Ai-Petri Mountain in Crimea: description, height, how to get

Those who come to Crimea are primarily struck by the mountains. The peninsula is generally rich in landscape diversity. And the Crimean mountains are one of its integral parts, a unique masterpiece of nature. Here, literally each of the peaks is fanned by its legends and mysterious stories. On the Crimean peninsula there are corners that attract travelers. They became his unchanging symbols. Staying on them gives a person the opportunity to experience a wide variety of emotions. One of these places is Mount Ai-Petri. The Crimea is visited annually by thousands of tourists who take souvenirs with them. A photo of this mountain adorns many of them.


Souvenirs with Mount Ai-Petri most often depict its famous battlements. Four huge rocky ledges, reaching a height of up to eighty meters, are surrounded by a large number of smaller ones.

Crimea business card

They create a truly unique picture that remains in the memories of the guests of the Crimea for a long time. Famous battlements owe their origin to constantly blowing winds, which over the millennia “created” bizarre forms in the limestone rock of the Jurassic period. Mount Ai-Petri is considered the most windy place in the Crimea. It was here that a record air speed was recorded - fifty meters per second. In 1970, meteorologists recorded 215 foggy days for the whole year, which also became a kind of record for this region.

Height and shape

Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea is considered one of the most beautiful and popular peaks among tourists. She is part of the Ai-Petrinskaya Yaila. This rather large massif is part of the Crimean mountains, which in ancient times were called Tauride. This mountain system is located on the southern and southeastern parts of the peninsula. It is formed by three ridges that stretch from Cape Aya in the suburbs of Balaklava to Feodosia - Cape St. Elijah.

Mount Ai-Petri rises above Alupka and the village of Koreiz. It is located in the mountain forest reserve. From its top, Yalta is perfectly visible. Mount Ai-Petri is a visiting card of the southern Crimea. Its peak conquers with its unique lines, rugged curly teeth and a bizarre color scheme of rocky ledges. Perhaps that is why it is rightly considered the most picturesque on the entire peninsula.

You can get to the top by cable car

The height of Ai-Petri Mountain is 1243 meters. In its silhouette, you can clearly see the eastern and western extremities. In general, Ai-Petri consists of four large protrusions on its crest, as well as numerous small teeth. From its top, the horizon line is visible for about one hundred and thirty kilometers. In fact, Ai-Petri is not one peak, but a large mountain complex. Since 1947, its teeth are officially recognized as a natural monument.

Legends of Crimea

The name of this incredibly beautiful mountain range is associated with the medieval monastery of St. Peter, whose name in Greek is Άγιος Πέτρος. The remains of its buildings can still be seen on top of the mountain. But the locals tell another legend, more romantic. The story tells of a boy and a girl who are peculiar Crimean Romeo and Juliet. The beginning of the legend is very similar to Shakespeare's drama: the parents forbade the two lovers to be together. Then the boy and girl decided on a desperate step. They decided to commit suicide in order to reunite in the next world. Young people climbed to the top of the mountain to rush down from there. On this resemblance to the famous work ends.

Sleeping clouds

It turned out that the platform on top of the mountain is incredibly small, so much so that it was impossible for both of them to fit on it. Therefore, it was necessary to jump one at a time. The young man, having stepped into the abyss first, crashed on large stones. However, the girl, realizing that death is not so romantic as she thought at first, changed her mind. The young man from the legend was called Peter. The name of the mountain was received as an imitation of a cry of the surviving girl who saw the suicide of her beloved. Local residents at the end of the story add that since then in Christian countries men always try to let women go forward ....

Mount Ai-Petri: how to get there

There are three ways to climb the most famous mountain peak of Crimea: on foot, by cable car and by minibus. The first option is the most interesting, but it is not suitable for everyone. Minibuses depart from the railway station in Yalta. They are not voyages, but finding them is not difficult. The fare is 350 rubles. The journey takes about forty minutes. The path to Ai-Petri passes along a picturesque serpentine.

