How to make a musical card with your own hands from a regular card?

For almost 150 years, presenting or sending postcards by mail has been a common way to congratulate a friend, acquaintance or relative on a particular holiday, anniversary or other joyful event. There are many varieties of such “letters without an envelope”, including a surprise. For example, an original musical card will be a great choice. With your own hands it can be made by anyone who knows how to work with scissors and paper and is ready to show imagination and patience.

how to make a music card

A bit of history

The first postcard appeared during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, when soldiers began to send relatives short messages on postcards, accompanying them with their drawings. Soon, publishers appreciated the commercial value of this idea and began to produce illustrated cards of various contents, including those dedicated to various holidays. After 120 years, a musical postcard appeared in France. When opening such one-page books from cardboard, the contacts closed, as a result of which the battery, speaker or microprocessor reproduced the melody. Printing products with a musical surprise immediately became very popular. For example, huge circulations of musical cards with Valentine's Day or Merry Christmas were quickly sold out.

Is it possible to make musical cards from February 23 or to another holiday with my own hands?

As already mentioned, the device of congratulatory books with electronic filling is extremely simple. Everyone can cope with their manufacture, especially if you use a ready-made musical card, creating a new design for it. It is also possible to create a book with congratulations, as they say, “from scratch”. For example, Valentine's Day musical cards can be made with your own voice declaration of love.

musical cards from February 23

What is required?

In order to make a musical card out of the ordinary for congratulations to mom, sister or grandmother, for example, Happy Birthday or Women's Day, you will need:

  • circuit;
  • tissue patches;
  • thick cardboard;
  • paper;
  • lace;
  • beads, rhinestones and sequins;
  • feathers;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • stencils;
  • glue.

How to make a paper music card: where to start?

First of all, you need to find a ready-made version, playing a suitable composition. It will be strange if the card intended for congratulations on March 8 opens to the tune of the Happy Birthday song. Then from it should be removed electronic filling. Further:

  • a rectangle of a suitable size is cut out of cardboard - the basis of the card;
  • bend it in half;
  • leaving a free place for a congratulatory inscription on the cover of the resulting booklet, the decoration process begins.

Musical cards Happy Valentine's Day

Postcard decoration

To decorate congratulations with a musical surprise, leaves, butterflies or flowers are cut out from plain or colored paper using a stencil. Then:

  • stick on the cover diagonally a strip of lace of contrasting color;
  • "Planted" butterflies on him;
  • spread with rhinestones or beads any suitable ornament;
  • contour write "Congratulations on March 8!" or "happy birthday!";
  • leave the card dry.

In general, those who want to learn how to make an original musical postcard should buy a special set for creating works in scrapbooking technique, which is sold in any needlework store. This will create an original congratulation in a fashionable vintage technique that will cause universal admiration.

The final stage of work

Those who ask how to make a musical card, first of all, are interested in how to make it “sing”.

For this:

  • open the "little book";
  • from the inside, glue (fix with tape) a musical element so that it turns on when opened;
  • disguise it with lace or a suitable piece of cloth on top.

All! Now the card is ready, and your relative or friend will appreciate the creativity of your congratulations.

do-it-yourself music card

Brutal option

Having figured out how to make "women's" greeting cards, it's time to try to make musical cards from February 23.

It will be interesting to look at the woven version using any fabric with a camouflage pattern.

The biggest problem will be the selection of a finished postcard with the appropriate melody. If you can’t find it, the following is a way to make the card “sing” the desired melody. Further:

  • a cardboard sheet selected as a base is folded in half;
  • PVA glue is applied evenly on its entire outer surface;
  • glue patches of fabric with a camouflage pattern;
  • make small holes and insert stars for shoulder straps (you can sew a button with the coat of arms of an officer’s jacket or a souvenir with a star);
  • stick chevron;
  • a musical element is fixed with tape on the back;
  • lubricate with glue and stick camouflage fabric so that the musical element is under it;
  • on a piece of paper they write congratulations on February 23;
  • stick on the inside of the postcard;
  • decorate along the edges of St. George’s ribbon.

how to make a paper music card

How to set the desired music theme?

If you are not afraid of all kinds of wiring and microcircuits, then below is an instruction from which you will learn how to make a musical card that performs a specific melody.

First of all, you have to glue the little booklet box with the sides, inside which you can hide the electronic filling.

The basis of the circuit is a motherboard with an AP8942A chip. It allows you to record a message or piece of music lasting up to 42 seconds.

The scheme is quite primitive, so any novice radio amateur will cope with it.

For assembly, you will also need a speaker with an impedance of 8 Ohms and a power of 0.5 W, 2 KT315 transistors and a GR2035 battery (the total voltage of both should be 6 volts), mounting wires, 4 multi-colored LEDs, as well as a button with contacts that open when pressed . A battery socket, if not ready, can be made from the neck of a regular plastic bottle. Then, the spring from the old remote control is inserted into the bottom of the plug. The threaded part of the neck is closed with a mesh made of copper wire, which plays the role of a second electrode.

You will also need a special device - the aP89W24 USB programmer, which allows you to record a melody that you like, or a voice message. It will be difficult to get it. In addition, it is not cheap, however, having acquired such a device once, you can use it repeatedly.

It remains only to assemble the circuit as shown in the figure below, insert it into the card box and glue the card. Then you will need to decorate the souvenir in accordance with what holiday it is dedicated to.

how to make a musical card from a regular card

Now you know how to make a musical postcard, and you can independently make an original gift with a surprise to please your loved one.


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