The first rulers of Russia. Rulers of Ancient Russia: chronology and achievements

From ancient times, the Slavs, our direct ancestors, lived in the vast expanses of the East European Plain. It is still not known exactly when they came there. Whatever it was, but soon they spread widely throughout the great waterway of those years. Slavic cities and villages arose from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Despite the fact that they were of the same clan-tribe, relations between them were never especially peaceful.

rulers of Russia
In constant feuds, tribal princes were quickly exalted, who soon became Great and began to rule the whole of Kievan Rus. These were the first rulers of Russia, whose names came to us through an endless series of centuries that have passed since then.

Rurik (862-879)

Fierce debate among scientists is still going on about the reality of this historical figure. Whether it was such a person, or it was a collective character, the prototype of which was all the first rulers of Russia. Either he was a Varangian, or a Slav. By the way, we practically do not know about who the rulers of Rus were before Rurik, so everything in this matter is based solely on assumptions.

Slavic origin is very likely, since it could be nicknamed Rurik for the nickname Sokol, which from the Old Slavic language was translated into Norman dialects precisely as "rurik". Whatever it was, but it is he who is considered the founder of the whole Old Russian state. Rurik united (as far as possible) many Slavic tribes under his arm.

However, almost all the rulers of Russia were engaged in this business with varying success. Thanks to their efforts, our country today has such a significant position on the world map.

Oleg (879-912)

Rurik had a son, Igor, but by the time his father died, he was too small, and therefore his uncle, Oleg, became the Grand Duke. He glorified his name with militancy and the good fortune that accompanied him on a military path. Especially remarkable is his trip to Constantinople, which opened up incredible prospects for the Slavs from the emerging opportunities for trade with distant eastern countries. His contemporaries respected him so much that they called him "the prophetic Oleg."

Of course, the first rulers of Russia were so legendary figures that we most likely will never know about their real exploits, but Oleg was certainly an outstanding personality.

Igor (912-945)

Igor, the son of Rurik, following the example of Oleg, also went on campaigns several times, annexed many lands, but he was not such a successful warrior, and his campaign against Greece turned out to be deplorable. He was cruel, often “tearing” the defeated tribes to the last, for which he subsequently paid. Igor was warned that the Drevlyans had not forgiven him, they advised him to take a large squad at the village. He disobeyed and was killed. In general, the series “Rulers of Rus” once spoke about this.

Olga (945-957)

However, the Drevlyans soon regretted their action. Igor’s wife, Olga, first dealt with their two reconciliation embassies, and then burned the main city of the Drevlyans, Korosten. Contemporaries testify that she was distinguished by a rare mind and strong-willed rigidity. During her reign, she did not lose a single inch of land that was conquered by her husband and his ancestors. It is known that in her declining years she adopted Christianity.

Svyatoslav (957-972)

Svyatoslav went to his ancestor, Oleg. Also distinguished by courage, decisiveness, directness. He was a wonderful warrior, tamed and conquered many tribes of the Slavs, often beat the Pechenegs, for which they hated him. Like other rulers of Russia, he preferred (if possible) to agree "amicably." If the tribes agreed to recognize the supremacy of Kiev and paid off tribute, then even their rulers remained the same.

rulers of ancient Russia
He joined until then the invincible Vyatichi (who preferred to fight in their impenetrable forests), beat the Khazars, and then took the Tmutarakan. Despite the small number of his squads, he successfully fought with the Bulgarians on the Danube. Andrianople conquered and threatened to take Constantinople. The Greeks preferred to pay off a rich tribute. On the way back he died with the squad on the thresholds of the Dnieper, being killed by the same Pechenegs. It is assumed that the swords and the remains of the equipment were found by his squads during the construction of the Dnieper.

General characteristics of the 1st century

Since the first rulers of Russia reigned on the Grand Duchy’s throne, the era of constant unrest and civil strife gradually began to end. The relative order came: the prince's squad defended the frontiers from the arrogant and ferocious nomadic tribes, and those, in turn, pledged to help the warriors and paid tribute to the family. The main concern of those princes was the Khazars: at that time they were paid tribute (not regular, with the next raid) by many Slavic tribes, which greatly undermined the authority of the central government.

Another problem was the lack of faith. The Slavs who conquered Constantinople were looked upon with contempt, since monotheism (Judaism, Christianity) was already actively being established at that time, and pagans were considered almost animals. But the tribes actively resisted all attempts to interfere with their faith. The Rulers of Rus narrates about this - the film quite truthfully conveys the reality of that era.