You can also get to the mountain by cable car, the station of which is located in Lower Miskhor, a thirty-minute drive from Yalta. The climb to the top is about twelve minutes. The cable car is the most interesting transport: it gives travelers an unforgettable experience, unless, of course, the weather is clear. When Ai-Petri Mountain is covered with clouds, nothing is visible from the cabin except fog. Therefore, when planning an excursion, the weather should be taken into account. And to enjoy the panoramic views and the beauty of the coast from a bird's eye view, you need a clear and cloudless sky.

Ai-Petri is associated with a beautiful legend

Only in this case, travelers will be able to fully experience the beauty of the surrounding nature and the severity of sensations from the height of Ai-Petri.

On foot to the top

According to avid tourists, the best way to climb the highest Crimean peak is, of course, on foot. Only those who travel on their own can proudly claim that they have conquered the summit of Mount Ai-Petri. In addition, hiking gives a lot of positive emotions, because as you climb to the highest point, the human eye opens up such landscapes from which you do not want to take your eyes off. Travelers who have conquered this Crimean peak all say with one voice that they will definitely return there to enjoy the beauty of Ai-Petri again.

Depending on the chosen route, tourists can swim in the icy mountain rivers, drink water from the purest springs. Judging by the reviews, such a hiking trip improves health, because a person has the opportunity to breathe in the sharp mountain-forest air, which has a healing effect. In good weather conditions, the Black Sea water area is visible at a distance of up to one hundred kilometers. At the foot of Ai-Petri Mountain, a real oriental market with its amazing color is arranged. The trail to the top begins in the conservation area. For the entrance you need to pay one hundred rubles. After a few minutes of unhurried walk, travelers are at their destination. The top of Ai-Petri mountain is indicated by a geodetic sign, on which its height is indicated. On the battlements, a group of climbers for extreme lovers will organize an unforgettable attraction for a small fee.

Amazing air route

Its essence is to go along a suspension bridge and a very shaky bridge along rocky ledges over the precipice. Judging by the reviews, a person receives a fair amount of adrenaline.

Everything is visible from above

Climbing to the top of Ai-Petri Mountain, travelers are greeted by a truly magnificent sight. From the viewing platform arranged for tourists, a stunning panorama of the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula opens to the gaze. From here, at a glance, you can see a fairly large area of ​​the coast, starting from Mount Koshka and to the rock of Diva, with Yalta, the villages of Gaspra, Koreiz, and also Alupka with its famous castle called “Swallow's Nest” located between them. A large observation platform allows you to see not only the foot of Ai-Petri Mountain, but also to feel the beauty of two natural elements - the Black Sea and the green mass, as dense mixed forests grow on the slopes of almost all Crimean mountains. It is thanks to them that the healing air of Yalta is so appreciated.


In addition to climbing to the very top, tourists have the opportunity to see other attractions of Ai-Petri. For example, you can visit a number of caves to which tours are organized. Geophysical, Yalta and Three-eyed are the most remarkable. But the most interesting is the last. Trekhglazka cave got its amazing name due to the fact that tourists get into it through the three openings available at the entrance. Inside you can see icy stalactites and stalagmites, a real skating rink and a huge block of snow even in the summer.

The highest peak of Crimea

In the cave of Three Eyes, there is always a rather low temperature. Perhaps that is why it is also called the Fridge or Icy.

In the winter months

Tourists come here all year round. For several years, Ai-Petri Mountain has been turning into a ski resort in winter. High-quality slopes are created here with varying difficulty and length - from 120 to 1300 meters. During the day, lifts and rental points operate on the slope, where you can rent various equipment.

Way to the top of Ai-Petri

Some tips

Those planning a trip to the top of Ai-Petri Mountain should keep in mind that quite often, before noon due to heavy cloud cover, the view is almost closed. You also need to remember that on the observation deck, the air temperature is almost ten degrees lower, and besides, winds blow. Therefore, it is worth taking warm outerwear with you. Yes, and comfortable shoes are required, since the top is a stone ridge, the surface of which is slippery in any weather.


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