Pavel Sukhoi: professional activities and biography

Pavel Sukhoi, whose biography is described in this article, is the famous aircraft designer of the USSR. He stood at the very beginnings of aviation development in the Soviet Union. He had great engineering intuition. Pavel was distinguished by the ability to find new solutions and work on various problems arising in the aviation business.


Pavel Sukhoi was born on July 22, 1895 in Belarus, in the Vilna province, in the village of Glubokoe. Father, Osip Andreyevich, was a peasant and worked as a teacher. Mother, Elizaveta Yakovlevna, was from Belarus. The family was big. Paul had five sisters. My father was a good teacher and quickly gained popularity.

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Therefore, he was offered a job at the Gomel school. As a result, his entire large family moved to a new place of residence. They settled next to the school (where Osip Andreevich taught) for the children of railway workers.

Thanks to the good work of the head of the family, he was able to get a favorable interest-free loan from one of the neighbors. With this money Osip Andreevich built a house with a personal plot and a garden. This contributed to the versatile development of Paul, as there was a lot of space in the house, and a home library appeared. Parents also encouraged the enthusiasm of children for literature and music.


After the family moved to their own home, Pavel Sukhoi went to study at the gymnasium. He graduated with excellent marks in all subjects except German and Latin. In these languages ​​he received a certificate of "4". In the gymnasium, Paul showed abilities in physics, mathematics and technology.

pavel dry biography

Such marks allowed him to easily enter Moscow University, the Faculty of Mathematics. Pavel dreamed of a technical university, which taught aeronautics. But an error was found in his documents, and the selection committee refused to enter a technical school.

But Pavel Sukhoi, whose photo is in this article, did not abandon his dream and a year later came to take exams again. This time everything went well, and he finally became a student of the desired university. Immediately enrolled in the aeronautics circle, in which, under the leadership of N. Zhukovsky, experiments were conducted to study the qualities of aircraft, their construction and the construction of wind tunnels.

Service in the USSR troops

But hostilities began in Eastern Europe, and Paul, along with other students, was mobilized. He studied at the ensign school in the artillery. After the Revolution, Pavel returned to Moscow. The school in which he studied before the war did not work, and Sukhoi decided to go to Gomel, to his parents.

pavel dry photo

Labor activity

There, Paul was invited to teach mathematics in one of the provincial towns. After some time, he returned to Moscow and continued his studies in the aviation circle. In the evenings he helped N. Fomin, who designed the airships. When P. Sukhoi defended his diploma, he was invited to work in the design department of the aerodynamic university as an engineer. Then he became the head of the brigade, deputy chief designer.

From 1939 to 1940 Pavel Sukhoi worked as a chief designer at the Kharkov plant. From 1940 to 1949 - already in the position of chief designer of the BC, which was based in the suburbs and Moscow. At the same time, he was the director of these factories. From 1949 to 1953 - Deputy Designer at Tupolev Design Bureau. Since 1953 he was transferred to the post of chief, and since 1956 - general designer.

Pavel Sukhoi - aircraft designer: take-off on the career ladder and recognition

As soon as Pavel began to work in his specialty, he immediately showed his talent - he created a plane that had two engines. At this aircraft, a new record of flight range was recorded. And as a result, not only the aircraft, but also its creator gained popularity. Under the leadership of Tupolev, I-4 and I-14, ANT-25 and ANT-37bis models were developed.

pavel dry aircraft

After Paul began to develop the next, even more advanced aircraft. It was a multi-purpose aircraft, the creation of which allowed Pavel to climb up the career ladder and become the head of the design department, which worked independently.

He participated in the competition for the development of "Ivanov". But the creation ended with the release of SU-2, which was later used during the Second World War. This aircraft immediately went into production. Then the outbreak of war required improvements. The development of new attack aircraft, which were intended to support defense capabilities, began. As a result, SU-6s appeared.

Their creation and improvement continued after the end of the war. And this was the beginning of finding new, more complex technical solutions. The Su-7, 9, 11, 15 were created and entered into production. Fighters (bombers and interceptors) of the Su-7B with ski and wheeled chassis. Su-17, changing the vitreous of the wing, front-line Su-24, fighter Su-27, attack aircraft Su-25 and many others. In total, more than 50 models were developed.

Pavel and other developers have improved the geometry of the wing. Systems were developed that worked in the most difficult weather conditions. The merits of Sukhoi as a designer were awarded the highest Soviet government awards.

pavel dry constructor

Personal life

Pavel Sukhoi met his future wife when he worked as a teacher in one of the Gomel provinces. S. Tenchinskaya also worked as a teacher. Young people began to meet and soon played a wedding, which was held in Moscow. It was there that Paul returned to graduate from high school. He and his wife had two children. Sukhoi died on September 16, 1975. He was buried in Moscow, at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Achievements and rewards

Pavel Sukhoi is a designer who was one of the founders of Soviet jet aircraft. For his activities he was awarded the prizes of Tupolev, Lenin, Stalin and the State. The professor was a doctor of technical sciences. Twice received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

P. Sukhoi made more than one important development in the field of supersonic aviation. An interesting fact is that it was on the aircraft models of this designer that the tests were carried out by the most famous and famous Soviet pilots. A Sukhoi aircraft went under the indices "T" and "C".


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