This contributed to the increase in the number of small troubles within the young state. But Olga, who converted to Christianity and began to promote and condone the construction of Christian churches in Kiev, paved the way for the country's baptism. The second century began, in which the rulers of Ancient Rus did many more great things.

first rulers of Russia

Vladimir St. Equal to the Apostles (980-1015)

As you know, between Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir, who were the heirs of Svyatoslav, there was never brotherly love. It didn’t even help that the father, during his lifetime, determined his land for each of them. It ended up that Vladimir destroyed the brothers and began to rule alone.

This prince, the ruler in Ancient Russia, recaptured pure Russia from the regiments, and fought against the Pechenegs and Bulgarians a lot and bravely. He became famous as a generous ruler who did not spare gold for gifting loyal people. First, he demolished almost all the Christian churches and churches that were built under his mother, and the small Christian community suffered constant persecution from him.

But the political situation was such that the country needed to lead to monotheism. In addition, contemporaries speak of a strong feeling that erupted from the prince to the Byzantine princess Anna. For a pagan no one would give it up. So the rulers of Ancient Russia came to the conclusion that it was necessary to receive baptism.

Therefore, already in 988, the prince and all his associates were baptized, and then a new religion began to spread among the people. Basil and Constantine, the emperors of Byzantium, gave Anna out for Prince Vladimir. Contemporaries spoke of Vladimir as a strict, tough (sometimes even cruel) person, but they loved him for their directness, honesty and justice. The church still extols the name of the prince for the reason that he began to massively build churches and churches in the country. This was the first ruler of Russia who was baptized.

Svyatopolk (1015-1019)

Like his father, Vladimir, during his life, distributed the lands to his many sons: Svyatopolk, Izyaslav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Boris and Gleb. After his father died, Svyatopolk decided to rule on his own, for which he issued an order to eliminate his own brothers, but was expelled from Kiev by Yaroslav Novgorodsky.

With the help of the Polish king Boleslav the Brave, he was able to take over Kiev for the second time, but the people received him coolly. Soon he was forced to flee the city, and then died en route. His death is a dark story. It is believed that he himself took his own life. In folk traditions it is nicknamed "cursed."

Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054)

series rulers of Russia
Yaroslav quickly became an independent ruler of Kievan Rus. He was distinguished by a great mind, did a lot for the development of the state. He built many monasteries, contributed to the spread of writing. His own authorship belongs to Russkaya Pravda, the first official collection of laws and regulations in our country. Like his ancestors, he immediately distributed his allotments of land to his sons, but at the same time he strictly ordered that “live in peace, not to mend tricks to each other”.

Izyaslav (1054-1078)

Izyaslav was the eldest son of Yaroslav. Originally ruled Kiev, distinguished himself as a good ruler, but he knew how to get along with the people not too well. The latter played a role. When he went to the Polovtsy and failed in that campaign, the Kievites simply drove him out, calling for the reign of his brother, Svyatoslav. After he died, Izyaslav again returned to the capital city.

In principle, he was a very good ruler, but rather difficult times fell on his lot. Like all the first rulers of Kievan Rus, he was forced to solve a lot of difficult issues.

General characteristics of the 2nd century

In those centuries, several practically independent principalities were immediately distinguished from Russia : Kiev (most powerful), Chernihiv, Rostov-Suzdal (Vladimir-Suzdal later), Galitsko-Volynsky. Standing apart was Novgorod. Guided by the Evening, following the example of the Greek policies, he generally did not look too well at the princes.

Despite this fragmentation, formally, Russia was still considered an independent state. Yaroslav was able to push its borders to the river Rosi itself (a tributary of the Dnieper). Under Vladimir, the country adopts Christianity, the influence of Byzantium on its internal affairs is growing.

So, at the head of the newly created church stands the Metropolitan, reporting directly to Constantinople. The new faith brought with it not only religion, but also new writing, new laws. The princes at that time acted together with the church, built many new churches, and contributed to the education of their people. It was at this time that the famous Nestor lived, who was the author of numerous written monuments of that time.

Unfortunately, everything was far from so smooth. The eternal problem was both the constant raids of the nomads, and the internal feuds, constantly tearing up the country, depriving it of strength. As Nestor, the author of “The Words about Igor's Regiment,” expressed it, “the Russian land is moaning from them.” The enlightening ideas of the Church begin to appear, but so far the people are not accepting the new religion well.

Thus began the third century.

Vsevolod I (1078-1093)

Vsevolod the First could well remain in history as a model ruler. He was truthful, honest, promoted the education and development of writing, he himself knew five languages. But he was not distinguished by developed military and political talent. The constant raids of the Polovtsy, pestilence, drought and famine did not contribute to his authority. Only his son Vladimir, later nicknamed Monomakh, kept his father on the throne (a unique case, by the way).

