What does a hydrologist study? Subject of study of hydrology

Water is one of the most important natural resources on planet Earth, something that a hydrologist is studying. Without her, life would not have been possible. Although there is a lot of water in the global sense, it is not always in the right place, at the right time, and of the required quality.

what the hydrologist is studying

Hydrology science

Hydrology as a science developed in connection with the need to understand the complex water systems of the Earth and to help solve water problems. Hydrologists play a vital role in finding these solutions. This is a science that covers the origin, distribution, movement and properties of the earth’s waters and their relationship with the environment during each phase of the water cycle.

hydrologist engineer

The water cycle, or hydrological cycle, is a continuous process in which water purified by evaporation rises from the surface of the earth into the atmosphere and then descends back into the earth and oceans. All physical, chemical and biological processes involving water are of interest to those who study the water cycle in nature.

profession hydrologist

Subject of study

What does a hydrologist study? First of all, these are the fundamental processes of transporting and transforming water with a subsequent description of its quantity and quality; concepts such as evaporation, precipitation, sewage, infiltration, groundwater and so on are studied. A hydrological engineer is involved in the planning, analysis, design, construction and operation of facilities necessary for the control, use and management of water resources.

Water resources and related problems are also a matter of concern among meteorologists, oceanographers, geologists, chemists, physicists, biologists, economists, political scientists, experts in applied mathematics and computer science, as well as engineers in various fields. Hydrologists apply scientific knowledge and mathematical principles to solve water problems in society: the quantity, quality and availability of water resources.

what do hydrologists do

What do hydrologists do?

Representatives of this complex and interesting profession can work in environmental protection, deal with the prevention or cleaning of all kinds of pollution, as well as the placement of sites for the safe disposal of hazardous waste. Persons who have studied hydrology can hold a wide variety of positions. A scientist, engineer, hydrologist can be involved both in field research and in an office or laboratory.

hydrologist technician

The profession of a hydrologist involves numerous business trips, sometimes even foreign ones. A scientist can spend a large amount of time on field work in remote areas and rough terrain. Office work consists in interpreting the obtained hydrological data and performing analyzes to determine possible water reserves. Most of the work is based on the use of computer technology to organize, synthesize and analyze data.

profession hydrologist hydrology

Hydrological forecasting

As a rule, most cities are able to satisfy their water needs by withdrawing them from the nearest river, lake or reservoir. Hydrologists help cities by collecting and analyzing data necessary for forecasting. To do this, scientists study reports on precipitation, snow depth and river runoff, collected and compiled by their colleagues in various government institutions.

hydrologist subject of study

Hydrologists use topographic maps and aerial photographs to determine reservoir shorelines, depths, and capacities. They collect the necessary information, enter it into the computer and run special models to predict the results using various operational strategies. Hydrologists often consult to select the right place for new treatment plants when it comes to pollution of water sources.

Fighters for the protection of life and health

What the hydrologist is studying may be invisible, but deadly to the health of people, plants and animals. Professionals are assisting in monitoring public water supply to ensure compliance with sanitary standards. When contamination is detected, environmental engineers work with hydrologists to develop the necessary sampling programs.

Water quality at the mouths of rivers, streams, rivers and lakes should be monitored, as well as the health of fish, plants and the general state of wildlife. Important attention is paid to such a phenomenon as acid rain, its consequences, the behavior of toxic metals and organic substances in aqueous media.


Such globally important research in the field of water pollution is also on the list of what the hydrologist is studying. To test the water, simple tests are done, such as pH, turbidity, oxygen content, and other, more complex chemical tests that require special laboratory equipment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G47189/

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