How to rent a car. How to rent a car in "Taxi"

Currently, more and more owners of "iron horses" are considering how to rent a car in order to be able to receive passive income. It should be noted that abroad, this business has flourished for a long time, and it brings a very substantial profit. Why do Russians only look at this type of entrepreneurial activity, showing a somewhat belated interest in how to rent a car with maximum benefit for themselves? Let us analyze how promising this business is from the perspective of material enrichment.

Rent a car

Who may need a car rental

Of course, some may say: β€œToday, the demand for renting a car is quite low, since every second Russian has his own car. Where to look for customers? ” It would seem that the question of how to rent a car has lost relevance. Nevertheless, the point of view based on the fact that currently there are few vehicle lessors is simply erroneous. Often there are situations when a car breaks down, and its owner has to tow it to a service station or workshop, while he has another problem, which is what he will now ride on if the transportation option is previously excluded for him by public transport due to inconvenience. Tourists who come to rest in your city can also become potential customers, since most of them prefer a free trip. At the same time, keep in mind that your services will cost them an order of magnitude cheaper than hiring a taxi.

Rent a gazelle car

If you are the owner of a luxurious and respectable car, then businessmen can also join the army of your clients, who will rent your car in order to show how well-off and wealthy they are in life. Your services may also be demanded by legal entities that consider it inappropriate to maintain their own car park.

What is the rent for a car

To determine how to rent a car in order to get a high income, you should carefully study the pricing policy in this market of services. You must remember that the cost of renting a vehicle depends on the company that manufactured them. Filing foreign models is a better deal than Russian ones. Do not console yourself with hopes that you will be able to rent a Gazelle car more expensive than, for example, Fiat Ducato or Ford Transit. Experts argue that the latter are more reliable and more comfortable than small-tonnage cars of domestic production. So, how much will the rental of foreign car models bring to the lessor?

Rent a personal car

a) Premium class - from 8000 rubles.

b) Representative class - 4000-5000 rubles.

c) Business class - 2500–3200 rubles.

d) Economy class - 1200-1500 rubles.

The first place in terms of high cost belongs to a limousine. To rent this car for only 1 hour, you need to pay at least 2500 rubles.

Make a car rental agreement

Before renting a personal car, in order to avoid various kinds of misunderstandings, you must comply with legal formalities and conclude an appropriate contract. By doing this you can insure yourself against material losses that are often caused. Often there are cases when the tenant returns the vehicle in a technically malfunctioning condition, and it is simply impossible to ride it after that. That is why the lease agreement must provide for conditions that would regulate relations between contractors if the car is damaged, it has been stolen or an accident has occurred.

Rent a car in a taxi

Otherwise, the landlord of the β€œiron horse” may suffer significant losses in cash. In this case, the tenant in a delicate situation will come out of the water dry and will not pay a single ruble for damage to property. In advance and in writing, stipulate all controversial points, thereby you can avoid unnecessary expenses. For information, the conclusion of a car insurance contract does not in all cases give the right to compensation for damage from theft or accident of a rented car.

What is important to know yet

In addition to concluding a vehicle rental agreement, you must draw up a receipt that will reflect in what condition the car is rented. As a rule, the lessor agrees with the tenant that all malfunctions that arise after the implementation of the car rental agreement will be eliminated at the expense of the latter. All documents related to the conclusion of the above contract must be made in duplicate, one remains with you, the other with the tenant.

Lease a car to a company

In addition, it is important to pre-arrange car insurance by choosing, for example, CASCO. The fact is that during a period of prolonged operation it is very likely that unforeseen situations will nevertheless occur. Of course, each driver will make every effort to ensure that the vehicle is returned to him in good condition, therefore insurance is required, and the cost of its registration is borne by the lessor.

How to reduce the risks of renting a vehicle

At the same time, some vehicle owners do not dare to rent their personal property for fear of dealing with unscrupulous tenants. In addition, not everyone understands the legal subtleties, completely not knowing how to draw up a contract in order not to get into trouble later.

In this case, they can be advised to rent a car to a taxi service. In this case, there is no need to specifically search for customers. One way or another, but you will receive your dividends.

Another option is to rent a car to a company that rents vehicles on a professional basis. You will not need to worry about insurance or car repairs - all this will be carried out at the expense of the company.


It should be emphasized that today such types of entrepreneurship as rent and leasing are extremely popular in our country. At the same time, individuals and legal entities experience an urgent need for a comfortable and respectable vehicle, which not everyone can acquire. That is why interest in the car rental business will only increase in the future.


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