Svyatopolk II (1093-1113)

rulers of russia movie
He was the son of Izyaslav, had a good character, but was unusually weak-willed in some matters, which is why the princes did not consider him to be the Grand Duke. However, he ruled very well: heeding the advice of the same Vladimir Monomakh, at the Dolob Congress in 1103 he persuaded his opponents to take a joint campaign against the “damned” Polovtsians, after which in 1111 they were utterly defeated.

War booty was huge. Almost two dozen of the great Princes of Polotsk were killed in that battle. This victory loudly spread across all Slavic lands both in the East and in the West.

Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125)

Despite the fact that he was not supposed to occupy the throne of Kiev by seniority, it was Vladimir who was elected there by unanimous decision. Such love is explained by the rare political and military talent of the prince. He was distinguished by intelligence, political and military courage, he was very brave in military affairs.

Each campaign against the Polovtsy was considered a holiday (the Polovtsy did not share his views). It was under Monomakh that the princes who were too zealous in matters of independence receive a strict shortening. It leaves to the descendants “Teaching to Children”, where it talks about the importance of honest and selfless service to one’s Motherland.

Mstislav I (1125-1132)

Following the precepts of his father, he lived in peace with his brothers and other princes, but he was furious at the mere hint of rebellion and a desire for civil strife. So, he expels the Polovtsian princes from the country in anger, after which they are forced to flee from the discontent of the ruler in Byzantium. In general, many rulers of Kievan Rus tried unnecessarily not to kill their enemies.

Yaropolk (1132-1139)

Known for his skillful political intrigues, which ultimately turned out badly in relation to the "monomakhists". At the end of his reign, he decides to transfer the throne not to his brother, but to his nephew. It almost comes to a turmoil, but the descendants of Oleg Svyatoslavovich, the “Olegovichs”, nevertheless ascend to the throne. Not for long, however.

Vsevolod II (1139-1146)

Prince ruler in ancient Russia
Vsevolod was distinguished by good makings of a ruler, he ruled wisely and firmly. But he wanted to transfer the throne to Igor Olegovich, consolidating the position of "olegoviches". But the people of Kiev did not recognize Igor, he was forced to take monastic tonsure, and then was completely killed.

Izyaslav II (1146-1154)

But the inhabitants of Kiev enthusiastically accepted Izyaslav II Mstislavovich, who, with his brilliant political abilities, military valor and intelligence, vividly reminded them of his grandfather, Monomakh. It was he who introduced the unquestionable rule that has remained since then: if an uncle lives in the same princely family, then his nephew cannot receive his throne.

He was in terrible feud with Yuri Vladimirovich, prince of the Rostov-Suzdal land. His name will not say anything to many, but later Yuri will be called Dolgoruky. Izyaslav had to flee from Kiev twice, but until his death he never gave up the throne.

Yuri Dolgoruky (1154-1157)

Yuri finally gets access to the throne of Kiev. After staying on it for only three years, he achieved a lot: he was able to reconcile (or punish) the princes, helped to unite the fragmented lands under strong power. However, all his work turned out to be meaningless, since after the death of Dolgoruky the squabble between the princes flares up with renewed vigor.

Mstislav II (1157-1169)

It was devastation and swarms that led to the fact that Mstislav II Izyaslavovich ascended the throne. He was a good ruler, but not very good temper, and also indulged in princely feuds ("divide and conquer"). Andrei Yurievich, the son of Dolgoruky, expels him from Kiev. Known in history under the nickname Bogolyubsky.

In 1169, Andrey did not limit himself to expelling his father’s worst enemy, simultaneously burning Kiev to the ground. So he at the same time avenged the people of Kiev, who by that time had acquired the habit of banishing the princes at any time, calling for anyone to the principality who would promise them "bread and circuses."

Andrey Bogolyubsky (1169-1174)

the first ruler of Russia to be baptized
As soon as Andrei took power, he immediately transferred the capital to his beloved city, Vladimir on Klyazma. Since then, the dominant position of Kiev immediately began to weaken. Having become harsh and overbearing at the end of his life, Bogolyubsky did not want to put up with the tyranny of many boyars, wishing to establish an autocratic power. Many did not like this, but because Andrei was killed as a result of a conspiracy.

So what did the first rulers of Russia do? The table will give a general answer to this question.



First century

The creation of the prototype of a strong and united state, the defense of its border from enemies. The adoption of Christianity as an important political and social step

Second century

Further expansion of the territory of Russia, the confrontation with attempts to "separatism"

Third century

Further increment of new lands, reconciliation of part of disaffected princes, creation of prerequisites for autocracy

In principle, all the rulers of Russia from Rurik to Putin did the same. The table can hardly convey all the hardships that our people suffered on the difficult path of state formation.


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