is, you start embroidering five millimeters in one color, then leave the background a centimeter and make the star a different color of the same thickness. It turns out two stars at one pole, while a large figure overlaps the lines of a small one. If you use transitions, like in rhombs, you get intersecting lines. Empty spaces and the middle of the figure can be decorated with decorative trifles.

balls temari master class

Basic rules for the manufacture of temari:

  • wrap the ball with woolen threads, then reel;
  • wrap in different directions, tightly, without gaps;
  • if desired, fasten the ball with chaotic stitches in different directions;
  • make the marking even, especially the poles and the equator;
  • use multi-colored pins to mark different levels;
  • start work with a large site;
  • leave the knot at a distance of 3 centimeters from the start of work;
  • fasten each line with a 2-5-milliliter stitch;
  • embroider clockwise;
  • fastening is done with a needle, which captures not only the line of the drawing or the meridian, but also part of the base in the perpendicular direction;
  • at the end of the thread, pull the needle on the other side of the ball and cut the end close to the base;
  • when embroidering, the thread should not be loose or dense, since in this case the pattern is deformed.

Even a beginner can make any Japanese balls. Temari (workshop with squares) start with 4 sectors, then move on to more complex drawings. You can draw a circle on paper, dividing it into sectors (diagonals), draw a pattern and repeat it on your ball with the help of threads.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G47170/

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